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Thread: Bricktown Coney, Othello's & Dungeon on St. Patti's Day

  1. Default Bricktown Coney, Othello's & Dungeon on St. Patti's Day

    and other Bricktown merchants saw a wave of traffic "all day" on St. Patti's day. What a day it was too.

    I mention these because I had some sort of interaction with them and it's the first time for the 3 of us to be open in Bricktown on St. Patti's Day.

    I met the owner of "Bricktown Coney & Pub" as he came down to check out the Dungeon. What a nice guy too. We had a great visit with more visits to come I'm sure.

    Also, as I'm unloading a couple ladies in the "Dungeon Ride", I notice they were carrying "Othello's" to-go bags from lunch. I asked about their visit to "Othello's" and they said it was fantastic. The food, the service and even complimented on the atmosphere inside. I only tell it as I hear it. I try to welcome everyone to Bricktown and ask if they're having a good time. Seemed like everyone was.

    Anyway, I'm sure everyone in bricktown had a great turnout will lots of happy folks having a good time. That is what it's all about.

  2. Default Re: Bricktown Coney, Othello's & Dungeon on St. Patti's Day

    Congrats on a successful day!
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

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