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Thread: Where do you get your pet groomed?

  1. Default Where do you get your pet groomed?

    I took my dog a few weeks ago for the 1st time to "K9 Corral" on Eastern in Moore. I think that's the name of it anyway. They did a pretty good job and it was only $28.

    Oh, and can anyone recommend a place to buy cheaply or reasonably priced collars? $15 seems expensive, but I want a purty one for my doggy.
    Last edited by CMSturgeon; 02-01-2007 at 12:36 PM. Reason: Adding more info!

  2. #2

    Default Re: Where do you get your pet groomed?

    I get my dog groomed at American School of Groooming.. they do an excellant job even for students. My dogs are always treated AWESOME!! They are not expensive and you get a full groom and dipped for about $17.00. The owner is an awesome guy. My dogs get groomed every month and a bath inbetween that. So for 4 visits a month I pay around 75.00 with tip. They are located like 24 and Macarthur. ANd the best thing they open at 7:30 am monday through Sat
    "You can't fix stupid it's foreverrrrrrrrr!!" Ron White

  3. Default Re: Where do you get your pet groomed?

    Sine MacArthur stretches across Oklahoma City, north to south, I will add, she means NW 24. Some people might think it is SW. (the reason to always specify the part of town ie: SW. exception is places like cited below)

    When my dog was alive, I got her groomed at a place called Tammy's located at Hefner and Rockwell.

  4. Default Re: Where do you get your pet groomed?

    My living room. We comb the kitties once in awhile.

    You might check out DogBreedStore.com...Nothing But the Breed! for collars. They have some cute ones. You can buy ones that go with your breed!
    Still corrupting young minds

  5. #5

    Default Re: Where do you get your pet groomed?

    Hottcutz, I just went to American School of Groooming on your recommendation. I have two small dogs, a Poodle and Lhasapoo. They saved me about $20 total but the job was not the quality of other groomers. I don't mind doing a little trimming when I get home to save $20 but they did screw up one of my dogs ears. They didn't cut the ear but did shave the hair on a part that is not supposed to be clipped. It will take a year for it to grow back to where it was.

    I will probably go back because 20 bucks is 20 bucks. hahaha

  6. Default Re: Where do you get your pet groomed?

    Are you sure they didn't cut it's ear off and glue it back on? Heard about that last month in the news. Poor dog.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Where do you get your pet groomed?

    I did cut my dog once while shaving it. It is pretty easy to do if you catch a fold of skin. I used super glue to close it back up. That is what super glue was initially designed for and it has been used for years on animals. People are just now getting glued together.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Where do you get your pet groomed?

    Russ I am sorry you had a bad experience. DId you talk to the owner Greg? Give them a second chance. They are still students though. AND YEAH 20 is 20.

    posting pics of my babies NOW and their new "DOO"
    Last edited by Deni; 04-11-2007 at 10:07 AM.
    "You can't fix stupid it's foreverrrrrrrrr!!" Ron White

  9. #9

    Default Re: Where do you get your pet groomed?

    I didn't mention it to the owner. I didn't take a look at their cuts until I got home and he already has his hands full with students.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Where do you get your pet groomed?

    Any other groomer recommendations? We'll go wherever we need to go to find a great (and reasonable!) groomer, but the southside, Moore, or Norman would be fantastic. I'd like to take my shih tzu somewhere with a consistent staff due to some bad experiences we've had.

    HottCutz - your dogs look so much like mine, only mine's a bit chubbier!

    CMSturgeon - I've seen great pet products on ebay before.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Where do you get your pet groomed?

    I love my groomer, you just have to talk to Greg and it is a school so you have to be very specific.

    I usually do a teddy bear cut on both but in the summer I like them bald cause of the bugs and the stickers

    Gizmo is about 3.5 pounds and Cowgirl is about 6 pounds. They only get fed one type of food and certains treats.. No cheese treats for Shih-Tzus at all .. It is bad for them just in case people are wondering
    "You can't fix stupid it's foreverrrrrrrrr!!" Ron White

  12. Default Re: Where do you get your pet groomed?

    Whats a 'teddy bear?' This is what my shih tzu looks like right now. Had her groomed at Grooming by Joni because I waited until the last minute to schedule so when I got her back she looked like she had a unibrow so I had to cut her hair myself. I will probably try Cuttz 4 Mutts, the new place here in Moore on Broadway, the lady's prices are reasonable and I like the look of the place. I'd tried to schedule with her the same day I wanted my dog groomed and she was all booked up. I would still recommend K9 Korral here in Moore on Eastern as well, so far they have done the best job on her.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  13. #13

    Default Re: Where do you get your pet groomed?

    a Teddy bear cut is a 7 on the top of the body leaving their legs fluffy and their heads fluffy cutting their ears down way short...

    They look so cute with that.. Or maybe some places call it a lamb cut
    "You can't fix stupid it's foreverrrrrrrrr!!" Ron White

  14. #14

    Default Re: Where do you get your pet groomed?

    Quote Originally Posted by HOTTCUTZ View Post
    a Teddy bear cut is a 7 on the top of the body leaving their legs fluffy and their heads fluffy cutting their ears down way short...

    They look so cute with that.. Or maybe some places call it a lamb cut
    During the spring and summer, we get the Teddy bear cut for our lhasa apso. It seems to help keep him cooler. It's amazing how different the Teddy bear cut makes him look compared to the more traditional longer cut.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Where do you get your pet groomed?

    I take our babies to Putnam North Animal Hospital. Since the groomer is on site they can refer to the vets if they see anything that might need to be looked at. And the vets watch to see that the care of the animals is up to their standards, which is impeccable.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Where do you get your pet groomed?

    Quote Originally Posted by CMSturgeon View Post
    I will probably try Cuttz 4 Mutts, the new place here in Moore on Broadway, the lady's prices are reasonable and I like the look of the place.
    Have you had a chance to go there? I'm looking for a southside groomer and would like a review. I've heard mixed reviews of the K9 place.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Where do you get your pet groomed?

    I use Prissy's Pampered Pets (Virginia) in the shopping center on the NE corner of SW 89 & Western. My dogs never seem scared to go there & she does a good job. I also like to not leave them longer than necessary & she can usually have them ready within about 2 hours.

  18. Default Re: Where do you get your pet groomed?

    The dogs I don't groom myself, I take to the groomer who is in the same building with the vets that do the low cost spay/neuter, right on NE 10th/Post Rd in Midwest City. The reasons that I go there is #1. She does a good job, consistantly #2. She is very kind to my dogs #3. A portion of what she makes is pledged to support the low cost spay/neuter clinic housed in the same building. I have had several dogs done there also and they too, are kind, and do a good job and charge a pittance of what other vets charge. They also only charge $5 for rabies and $5 for the combination shot, a total of $10 for each dog that you take to them...you can't beat that deal. They are not open every day and you do need to call for an appointment for both services...if anyone is interested, I will look it up and post the information on this forum.
    Too old NOT to care

  19. #19

    Default Re: Where do you get your pet groomed?

    What do they charge to spay and neuter?

  20. Default Re: Where do you get your pet groomed?

    I believe it is $35, used to be $25 I think...and I also think that is the cost for male or female. I will get the number for you to call if you are interested..
    Quote Originally Posted by Millie View Post
    What do they charge to spay and neuter?
    Too old NOT to care

  21. #21

    Default Re: Where do you get your pet groomed?

    How about a place on the way north side or edmond area?

  22. #22

    Default Re: Where do you get your pet groomed?

    GrandMaMa- please get me the name of the place, or the number.

    I ended up going to the dog grooming school. The people there are some of the nicest I've ever met, and they did a great job. It was a bit more expensive than I'd thought (about $10 less than PetSmart charges to groom him) but I'll definitely go back.

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