I somehow missed the lighting of the tree down at the state capitol. Thought we could just start a list of things to do associated with the holiday. I know we have a Downtown in December thread already, so that stuff need not be listed. What else is going on? Any plays, productions, choirs, special performances, church activities, festivals, or whatever can be listed here.

Village Baptist Church Music Ministry
A Christmas Prayer
Phillip has been away from home for so long, join us as we follow his journey and see if a christmas prayer will bring him home.

We will be presenting the Musical Drama “A Christmas Prayer” two times on Sunday, December 13, 2009. There will be a performance at 3pm and again at 7pm. We will have a FREE Christmas Festival between the performances. There will be horse drawn sleigh rides, family portraits, children’s activities and other seasonal treats, ALL FOR FREE Make plans now to join us for the Festival and for “A Christmas Prayer.”