So . . . I noticed in the newspaper, today, that Gov. Fallin signed into law the No Texting in Traffic bill.
Ironically, on the way to work--also, today (and just before reading the aforementioned article)--some idiot completely blew through a red light on westbound Memorial and made a right turn, north onto Penn, right in front of me. I changed lanes and pulled up next to the idiot in question. She was totally involved in some sort of phone activity that had her laughing like mad rather than paying any attention, whatsoever to driving.
Here is my quesion: Would a citizen's phone photo of the violater, along with a snapshot of the car/licence plate be admissable evidence in court? (I didn't actually take the proposed snapshot, because that would have, in itself, involved creating a traffic hazard. However, had I had a passenger in the seat next to me . . .)