31 Haunting Images of Abandoned Places That Will Give You Goose Bumps | Bored Panda
6. Pripyat, Ukraine looks especially creepy.
31 Haunting Images of Abandoned Places That Will Give You Goose Bumps | Bored Panda
6. Pripyat, Ukraine looks especially creepy.
6. Pripyat, Ukraine brings back memories from COD4 lol
I am actually getting gear together to start urban exploring. I am going to start this summer. I have a few places in mind. I am trying to make sure if I get arrested it is not a felony if I do get caught, but I have received conflicting information, so I am still researching into the matter.
Just be sure to stay away from Logan County Hospital.
Logan County Hospital ? Great Spot for a Creepy Hotel or Apartment Building | Abandoned Oklahoma
Ive read several places that the police watch the place pretty good so just be careful.
Haunt in Logan County Memorial Hospital Guthrie, Ok 73044 Guthrie, OKLAHOMA Logan Haunt
Please be advised (and/or assured): If you opt to explore this property you WILL get popped by Guthrie/Logan County law enforcement. There is zero doubt about this. Unfair (if you aren't doing any damage or taking anything other than photographs)? Maybe. Yet it is what it is.
Here's an interesting, related, website: http://www.derelictlondon.com/
What the heck . . . Here's another one: http://www.actionsquad.org/underground.html
And here is the text of one of my favorite poems ever (also related, if you think about it) . . .
Ozymandias ~ Percy Bysshe Shelley
I met a traveller from an antique land,
Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal, these words appear:
My name is Ozymandias King of Kings;
Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.”
Well, I am NOT going to vandalize or break anything. The only thing I was prepared to do is cut a bolt, but I would purchased another one from a hardware store and then leave it and the key on the door. The only thing I am interested in doing is taking pictures and videos. I am not going to break and vandalize anything and take great care to respect the property.
I have just been told it could be breaking and entering and then some have told me that only applies to buildings that occupied. Others have told me the only thing is a trespassing charge and depending on the officer, you might only walk away with a citation. Kind of similar to the Devon Tower base jumpers that were arrested, but I believe were let out with a trespassing charge(misdemeanor). I have a clean record with the exception of a few traffic offenses, but nothing serious and certainly no felonies.
I would highly advise against cutting of any deadbolts, chains, etc. That would be an overt act that would be hard for a police officer to ignore. and you'd be definitely treading on B&E, vandalism, criminal mischief, etc.
My taping often involves minor infractions of the law, like trespassing (if a property owner was to complain).
Trespassing laws have changed in recent years and police no longer need a property owner to contact them for them to arrest you for the charge.
12 and 18 look especially creepy to me.
Cool link.
Personally, I can't wait until the whole HDR look/fad (whatever it is) ends. Sure it makes for a cool stylized look, but it NEVER is representational of reality and it gets so over used to make up for bad composition or an otherwise ho-hum photo. Not saying I don't use it, I just wish it would end soon.
What really gets me is the number of realtors that use HDR pics in their real-estate ads!
Discovery Channel has a series called Forgotten Planet. If you like this stuff I suggest you check it out (although it might only be on the 3Net Network now).
No. 3 reminds me of Monkey Island.
I say it because I've seen story after story from "explorers" of the property who say they were invariably "swarmed" by the cops. There are security and other video cameras all over the place. Some of them belong to ghost hunters hoping to catch a glimpse of a ghost. (also, Guthrie law enforcement is always looking for a little excitement).
My friend, David Ferris, has been doing these "Mysterious Oklahoma" books for years. You probably have one.
Plu Pan ... do not cut a bolt, chain, lock, fence, bash a window, force a door, etc. All will cause you way more trouble than you're going to want to cope with. And no, leaving behind a fresh lock and key is not an automatic offset of the action.
Before it got renovated, into a personal mansion/residence, that old Children's Home on College Avenue, on the East side of Guthrie, looked like fertile exploration territory, but it's all fixed up now. So that venue is out. Then there is/was the old railroad depot . . . I was in there once, on "official business," and was pretty amazed and intrigued. Probably even more amazed and intrigued than the time--again: on official business--I got to explore that abandoned schoolhouse over in Meridian, OK.
When I was a young teenager--or perhaps a "tweenager"?--my friends and I used to explore abandoned riding stable barns. Later we figured out ways to get into buildings on the campus of the local university; such as the old Field House at Folsom Field and Mackey Auditorium. There was no "breaking and entering" or vandalism involved. We just always managed to figure out how to find an unlocked door. Mackey Auditorium was a REALLY spooky place (behind and under the stage area, plus up in the rafters or the catwalks). It was spooky even before this happened there . . .
Elaura Jaquette to be Remembered on her 61st Birthday | CU Heritage CenterCU Heritage Center
All of that was about the time the movie version of The Phantom of the Opera (with Herbert Lom) was showing in the theaters. Sometimes, when we were exploring the place, there was nobody but us in there and you could hear organ music from the practice rooms.
Which reminds me . . . =)
This was right across the narrow paved street from Mackey Auditorium.
The picture is what it looked like when it was brand new.
Many, many years later, I had to take a Spanish Class in there.
Of course, by that time it looked more like this:
I wonder what it will look like when it's abandoned . . .
Pretty cool, I'd wager. =)
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