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Thread: Rookie, the dog thrown off a bridge

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  1. #1

    Default Rookie, the dog thrown off a bridge

    You may remember just over a week ago that someone called the OHP to report seeing a man throwing a dog off an I-40 bridge in eastern OK county.

    The dog is a German Shepherd named Rookie and there has been an out-pouring of concern about his well-being. There is a Facebook page devoted to his progress here: Rookie The Miracle | Facebook

    As horrible as all this has been, the story has a very happy ending. After a lot of donated care, Rookie went home today with his new family, the officer who responded to the call.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Rookie, the dog thrown off a bridge

    Here is a link to a story about Rookie in the Oklahoman. Barry Switzer is among those that have contributed to a $7,500 reward to help find who did this:

    Reward increases to find person who tossed dog off Oklahoma bridge | NewsOK.com

  3. #3

    Default Re: Rookie, the dog thrown off a bridge

    It's amazing how awful people can be. Very glad to see Rookie's progress and wish him and his new family the best.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Rookie, the dog thrown off a bridge

    Its wonderful this has a happy ending.....hopefully the dogs lives a full happy life with a great family.

    I cant post in public what i would love to see happen to the people/person that did this.......

  5. #5

    Default Re: Rookie, the dog thrown off a bridge

    Rookie's happy face is a joy to see!

  6. #6

    Default Re: Rookie, the dog thrown off a bridge

    I am so glad to see that the innocent victim of this atrocity not only survived but is in good hands.
    Still, I wonder what a fitting punishment would be for the perpetrator . . . if, of course, people respond to the reward.
    (without being cruel or unusual . . . simply a punishment reflecting the crime)

  7. #7

    Default Re: Rookie, the dog thrown off a bridge

    Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
    Still, I wonder what a fitting punishment would be for the perpetrator . . .
    (without being cruel or unusual . . . simply a punishment reflecting the crime)
    I would vote for getting thrown off a bridge onto an interstate. It would be far less cruel than when he did it to Rookie, as he fully deserves.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Rookie, the dog thrown off a bridge

    Actually . . . [insert Michael Caine or any of a number of British Actors here, if you want]
    (still remembering the incredible self-control and rough-hewn kindness of The Great Emancipator as viewed within the confines of the theater the other evening . . .)

    I would suggest that ropes or bungee cords be brought into the picture.
    What is the clearance on the bridge?
    Maybe 16'4"?
    What is the legal height of a trailer on the highway below?
    Maybe 14'6"?
    Hang the Perp upside down, suspended by ropes, at 15'0" and let him sweat the difference.

    The poor dog didn't even have a chance to think about what was going on.
    Give the dog killer a chance to do so.

    If bungee cords were involved . . . it would add a whole 'nother dimension.

    Please be advised:
    Wisdom Dictates:
    "Forgive as You Would Be Forgiven" . . .
    (on account of, to be selfish):
    "The Same Standard of Judgment
    You Apply To Others
    Will Be Rendered Unto You."

    (again with the "selfish" thing):
    1) I have no standing in this case to "forgive". The crime was not against ME.
    2) I would never, ever, in all of eternity even consider throwing a dog off a bridge into traffic.
    3) I say: Let The Punishment Fit The Crime and May the Chips Fall Where they May.

    (dang. i'm sure glad i'm not alone in bein' pissed off at the moron who pulled that stunt)
    (and, thank you, boscorama, for a reminder of what's REALLY important here:
    Rookies face IS a joy to see.)

    and especially to you, Pete.
    for providing not only this
    free-form forum
    out of The Goodness of Your Heart.
    no additional explanation

    (now it's off to view the Christmas Lights) . . . =)

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