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Thread: SNORING!! Let's be honest...

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  1. #1

    Default SNORING!! Let's be honest...

    Been married here for a very long time. But several years ago the snoring in our bedroom (from both of us) got so bad that sleeping in the same bed wasn't working so well. I'm just wondering what other couples have had the same issue and how did you resolve the problem - or is it still unresolved?

  2. #2

    Default Re: SNORING!! Let's be honest...

    Quote Originally Posted by bucktalk View Post
    Been married here for a very long time. But several years ago the snoring in our bedroom (from both of us) got so bad that sleeping in the same bed wasn't working so well. I'm just wondering what other couples have had the same issue and how did you resolve the problem - or is it still unresolved?
    We went on a diet, the less we weigh, the less we snore. Now we don't even notice it.

  3. #3

    Default Re: SNORING!! Let's be honest...

    Solved my issue by following the lead of a friend years back and having a sleep study done. Quite happy with my cpap box ever since. it's like white noise for her and I sleep like I never did in my younger days.

  4. #4

    Default Re: SNORING!! Let's be honest...

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    Solved my issue by following the lead of a friend years back and having a sleep study done. Quite happy with my cpap box ever since. it's like white noise for her and I sleep like I never did in my younger days.
    Ditto. It solves lots of issues.

  5. #5

    Default Re: SNORING!! Let's be honest...

    My wife snores really bad. Normally, I can tell her to roll over, and it stops. She's pregnant right now so no dice. I tried ear plugs that you roll up, stick in your ear, and it's great. Problem is they rub my ears raw. Once she has the boy, would a sleep study help? I think we are at the point that it would be hard to get used to sleeping alone, that's off the table.

  6. #6

    Default Re: SNORING!! Let's be honest...

    Sleep study is the answer...

  7. #7

    Default Re: SNORING!! Let's be honest...

    Agree, sleep study will likely fix your problem. Both of you should have it. It can be a lifesaver as well given the latest studies on how lack of sleep cause numerous health problems. Sleep apnea is a killer. My snoring was so bad that on a cruise I was invited to sleep on the balcony. My study resulted in a CPAP machine which fixed the snoring, the sleep apnea which I didn't know I had and made my wife and myself much happier. Don't wait.

  8. #8

    Default Re: SNORING!! Let's be honest...

    Sleep study
    Weight loss
    C-Pap as necessary.

    My husband doesn't need the use of his CPap anymore now that he's lost 30 pounds. He still snores some, but not as much, and is sleeping much better with a healthier diet and exercise.

  9. #9

    Default Re: SNORING!! Let's be honest...

    I'm a side sleeper and sleep with less snoring when I have a fan turned toward my face. Not quite a CPAP but until the fan ceases to ease the condition I will continue to use it.

  10. #10

    Default Re: SNORING!! Let's be honest...

    The only time that I had problems with it is if my wife was snoring when I was trying to go to sleep, I started sleeping on the couch when it got too bad. It was a regular occurrence when we lived in Austin, since we have moved to Denver I have only had to do that once. Both of our allergy problems are much better up here, they are much milder and easier to deal with. I used to stay with my uncle when I worked in Dallas, his snoring could wake me up with the doors to the bedrooms closed. I'd never heard anyone snore so loudly but I know that he has had severe allergy issues for a long, long time.

    As far as the fan, I used to sleep with a ceiling or oscillating fan on until my allergies got worse, the fan seemed to aggravate them a bunch so it has been about 12 years since I had to turn the fan off. I just have to turn the A/C down more since I prefer sleeping in a cold room.

  11. #11

    Default Re: SNORING!! Let's be honest...

    I am a snorerrr. So is my wife although good luck getting her to admit to it. I side sleep to try to reduce it and have offered to get surgery but she seems adamantly against me getting it - she said she has read where it can be made worse. I just try to stay up on my allergy meds and stay away from alcohol (been told by her if i have any its 10x worse, even a beer). Eventually I will end up looking into a cpap machine and in the near term lose some weight.

  12. #12

    Default Re: SNORING!! Let's be honest...

    I'm afraid for a lot of marriages snoring can become a huge curse! My 30 year old son has been married for 9 years and already his wife is complaining how horrible their sleep is because my son has started snoring. I hate it.

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