Originally Posted by
Wanted to start a new thread since my comment was way off on a tangent in the other thread...
Argh, SPELLING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why can't people just run a 3-word sign by somebody else and ask "Does this look right?" I see *so* many spelling and grammar errors on menus, signs, business cards, notices, etc. here in OKC it's just really, really sad and does not reflect well on OKC. La Baguette Colcord spells soup soupe, tartare as Tar Tar, and then I just stopped noting the errors. I pointed out that City Bites had a big banner promoting "Pumkin Bread" and they just said "Wow, never noticed that before, that's hilarious". Illiteracy is funny now, how pathetic. I'm tempted to start being one of those guys that carries white-out, paintbrushes, etc. in an attempt to fix this crap...