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Thread: Lincoln Renaissance

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  1. #1

    Lincoln Area Lincoln Renaissance

    What happened to this? Is it on hold, or was it shelved because of the budget crunch at the State?


    I know that TAP Architecture was the designing firm as recognized on their website, yet Hornbeek Blatt Architects are also somehow involved.



    Is there a published version of the 'Master Plan'?

  2. Default Re: Lincoln Renaissance

    There is but it's not online. And it was shelved by budget cuts to the capitol plant operations.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Lincoln Renaissance

    Do you think I could get a copy of it at the Department of Libraries? How would I go about finding it?

  4. Default Re: Lincoln Renaissance

    I'm not sure if the Dept of Libraries would have it, but they could, or they could best redirect you to whoever does have it since resources is kinda their thing. I would guess that the capitol physical plant still has a copy.

    It got nixed by the legislature last year or the year before last, so don't expect much of it to ever come true if it didn't already get built.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Lincoln Renaissance

    You reference the Capitol Physical Plant, what is this?

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