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Thread: Navy missle hits satellite

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  1. #1

    Default Navy missle hits satellite

    Navy Hits Spy Satellite, Pieces Disintegrate
    Debris is expected to re-enter the Earth's atmosphere immediately and most is expected to dissipate within 48 hours.

    By K.C. Jones, InformationWeek
    Feb. 21, 2008
    URL: Navy Hits Spy Satellite, Pieces Disintegrate -- Satellite -- InformationWeek

    The U.S. Navy believes it struck a stray spy satellite in an attempt to minimize risks from debris as the satellite hurls back toward Earth.

    The Pentagon issued a statement late Wednesday night saying that its network of sensors confirmed the interception of the wayward, non-functioning satellite, which was expected to fall back into Earth's atmosphere within days or weeks. The satellite launched in December 2006 and failed almost immediately. Its communications equipment failed, leaving the military with no control over it.

    At first, military experts said the satellite posed little risk to people since about 75% of the Earth is covered by water and it was statistically unlikely to land in a populated area. They later said that 1,000 pounds of hydrazine fuel could endanger people and about half of the 5,000-pound satellite's weight could survive re-entry. It appeared that the satellite could land in North America or near Hawaii, so President George W. Bush empowered military leaders to issue shoot-down orders.

    The strike was planned for Wednesday, but insiders doubted whether the conditions would be right. Clear skies allowed them to go ahead with the plan, launching a single modified tactical Standard Missile (SM-3) from the USS Lake Erie, a Navy AEGIS warship at 10:26 p.m. The U.S. Department of Defense said that land, air and sea sensors indicated a successful hit, as the satellite traveled more than 17,000 mph, about 133 nautical miles over the Pacific Ocean.

    "The objective was to rupture the fuel tank to dissipate the approximately 1,000 pounds (453 kg) of hydrazine, a hazardous fuel which could pose a danger to people on Earth, before it entered into Earth's atmosphere," the Defense Department's press service announced Wednesday. "Confirmation that the fuel tank has been fragmented should be available within 24 hours."

    Debris was expected to re-enter the Earth's atmosphere immediately and most was expected to dissipate within 48 hours. Some satellite remnants could re-enter for up to 40 days, the Defense Department said.

    Military leaders warned local agencies not to touch or move any materials that may land on the Earth's surface, though Gen. James E. Cartwright, vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said it was unlikely any pieces would land intact.

    During a news conference, Cartwright said he believes the satellite was destroyed, the tank and its contents burned up and remaining debris is smaller than a football.


    anybody watch/hear about this last night? what are your thoughts. I thought it was pretty cool that we have that capability.

  2. Default Re: Navy missle hits satellite

    lol...Have you seen all the conspiracy nuts going insane over this?

    They're saying it didn't happen. Some of them are even saying that the video of it was pulled from a 14 year old Star Trek: The Next Generation episode.

    *dons tinfoil hat*

  3. #3

    Default Re: Navy missle hits satellite

    I just watched the video. I don't know...it DOES kind of look like something out of a cheesy star trek sci fi ish show. Not saying it's real or isn't, just saying it looks weird.

    Video - Breaking News Videos from CNN.com

  4. #4

    Default Re: Navy missle hits satellite

    We can hit a sattelite that is going "more than 17,000 mph, about 133 nautical miles over the Pacific Ocean." but can't get a better video of it than that??

  5. #5

    Default Re: Navy missle hits satellite

    They have HD video of the strike, but you are not allowed to view it.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Navy missle hits satellite

    Honestly, I believe this was a make-believe "problem" with the satellite in order for the Pentagon to test our "star wars" missile defense system. In other words, I don't doubt that it happened, but I doubt the validity of why they said it had to happen. In the eyes of the world, it comes down to credibility and honesty in international relations. Promising no missile tests in outer space and then suddenly having a "crisis" that requires using missiles in outer space is so transparent as to be laughable. The world media has obviously picked up on this blatant gamesmanship while the domestic press has been going along (for the most part) with the Pentagon line. To me, it's obvious what we have done.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Navy missle hits satellite

    Guess I cant fully understand the cynicisms across the country as to us shooting that thing down
    Was it or wasn't it a crisis????who knows.
    Was it or wasn't it a subterfuge to test our missile defense system???who cares? How about I do.
    If they can stop that ICBM that is targeted for my backyard (Tinker AFB) then thats AOK with me.
    If it pisses of the Ruskies, well gee, get over it.

  8. #8
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: Navy missle hits satellite

    Quote Originally Posted by Redskin 70 View Post
    Guess I cant fully understand the cynicisms across the country as to us shooting that thing down
    Was it or wasn't it a crisis????who knows.
    Was it or wasn't it a subterfuge to test our missile defense system???who cares? How about I do.
    If they can stop that ICBM that is targeted for my backyard (Tinker AFB) then thats AOK with me.
    If it pisses of the Ruskies, well gee, get over it.
    Some conspiracy addicts will jump on any reason to accuse our big, bad gummit of lying to us. Sure, our gummit can engineer a test as complex as this, but not a single one of them can come up with a cover story that Joe Schmuck in his tinfoil beanie, with all his years of gummit-watching and conspiracy-book readin' under his belt, can't see right through.

    Perhaps they should have just let a big tank of toxic chemicals fall on someone's neighborhood? (of course, THEN the conspiracy would be that it was faked as a way to release a mind-control and/or population control agent among the general public, since the big secret of the contrails (a.k.a. "chemtrails") has been released to the public).

  9. #9

    Default Re: Navy missle hits satellite

    Quote Originally Posted by MadMonk View Post
    Some conspiracy addicts will jump on any reason to accuse our big, bad gummit of lying to us. Sure, our gummit can engineer a test as complex as this, but not a single one of them can come up with a cover story that Joe Schmuck in his tinfoil beanie, with all his years of gummit-watching and conspiracy-book readin' under his belt, can't see right through.

    Perhaps they should have just let a big tank of toxic chemicals fall on someone's neighborhood? (of course, THEN the conspiracy would be that it was faked as a way to release a mind-control and/or population control agent among the general public, since the big secret of the contrails (a.k.a. "chemtrails") has been released to the public).

    "They bought it! Can you believe it? They bought it!!!"

    If you really believe this was all about a wayward satellite, I have a bridge somewhere near Brooklyn.....

    From an AP story tonight:

    Henry Cooper, who was the Pentagon's "star wars" chief from 1990-93, said the outcome bodes well for the Navy and prospects for adding to its missile defense repertoire.

    The Associated Press: Satellite Hit Boosts Missile Defense

    MadMonk, You're not a naive person. I've read your posts. Do you really believe the satellite story? You talk about the "big bad gummit" like they would NEVER do such a thing. Do you really believe George Bush & Dick Cheney are just Good Government Club neighborhood block captains who made good?

  10. Default Re: Navy missle hits satellite

    Note to self .. do not under any circumstances touch that pretty glowing rock on the hood of my car.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  11. #11

    Default Re: Navy missle hits satellite

    nah, no one has a right to be suspicious or worried, none at all. Now we know we can shoot down one of our lil' orbiting devices. Needed or mere practice, that doesn't matter. It simply has no bearing whatsoever on whether we could shoot down someone else's lil' orbiting device, be they friend, foe or press. Nope, nuthin' to see here, nuthin' at all, move along now, go about your business, and pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. Maybe go outside and inhale deeply beneath the chemtrails

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