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Thread: In praise of OKC City workers

  1. #1

    Default In praise of OKC City workers

    So often we only hear of complaints about the City of OKC's employees, that I would like to share our experience yesterday w/the water repair folks. A main line broke near our property; their emergency response time was amazing. The repair crew was out in short time; very friendly, very professional. Worked hard all day in the hot, humid conditions. Finished the job so well, that you would have to "know" what had happened to realize there had even been a line break. They even replaced the sod they tore out, instead of just dumping it in as "dirt."

    When people speak about the "positives" of OKC, I think we overlook this important component to making our lives better. We only dwell on the 'long lines' or the 'negative' things that happen when dealing w/the City workers.

    I have had numerous dealings w/a variety of City workers and officials, and I have found everyone to be friendly, helpful, and professional.

    Just another "good" thing to praise about living here in my opinion.

  2. #2

    Default Re: In praise of OKC City workers

    Nice to read!

  3. #3

    Default Re: In praise of OKC City workers

    Always good to read about stuff like this. Good to know they got the job done quickly and professionally.

  4. #4

    Default Re: In praise of OKC City workers

    Not to mention these guys do ACTUAL work...While most of us get paid to sit on our asses in front of a computer 9 hours a day

  5. #5

    Default Re: In praise of OKC City workers

    Quote Originally Posted by Easy180 View Post
    Not to mention these guys do ACTUAL work...While most of us get paid to sit on our asses in front of a computer 9 hours a day
    Amen to that. I've had the same experiences in Norman. Nothing but pleasant encounters with the City folks, and they have to do hard jobs so I could hardly blame them for being snippy. Yet, they've always been nothing but polite and courteous to deal with.

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