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Thread: N western Between 150th and 164th

  1. #1

    Far North N western Between 150th and 164th

    Anyone know what they are building in front of the big white house on N Western between 150th and 164th. The house had a massive yard now dirt work is going on for some kind of development. Looks like homes or apartments, but they left the big house there.

  2. #2

    Default Re: N western Between 150th and 164th

    Noticed that today myself, sure looked like they were cutting streets in to me.

  3. Default Re: N western Between 150th and 164th

    I live it the neighborhood to the east. They are building a new neighborhood there, called Waterstone http://therobertsgroupok.com/waterstone/

  4. #4

    Default Re: N western Between 150th and 164th

    I drive by there every day and have been watching this deveopment take place. It looks like the original 5000+ sq ft home will be incorporated into the new deveopment. In 2016, the county assessor showed the home and acreage to be valued at more than$450,000 when the devoper paid over $1M for it.

  5. #5

    Default Re: N western Between 150th and 164th

    Quote Originally Posted by rezman View Post
    I drive by there every day and have been watching this deveopment take place. It looks like the original 5000+ sq ft home will be incorporated into the new deveopment. In 2016, the county assessor showed the home and acreage to be valued at more than$450,000 when the devoper paid over $1M for it.
    Guessing it's going to be a common area/clubhouse for a residential development but that is just speculation. I drive/run by nearly every day and it's been slow-going as of the last few weeks.

  6. #6

    Default Re: N western Between 150th and 164th

    They've been busy getting all the infrastructure installed. I bet it will be rocking a rolling by fall.

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