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Thread: Some Oklahoma City Trivia

  1. #1
    Keith Guest

    Default Some Oklahoma City Trivia

    What is the Number of Parks in OKC? 144

    What is the Highest elevation in OKC limits? 1448 ft

    How many Historic Preservation Districts are there in OKC? 9

    What is OKC Transit's average daily ridership.... 13,556

    Where is OKC's largest ROSE garden? Charles E. Sparks Rose Garden in Will Rogers Park, 3400 NW 36; home to 3,000 rose bushes

    How many fire stations are there in OKC? 37

    How old is the OKC Zoo? The Oklahoma City Zoo opened in 1904, it is older than the state!

    Which ward is biggest in land mass? Ward 4, with 157.3 square miles

    How many emails come into the City offices every month? An average of 462,209 emails

    What is the average number of animals kept at OKC's animal welfare at one time? 350 animals on site....including dogs, cats, livestock, rabbits, hamsters, gerbils, guinea pigs, birds, the occasional snake, turtle, and sometimes an exotic animal, like an emu...

    Who is the Mayor of Oklahoma City? Mick Cornett

    On an average day, how many passenger airplanes land at Will Rogers Airport? 86

    How many square miles is OKC limits? 417 1,550 622 622

    What is the ACTION LINE's telephone number? 2 9 7 2 5 3 5

    How many wards divide OKC? 8

    How many miles of streets are within OKC city limits? 4,514 miles of streets

    How many major airlines serve OKC's Will Rogers Airport? 7

    Recently, the Oklahoma City Adopt A City Street Program celebrated having how many participating organizations? 100

    How many registered neighborhoods are there in OKC? 252

    How many miles of trails are there in OKC? 42 miles of trails

    Oklahoma City Transit buses drive this many miles in a year. 3,000,000 miles!

    According to the 2002 census bureau statistics, which ward has the largest population in Oklahoma City? Ward 3 , has a population of 64,941

    For the fiscal year 2004-2005 how many tons of Household Hazardous Waste was collected? 175 tons

    What famous X-Gamer has Oklahoma City's new skatepark named after? Ten Time BMX world cham Mat Hoffman

    What is the average annual passenger total for Oklahoma City's Transit? 3,779,540 riders

    What is the most common question asked at the City Council Office? "WHAT WARD DO I LIVE IN?"

    What animal is the most famous resident of the OKC Zoo? JUDY, the elephant

    What is the #1 item collected at the Household Hazardous Waste Facility? Paint, 29%

    How many computers are owned by the City of Oklahoma City? 2624 computers are supported by the IT dept of the City of Okla City

    Very interesting, huh?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Some Oklahoma City Trivia

    Actually, yes.

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