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Thread: Welcome Spring with a Sultry Circus-Inspired Burlesque Show!

  1. Default Welcome Spring with a Sultry Circus-Inspired Burlesque Show!

    Celebrate the coming of Spring with the sultry art of the striptease and amazing variety acts! Our guest stars this month are Coco Lectric, Violet Vendetta, and Bethany Summersizzle! We'll be bringing you an amazing show complete with door prizes, photo booth, audience participation games and more! Dress to impress!

    Doors: 8:00 pm
    Show: 9:00 pm

    $20-35 in advance available at www.adelewolf.com
    All prices will go up $5 at the door so get them in advance!
    Limited VIP tickets available! Get front row seats and a poster signed by the cast!

    18+ to enter
    21+ to drink

    Coco Lectric, Austin, TX
    Bethany Summersizzle, Austin, TX
    Violet Vendetta, Kansas City, MO
    Adèle Wolf, OKC

    Aerial & Acrobatics:
    Bethany Summersizzle, Austin, TX
    Violet Vendetta, Kansas City, MO

    Caliana Amar, OKC

    Renee Anderson, OKC

    Door prizes from:
    AALIM Bellydance Academy
    Adèle Wolf's Burlesque and Variety Show
    Bad Granny's Bazaar
    Dig It

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  2. #2

    Default Re: Welcome Spring with a Sultry Circus-Inspired Burlesque Show!

    You do any shows in the DFW area?

  3. Default Re: Welcome Spring with a Sultry Circus-Inspired Burlesque Show!

    I perform there occasionally as a soloist, but I've only produced my entire show in OKC and Guthrie. We have a lot of people that drive up to see our shows from DFW, Tulsa, and Kansas City. We've even had a couple fly in from Louisiana before!

  4. Default Re: Welcome Spring with a Sultry Circus-Inspired Burlesque Show!

    Only TWO VIP Floor Seats left! Center seating will sell out next. Get your tickets while you still can, all of our shows sell out!

  5. Default Re: Welcome Spring with a Sultry Circus-Inspired Burlesque Show!

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    Coco Lectric is considered one of the top burlesque performer's in the WORLD. Don't miss her performing right here in OKC!

    Coco Lectric is a classically trained dancer, actor, and vocalist. With an absolute love of her audience, she graces stages all over the world. She's a founding member of The Jigglewatts Burlesque Revue (Austin, TX), founder of the Austin Burlesque Alliance, co-producer of the Texas Burlesque Festival, and is founder and director of The Austin Academy of Burlesque. Coco won “Queen of Burlesque 2010” at the New Orleans Burlesque Festival. She was “2010 Texas Performer of the Year” from the Hotrods and Heels festival, won the “Audience Choice Award 2009,” at the Texas Burlesque Festival, and second runner up in the Viva Las Vegas Burlesque Competition 2011. She's been featured in the New York Burlesque Festival and the Las Vegas Burlesque Festival, and headlined in Girlesque in Toronto, Windy City Burlesque Festival, Dallas Burlesque Festival, Suncoast Burlesque Festival, the Southwest Burlesque Festival, Hawaii Burlesque Festival, Florida Burlesque Festival, New Orleans Burlesque Festival, the Texas Burlesque Festival and she is headlining the Australian Burlesque Festival and the Perth Burlesque Festival this summer. She performed Opening Night at the Burlesque Hall of Fame Weekend in Las Vegas 2010 and in the Miss Exotic World and Reigning Queen of Burlesque competition for the past 2 years. She was voted into the Top 10 in the World for the last 3 years in 21st Century Burlesque’s “Burlesque Top 50”.
    Coco has also graced the cover of Bachelor Pad, Pin Curl, Atomic Bombshells, Min Boudoir and been featured in The Berlesker,21st Century Burlesque, All That Glitters and numerous other publications. She has been classically trained in ballet, tap, jazz, modern, hip-hop, belly dance, and Polynesian styles.

  6. Default Re: Welcome Spring with a Sultry Circus-Inspired Burlesque Show!

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    Don't miss amazing aerial feats by Violet Vendetta and Bethany Summersizzle! THREE different types of aerial apparatuses in this show: trapeze, lyra, and aerial silks!

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