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Thread: OSU onside kick

  1. #1

    Default OSU onside kick

    I thought it was a pretty cheap thing to do an onside kick when your leading a much lessor team by 38-0. Not sure what Gundy was thinking but it was a low blow to the other team and the Big XII.

  2. #2

    Default Re: OSU onside kick

    He was thinking - I am kicking off from the 50 yard line, I can either kick it in the end zone and they get it at the 25, or I can just kick to the 25 yard. He probably should have just kicked in the end zone but maybe he though the personal foul penalty that moved the kick-off to the 50 yard line was bad enough to warrant his own application of punishment (for full disclosure - I didn't see the penalty).

  3. #3

    Default Re: OSU onside kick

    I saw nothing wrong with it. They cheap shot blind sided our backup QB with a very late hit and we got to kick from the 50. It was a good time to practice an onside kick in a real game setting when the result wouldnt have mattered. Also, as mentioned above, the fact that touchbacks go the to 25 now you dont have much to lose trying an onside in a situation like this.

    Wont be surprised to see OU fans fill up this thread on why they thought it was wrong.

  4. Default Re: OSU onside kick

    Eh it is what it is.

    Personally I would like to see teams that have massive 40-50 point leads to just take the ball to the opponents 1 yard line and take a knee...turning it over on downs. Of course at some point though you need to let all of your back ups play, so that would defeat the purpose of getting them experience.

  5. #5

    Default Re: OSU onside kick

    While at Texas Tech Mike Leach started finding it more difficult to line up non-conference opponents to play at home because he ran up the scores. OSU could develop the same reputation and have simulular scheduling problems if they continue what they have done for their first 2 home games this year.

    Tech had to pay more money to get opponents to play them at home and they had to agree to play on the road in places that they probably wouldn’t have had to go, if Leach had not been runing up scores.

  6. #6

    Default Re: OSU onside kick

    Quote Originally Posted by Roadhawg View Post
    I thought it was a pretty cheap thing to do an onside kick when your leading a much lessor team by 38-0. Not sure what Gundy was thinking but it was a low blow to the other team and the Big XII.
    I'll bet the carpenter that Coach Gundy fired, from a personal remodeling project, for wearing an OU jersey/shirt on the job, was laughing his ass off.

  7. #7

    Default Re: OSU onside kick

    Last year the Ragin Cajuns scored 34 points in the second half. That was with a health QB and a stronger offense on OSU's side. Continuing scoring when you're at 38, with an injured QB is not running up the score. It's winning the game.

    Yeah, at some point you put in your third string, and do what you can not to score. We saw that 2 weeks ago. ULLA is not a team you shut down and quit playing, unless you want an upset.

    As for the onside kick, it makes sense to practice it when you don't need it to when, rather than waiting till it is critical and trying it out.

  8. #8

    Default Re: OSU onside kick

    If these small schools don't like it, they don't have to play. They should do what Boise St did, play teams even worse than themselves, build a winning tradition, then play a good team every once in a while, then eventaully after enough 9-3 and 8-2 seasons people will just assume they are good.

  9. #9

    Default Re: OSU onside kick

    Quote Originally Posted by Just the facts View Post
    If these small schools don't like it, they don't have to play. They should do what Boise St did, play teams even worse than themselves, build a winning tradition, then play a good team every once in a while, then eventaully after enough 9-3 and 8-2 seasons people will just assume they are good.
    2006--13-0 Oregon St and OU
    2008--12-1 won At Oregon
    2009--14-0 beat Oregon and #4 TCU
    2010--12-1 beat VaTech basically on the road and Oregon St
    2011--12-1 beat GEORGIA basically on the road

    10 years and they have lost more than 1 game TWICE. They ARE good.

  10. #10

    Default Re: OSU onside kick

    Of those 10 years, they tend to have 1 ranked team on their schedule (2 some years). And the losses they get? Against the ranked team typically.

    If they played the type of season that big 12 or sec teams play, they'd be stuck at the 7-5 level, at best. They're not that good.

  11. #11

    Default Re: OSU onside kick

    Quote Originally Posted by wallbreaker View Post
    Of those 10 years, they tend to have 1 ranked team on their schedule (2 some years). And the losses they get? Against the ranked team typically.

    If they played the type of season that big 12 or sec teams play, they'd be stuck at the 7-5 level, at best. They're not that good.
    Actually they typically beat the ranked teams. The losses theyve had the last 5 years (excluding this season) have been to TCU, Nevada, Washington, Hawaii, and East Carolina. To act like they arent a good team is ridiculous. Did them beating OU not prove anything?

  12. #12

    Default Re: OSU onside kick

    Quote Originally Posted by td25er View Post
    2006--13-0 Oregon St and OU
    2008--12-1 won At Oregon
    2009--14-0 beat Oregon and #4 TCU
    2010--12-1 beat VaTech basically on the road and Oregon St
    2011--12-1 beat GEORGIA basically on the road

    10 years and they have lost more than 1 game TWICE. They ARE good.
    That is what I am saying - the model I presented works. More teams should try it.

  13. #13

    Default Re: OSU onside kick

    Quote Originally Posted by onthestrip View Post
    Actually they typically beat the ranked teams. The losses theyve had the last 5 years (excluding this season) have been to TCU, Nevada, Washington, Hawaii, and East Carolina. To act like they arent a good team is ridiculous. Did them beating OU not prove anything?
    Boise St. is basically the ultimate trap team.

    I will agree that they are better / were better than I want to give them credit for. They have pulled off some impressive upsets.

    But on the other hand, they do not deal with the bruising schedule that teams in larger conferences do. Instead of playing 1 or 2 top tier teams a year, if they had to do it almost every weekend, I bet they would have a much worse record. If OSU (or any other big 12 team) played OU and Kansas St, then basically a bunch of Louisiana Lafayettes all season, they would a much different record. Going 10-2 or 11-1 or better every season would be completely logical.

  14. #14

    Default Re: OSU onside kick

    Quote Originally Posted by OSUPeterson View Post
    Boise St. is basically the ultimate trap team.

    I will agree that they are better / were better than I want to give them credit for. They have pulled off some impressive upsets.

    But on the other hand, they do not deal with the bruising schedule that teams in larger conferences do. Instead of playing 1 or 2 top tier teams a year, if they had to do it almost every weekend, I bet they would have a much worse record. If OSU (or any other big 12 team) played OU and Kansas St, then basically a bunch of Louisiana Lafayettes all season, they would a much different record. Going 10-2 or 11-1 or better every season would be completely logical.
    Exactly. Any team can get up and going for one big game. It's nothing special.

  15. #15

    Default Re: OSU onside kick

    Quote Originally Posted by onthestrip View Post
    Actually they typically beat the ranked teams. The losses theyve had the last 5 years (excluding this season) have been to TCU, Nevada, Washington, Hawaii, and East Carolina. To act like they arent a good team is ridiculous. Did them beating OU not prove anything?

    4 our of 6 losses in the past 5 years were to ranked teams. They rarely win against the ranked teams. Got back 6 years, and yeah, they beat OU by 1 point. Only ranked opponent. Go back 7 years, and 3 losses, to the only ranked teams they played. Same thing if you go back 8 years.

    Cupcake schedules and two big wins in 10 years does not make you a good team. If so, UCO should be up there playing in the Big 12.

  16. Default Re: OSU onside kick

    I'm surprised no one has mentioned that they ran a reverse after the onside kick. Stay classy Gundy.

  17. #17

    Default Re: OSU onside kick

    Wow, 49 post man must be a Sooner... Stay classy redneck.

  18. #18

    Default Re: OSU onside kick

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCisOK4me View Post
    Wow, 49 post man must be a Sooner... Stay classy redneck.
    No one with the handle "catcherinthewry" could possibly be a redneck.
    Unlike observations validating the allegations of the tendency for Coach Gundy to lean in that direction once in a while.

    (just out of curiosity--no foul intended . . . have you looked up the common definitions of "robust" and "sarcastic" lately?)

  19. Default Re: OSU onside kick

    Ive heard sometimes on the sports animal through pat jones and other guests that it is not uncommon where the head coach of the massively favored team to call the lesser team coach the week of the game and either give a heads up/ask if it is OK for them to try onside kicks, fake punts, ect, just to give the team practice against an unfamiliar opponent.

  20. #20

    Default Re: OSU onside kick

    The answer is Yes - $100K per attempt.

  21. #21

    Default Re: OSU onside kick

    Quote Originally Posted by catcherinthewry View Post
    I'm surprised no one has mentioned that they ran a reverse after the onside kick. Stay classy Gundy.
    Who, Louisiana? OSU didnt recover the onside. Maybe you meant later in the game OSU ran a reverse, which is so rude. No one ever runs reverses these days...

  22. #22

    Default Re: OSU onside kick

    Quote Originally Posted by onthestrip View Post
    Who, Louisiana? OSU didnt recover the onside. Maybe you meant later in the game OSU ran a reverse, which is so rude. No one ever runs reverses these days...
    I know! Obviously OSU should have taken a knee every single play, and carried the Louisiana QB on their shoulders to the end zone. How dare they put effort into this game! Classless!

  23. #23

    Default Re: OSU onside kick

    Quote Originally Posted by wallbreaker View Post
    I know! Obviously OSU should have taken a knee every single play, and carried the Louisiana QB on their shoulders to the end zone. How dare they put effort into this game! Classless!
    LMFAO!!! (. . . and then they could tear down the goalposts and give the pieces to the losing team as trophies for their effort.)

  24. Default Re: OSU onside kick

    Quote Originally Posted by onthestrip View Post
    Who, Louisiana? OSU didnt recover the onside. Maybe you meant later in the game OSU ran a reverse, which is so rude. No one ever runs reverses these days...
    I haven't looked back over the play by play summary but I thought that it was the series right after the onside kick. Either way it's classless to run trick plays when a game is out of reach against an outmanned opponent. Plus it's stupid to let future opponents see your trick plays.

    P.S. Were you a redneck when you had 49 posts, OKCis OK4me?

  25. #25

    Default Re: OSU onside kick

    Oh yeah.. shhh... everyone... a reverse. It's a suprise trick play that EVERY SINGLE FOOTBALL TEAM in the fing world uses constantly. Why not call lateral pass a trick play?

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