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Thread: Pre NBA in OKC stereotypes!

  1. #1

    Default Pre NBA in OKC stereotypes!

    Post old articles of naysayers who thought OKC would never get an NBA team!Here is one who compared OKC's prior tallest building The Chase tower to Dinosuar Sh**!http://exburgher.com/stories/Nov05/17112005.html

  2. Default Re: Pre NBA in OKC stereotypes!

    OKC really look small. :-(

  3. #3

    Default Re: Pre NBA in OKC stereotypes!

    I'm always amazed at the articles which put-down and predict failure of Oklahoma City. The success of the Oklahoma City Thunder will be more of a thrill for Oklahomans and a bust for the nay-sayers as the Thunder clears its fifth year as an NBA member in this God-awful city. I'll find some more interesting articles such as this--it's nice to go back and reminisce about these predictions.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Pre NBA in OKC stereotypes!

    assuming there is a season of course, or is that fixed and this is just one more thing I missed

  5. #5

    Default Re: Pre NBA in OKC stereotypes!

    Speaking of Pre NBA in OKC. It looks like there are new rumblings about the NBA possibilities in Seattle.


  6. #6

    Default Re: Pre NBA in OKC stereotypes!

    And 0 comments on the article

  7. #7

    Default Re: Pre NBA in OKC stereotypes!

    FWIW, OKC's skyline was already taller than several other NBA cities: Phoenix, Salt Lake, Memphis, and Orlando. With Devon tower, we'll leap over several more.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Pre NBA in OKC stereotypes!

    Quote Originally Posted by earlywinegareth View Post
    FWIW, OKC's skyline was already taller than several other NBA cities: Phoenix, Salt Lake, Memphis, and Orlando. With Devon tower, we'll leap over several more.
    ^^Yeah I know,I was just postin' this pic cuz it's funny and out of scale,looks like in this pic you could stack 4-5 Chase Towers on end just to be as tall as The Empire St. building which isnt 2,000+ ft' tall and it's funny cuz there's Dino crap next to it1

  9. #9

    Default Re: Pre NBA in OKC stereotypes!

    That pile of triceatops sh*t in Jurassic Park is just their way of describing Oklahoma City. As I told them on the ESPN NBA Oklahoma City Thunder board; "Sure Clay Bennett & PBC took your Seattle Supersonics and what are you going to do about it. Seattle bent over and Clay put his foot where the Sun doesn't shine and the moss doesn't grow!"

  10. #10

    Default Re: Pre NBA in OKC stereotypes!

    Quote Originally Posted by earlywinegareth View Post
    FWIW, OKC's skyline was already taller than several other NBA cities: Phoenix, Salt Lake, Memphis, and Orlando. With Devon tower, we'll leap over several more.
    So the measure of a city comes down to, "Mine's bigger than yours!"?

  11. Default Re: Pre NBA in OKC stereotypes!

    Quote Originally Posted by Laramie View Post
    That pile of triceatops sh*t in Jurassic Park is just their way of describing Oklahoma City. As I told them on the ESPN NBA Oklahoma City Thunder board; "Sure Clay Bennett & PBC took your Seattle Supersonics and what are you going to do about it. Seattle bent over and Clay put his foot where the Sun doesn't shine and the moss doesn't grow!"
    I'm sure your sharply-delivered, comeback shut them up for good...

  12. #12

    Default Re: Pre NBA in OKC stereotypes!

    if you look at a lot of cities around oklahoma size our skyline is quite impressive.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Pre NBA in OKC stereotypes!

    Quote Originally Posted by edmondweather View Post
    if you look at a lot of cities around oklahoma size our skyline is quite impressive.

    Just as impressive as:

    Memphis http://www.foodtripusa.com/wp-conten...is_skyline.jpg

    Portland http://www.dailyhdr.com/wp-content/u...nd-Skyline.jpg

    Sacramento http://rwrant.co.za/wp-content/uploa...yline_2006.jpg

    Orlando http://farm1.static.flickr.com/139/3...9f929134_z.jpg

    San Antonio http://www.cincystreet.com/images/sa...io_skyline.jpg

  14. #14

    Default Re: Pre NBA in OKC stereotypes!

    Quote Originally Posted by dmoor82 View Post
    Post old articles of naysayers who thought OKC would never get an NBA team!Here is one who compared OKC's prior tallest building The Chase tower to Dinosuar Sh**!http://exburgher.com/stories/Nov05/17112005.html
    Sssshhh dont tell anyone but their basically the supersonics in a different uniform.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Pre NBA in OKC stereotypes!

    There are still people who cannot believe that OKC has a team!This is a quote from Mr. Niffty on SSC-"Might the future plans of the NBA Thunder be to stop off in Oklahoma City for a few years before moving further south to make their permanent home in Fort Worth? I can see the move to Oklahoma City as a way of building a fan base who can commute down I-35 one day to watch them play in Fort Worth. According to many, the area of Dallas - Fort Worth is supposed to be larger than the metropolitan area of Chicago in population by the year 2030. If the Mavs choose to remain in central Dallas, that would leave a vacuum in the Fort Worth area which, by then, would be a much larger market than Oklahoma City. The reasoning being that people from the Fort Worth area would be less likely to drive the 120 miles to watch the Thunder play a game than vice versa. I could be wrong.
    Has there been any talk of this potentially happening in the future from the Oklahoma City press?"

  16. #16

    Default Re: Pre NBA in OKC stereotypes!

    That's a pretty funny quote, dmoor, especially since KD is on a one-man mission to make OKC China's team (just don't tell the locals).

  17. #17

    Default Re: Pre NBA in OKC stereotypes!

    Quote Originally Posted by BDK View Post
    That's a pretty funny quote, dmoor, especially since KD is on a one-man mission to make OKC China's team (just don't tell the locals).
    Well I'm certainly convinced he's making an impression. Through my work I have met several dozens if not hundreds of Chinese nationals who, upon hearing where I am from, have immediately asked about KD and the Thunder.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Pre NBA in OKC stereotypes!

    Hey dmoor82 the Thunder is our team and is hear to stay. What you heard is what's called "audio garbage." Sometimes people that act trashy by being jealous start rumors just to get attention when nothing at all is true. And by the way that scale is WAY OFF!! I mean way way off with our chase building. This scale would be correct if Chase was around 300 ft tall, but its 500ft! So oops! looks like someone needs to do their homework and get the heights correct. Chase is taller than you think guys. If you look at the Sears tower (the building on the far left) and notice where it first goes in for that first stairstep becoming thinner, right there is where our Devon tower's height is and go ahead and draw a straight line all the way across to where Chase is at. Notice that Devon is over twice as tall! probably about 1100 if not 1200 ft tall, and we know thats not true. So whoever put this scale up there just go ahead and trash it! its very, very wrong!

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