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Thread: Deals of the Day

  1. Default Deals of the Day

    We did this last year but it's Christmas time ( again!! ) ???


    <A class=deal_title onclick="go('192','105270');" href="http://www.dealcatcher.com/redir.asp?m=192&c=105270" target=_blank>Sale + 20&#37; off Macy's Coupon
    Save up to 70% off
    There's nothing like combining a sale with a coupon to give you more bang for your buck. Save 10 to 50% off during Macy's sale + an extra 20% off when you use the coupon code at checkout.
    Macys Coupon: MACYSFF - Expires: 12/3/2007

    Here are some links to sites that I love - great places to find deals:

    *Remember ALWAYS Google a Coupon Code before purchasing. ( example 'Amazon Promotional Code or Coupon' ).

    Also, Paypal is giving back 20% on many purchases.

    There really is no reason to pay full price anymore.

    Woot : One Day, One Deal (SM) (Sells out fast!)


    Spoofee.com - Best Deals, Freebies and Coupons Everyday!

    DealCatcher: Free Online Coupons Dell, Amazon, Best Buy, Overstock?

    www.eLiveDeals.com::Home Provides valuable information on latest deals, coupons, bargains – frequently updated.

    Have fun! and Please share your best finds!

    Happy Holidays Everyone!
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  2. Default Re: Deals of the Day

    Awesome! Thanks!

  3. #3

    Default Re: Deals of the Day

    For online coupons, there is one giant: Retail Me Not. Updated constantly and an invaluable resource if you do a lot of online shopping. Hint: The giant search box on the site is your friend!

  4. Default Re: Deals of the Day

    What's the best deal you've gotten recently?

    Or ever.

    Other than free of course!
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  5. Default Re: Deals of the Day

    Lowering shackles for an '07 Chevy truck for $35.

  6. Default Re: Deals of the Day

    What! And you didn't call me?

    lol.. what, pray tell, is a lowering shackle?
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  7. Default Re: Deals of the Day

    Just a way of lowering the rear end on a pickup.

    A friend of mine paid me $50 and a case of John Courage Irish Amber to do the work for him. Cost me $35

  8. Default Re: Deals of the Day

    Quote Originally Posted by Oh GAWD the Smell! View Post
    Just a way of lowering the rear end on a pickup.

    A friend of mine paid me $50 and a case of John Courage Irish Amber to do the work for him. Cost me $35
    Never heard of this brew...

    Review please.
    If you can dream it, you can do it!

  9. Default Re: Deals of the Day

    I wouldn't know the first thing about writing a beer review. I don't have the vernacular. All I know is that I like Irish Ambers/Ales, and it's about my favorite.

    I'll put it this way. It's what Killian's Red wishes it was.

  10. Default Re: Deals of the Day

    Remember my deal from last week? The sheets arrived today from Overstock!

    They are sweet! Very soft and satiny, nice color, big pillow case shams for King pillows.... I'm very pleased.

    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  11. #11

    Default Re: Deals of the Day

    Oklahoma City - Local - Restaurants, Hotels & Travel, Shopping & Grocery - Entertainment Coupon Book

    $10 off for the OKC City Card. For $15 use 2 of the buy one get one free meals and it pays for it self.

  12. Default Re: Deals of the Day

    Sweet! Nice find.

    Anyone know where to get a Wii?

    After standing in line after line last year and looking everywhere under the sun, we finally got one for our kids.

    This year, my MOM wants one! lol

    I've been to a few places but they are all sold out. I think a Gift Card might be in order......
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  13. Default Re: Deals of the Day

    I don't know where to get a Wii, but Circuit City has Call of Duty 4 for the 360 advertised at $39.99 (normally $59.99), and while they may be out of stock...Take the advertisement (it was in the Sunday paper or get one from inside the door at Circuit City) to Best Buy...They honored Circuit City's price for me.

    Just don't tell them that Circuit City was out of stock...They're not required to honor it in that case.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Deals of the Day

    Hey Karried,

    You might get on line and search "wii tracker". There are a number of sites that monitor all of the electronics dealers and post when the wii is in stock.

    I tracked Guitar Hero 3 for 360 this weekend and scored one YIPPPEE! It was at Walmart on Memorial (yuck, I am a WM hater). It said it was in-stock on line and so I went there and there were none on the shelf. Asked a nice, helpful WM employee, (yes, I was surprised too) and she went in back and scored it for me!

    Yeah! I will not have to be a toy stalker this Christmas! The pressure is off!

    Good luck finding your Mom wii!

  15. Default Re: Deals of the Day

    Good find! I got one awhile back at Sam's Club but found WalMart was pretty comparable.

    The kid's had that as Number One on their List and RockBand for the 360 as Number Two!

    When did it all get so expensive? Seriously, I can't believe the prices on toys and electronics especially.

    I'm seriously tempted to take the boys to a foreign country and show them how fortunate they really are.

    Everything is just so commercialized and it's so hard to fight it with commercials and Ads everywhere you look.

    What are parents supposed to do? Not get the kids anything?

    Like I said, we were so poor, I was lucky to get a Barbie or two for Christmas.

    I feel horribly for parents who are struggling just to put food on the table. let alone try to pay these prices for toys for their kids.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  16. Default Re: Deals of the Day

    If you have out of town relatives ie Dallas, this might be a cool last minute gift idea.

    Six Flags Theme Park is offering 25&#37; off the price of their 2008 Season Pass today, Sun, Dec 16. Choose your park and buy a Season Pass which can be used at that particular park. Prices range from $30-$60, depending on the park. Included with your purchase, are 5 Free Tickets.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

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