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Thread: Myriad Convention Center - Original Grand Opening

  1. #1

    Default Myriad Convention Center - Original Grand Opening

    Since the Myriad Convention Center is entering it's final days of existence before demolition later this Spring in 2025, the Oklahoma Historical Society has this video from when the space originally opened. Start the video at 8:53 for The Myriad portion.

    What's surprising to me is how much of the space remained untouched from when it opened to when it held it's final public events just a few years ago before turning the building over to Prairie Surf.

    Other than the north convention expansion/renovation from the Myriad to Cox Center in 1999 as a part of the original MAPS, there seem to be little invested into the space to update. I remember going to Barron Hockey games in 2013 and the upper concourse restrooms still had the round sinks and foot push down rings.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Myriad Convention Center - Original Grand Opening

    ^ Thanks, for the memories scottk.^

    Yes, definitely remember those old round sinks with the rings, saw a few people urinating in those sinks

    Envisioned that when we opened the Myriad that OKC would eventually land an NHL franchise. Thought at the time that the city would add an upper deck above the lower bowl
    increasing the seating to 16,500. Similar to Hartford expanding their Civic Center--felt at the time if Hartford could land an NHL team, why not OKC.

    Hartford eventually lost the Whalers in 1997 to Raleigh (Hurricanes). Two years later, we lost out on NHL expansion, final two franchises going to St. Paul and Columbus.

    It's not going to be easy watching another historic milestone arena succumb to the wreaking ball. Would really feel at ease once we see what's replacing the ole Incomparable Myriad Convention Center.

  3. #3

    MAPS4 Re: Myriad Convention Center - Original Grand Opening

    Six months to demolish PSM site beginning March 31 until September.

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