The landlord of Nichols Hills Plaza will soon be making improvements to the old Crescent Market space in advance of Trader Joe's taking possession for their own finish out and stocking.
WP Glimcher of Columbus, Ohio has finalized plans to demolish part of the rear of the old Crescent space, making way for a screened truck loading area to the rear of the store.
In addition, the main entrance will be on the north side facing Avondale and that elevation will also be completely glassed in.
Some other subtle changes will be made to the grassy area in front of the store and a large sign wall will be added facing NW 63rd Street.
Architect is Elliott + Associates of Oklahoma City.
Glimcher bought Nichols Hills Plaza, along with Classen Curve and several other adjacent properties, from Chesapeake Energy in 2014. Since that time they have brought in many new tenants and are planning a large new development on the vacant land between the Plaza and Classen Curve, with REI as an anchor.
Based in Monrovia, California, Trader Joe's now operates more than 450 stores nationwide and has gained an enthusiastic following of their unique, value-priced merchandise. Of a typical store's 4,000 products, approximately 80 percent are TJ's private brand.
The company frequently stocks new and unusual items and routinely publishes the Fearless Flyer, which keeps devotees up to date and provides recipe and menu ideas.
The state's first Trader Joe's is set to open this spring in Tulsa.