Cowboys and Aliens - I recieved a free pass to see this so I figured I might as well use it. My bar was set really low for this but surprisingly it wasn't that bad at all. I was expecting it to be hokey and real speilberg esque. But the acting was done really well and the story wasn't too bad either. there were a couple of plot holes and unanswered questions. Just like super 8 the weakest part of the movie is the alien element. but it's def worth a matinee. 7.5/10
Captain America - I really didn't know the backstory to CA so I didn't know what I was getting into. Acting was good, especially Tommy Lee Jones. Story was kind of shaky but it didn't get too out of control. Felt like just a set up for the Avengers next year. Speaking of that stay after the credits to see the full avengers teaser trailer. I'd say this is a matinee/renter. 6.5/10