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Thread: My New Hero

  1. #1

    Default My New Hero


    He's from Oklahoma, and he's using our anti-spam laws to basically "trap" spammers and sue them for big bucks.

    Good for him!

  2. Default Re: My New Hero

    its very interesting site. isn't it one of funny joke websites?

  3. Default Re: My New Hero

    What about spam mails from outside of US? What if spam mails are delivered from other states? Which country and state's law should be concerned? I think that half of my spams are from outside of United State.

  4. #4

    Default Re: My New Hero

    Quote Originally Posted by hailmary57yd
    What about spam mails from outside of US? What if spam mails are delivered from other states? Which country and state's law should be concerned? I think that half of my spams are from outside of United State.

    But, I do believe that it depends on the state. There are a couple of constitional questions that I'm asking myself about this, but I don' t have the answer to 'em. There's the full faith and credit clause, as well as the interstate commerce clause. I would think they would both come into play as far as the explanation for this.

    There is an attorney on this forum, so if Dr. Loudenback knows, perhaps he could tell us.

    I'd also say that it's safe to assume that the way each state's statute was written would come into play.

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