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Thread: Italian Restaurant in Moore?

  1. #1

    Default Italian Restaurant in Moore?

    Does anyone know if there are any plans for a nice sit-down Italian restaurant in Moore? Something like an Olive Garden, Zio's, Johnny Carino's, etc.

    I hate having to go to Norman or I-240 to get some decent Italian.

    There are so many choices in Moore, but they're either American, Mexican, BBQ, or Chinese.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Italian Restaurant in Moore?

    It is kind of puzzling...Would prefer an Italian place that's not already in the metro but even a Carino's would be nice

  3. #3

    Default Re: Italian Restaurant in Moore?

    Quote Originally Posted by kawititnow View Post
    Does anyone know if there are any plans for a nice sit-down Italian restaurant in Moore? Something like an Olive Garden, Zio's, Johnny Carino's, etc.

    I hate having to go to Norman or I-240 to get some decent Italian.

    There are so many choices in Moore, but they're either American, Mexican, BBQ, or Chinese.
    Go slightly further north than I-240 and make yourself very happy. Try Bella Vista on S. Western and break free from the chains

    Bella Vista: a hidden gem in southwest Oklahoma City | Oklahoma City Restaurants

  4. #4

    Default Re: Italian Restaurant in Moore?

    Quote Originally Posted by kawititnow View Post
    Does anyone know if there are any plans for a nice sit-down Italian restaurant in Moore? Something like an Olive Garden, Zio's, Johnny Carino's, etc.

    I hate having to go to Norman or I-240 to get some decent Italian.

    There are so many choices in Moore, but they're either American, Mexican, BBQ, or Chinese.
    if they did open an italian restaurant in moore like the kind youre craving, you already know exactly where they would build it at...

    ..yep, squeezed right in tightly with everything else in the world at the southwestern corner of I-35 and s.e. 19th street.

  5. Default Re: Italian Restaurant in Moore?

    Yes a nice Italian place would be perfect. Maybe something closer to a family owned restaurant.

    Trainer Ben
    Oklahoma City Fitness Boot Camp

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