It is with a deep deep sense of humility splashed with a healthy healthy healthy measure of vain-glory that I am pleased to announce that I'm preparing a book for Arcadia Publishing Company, "Springlake Amusement Park." The mock cover has been completed by Arcadia (subject to change but it probably won't -- the image and text are pretty much set in stone):
I'm not saying this to pump myself up. That's done, already.
Here's what I'm hoping/wanting to get from this post --
I'm wanting any who are willing to be part of my research for this book:
I'm in the process of writing the final text which I want to have done by the end of April or very soon after, to meet the deadline for submission of the final text and images to Arcadia. I already have done an abundance of research and have a whole lot of images (largely thanks to Norman Thompson), most of them scans from "original" paper images (and credit Buddy Johnson of the Okc Metropolitan Library for allowing me to borrow original photos to make additional scans) ...
... but ...
(1) there may be additional images lurking around in the possession of some of you that would be excellent to include in the book ... if so, I'd need original photos to scan to Arcadia's specifications and your consent to include them in the book ... of course you'd be credited with the images in the text ...
(2) there may be good anecdotal stories, tales, comments that some of you who are old enough to have either (a) enjoyed this park if you were white, or, (b) if you were black, have no enjoyment to recall because you could not gain admittance to the park until after the Civil Rights Act of 1964 because the park was segregated until then ... but these anecdotal stories are equally important historically and should also be included in the book, as far as I'm concerned. And, since I'm the author, I get to make the call and there you are!
Although its "heyday" was earlier, Springlake closed in 1981, so, as a practical matter, this request will be most appropriate to older guys and gals unless Springlake stories were related to you younger guys/gals by your elders, and that counts, too!
Anyone can reply here, or send me a private message, or send me an e-mail, that wants to. I'd welcome any input that's fit to print.
Old Downtown Guy, are you reading?