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Thread: Mr. Anderson

  1. Default Mr. Anderson

    Hey you - where have you been?? What's new with your job? I haven't seen you posting lately - I knew something was missing. What's up?
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  2. Default Re: Mr. Anderson

    Yikes Rob, nevermind, it looks like I have my answer on how you have been from the recent singles forum post - wow. It appears that you are alive and well ...

    This is like a soap opera!

    I hope that all involved are sensitive to each other and try to avoid as much hurt as possible.

    I don't want to know another thing about it.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  3. #3
    Rev. Bob Guest

    Default Re: Mr. Anderson

    In case you didn't know, he's shacked up with a woman.

  4. Default Re: Mr. Anderson

    I will start by saying opinion is opinion. There are only a select handfull of people who understand what is happening. I labored for a longtime on how to approach this, and took what I felt was the most sensitive way. As far as I am concerned, I am on the road to a happy relationship, and that is what counts.

    Thank you, Karrie for your kind words. As far as I am concerned, the subject of my relationship is closed. I apprecitate your concern for me. My training is going well. I have not been on line because of time restraints. Plus, since I am in a management level paygrade, some sites that were open are now blocked. I will try and be on as often as possible.

  5. #5
    Linda Guest

    Default Re: Mr. Anderson

    There's no denying the truth. All I have to say is that you can forget ever running for public office. Your reputation has been tarnished.

  6. #6
    Linda Guest

    Default Re: Mr. Anderson

    Also, you have to remember, this is the same guy who said in other threads that he wanted to legalize prostitution.

  7. #7
    Shaggy Guest

    Default Re: Mr. Anderson

    Quote Originally Posted by Rev. Bob
    In case you didn't know, he's shacked up with a woman.
    Shacked up with a woman? I guess that is one way to see if "things will work out." I've seen stuff like this happen before, and the outcome is usually not very pretty. If he makes her mad, he will find his stuff in the streets. His relationship is none of my business, however, more importantly, if he wants to be a councilman in Okla. City, shacking up with a woman or wanting to legalize prostitution will not get him elected to anything.

    Linda, he did you wrong big time. You deserve better than that.

  8. #8
    Rev. Bob Guest

    Default Re: Mr. Anderson

    Hey, I'll be happy to release this information if he ever tries to run for council. The media will have a field day. Linda, you're right. He can forget ever being elected to public office. He blew that chance. When all is said and done, he'll be left with nothing.

  9. #9
    Linda Guest

    Default Re: Mr. Anderson

    Thanks Shaggy. I do deserve better. If some guy wants to shack up with me, he's going to get a slap across his face. I have more pride in myself than that. I actually have morals.

  10. #10
    Jay Guest

    Default Re: Mr. Anderson

    Unless Jerry Foshee quits I think its safe to say he will be ward 5 councilman for as long as he wants the job.

    Jerry Foshee has an excellent reputation and he holds himself accountable to his constituents.

    He is also very active in the community and has a strong group of loyal supporters.

    I am not trying to knock down Mr. Anderson I am just stating some simple facts.

  11. Default Re: Mr. Anderson

    Quote Originally Posted by OklaCity_75
    Unless Jerry Foshee quits I think its safe to say he will be ward 5 councilman for as long as he wants the job.

    Jerry Foshee has an excellent reputation and he holds himself accountable to his constituents.

    He is also very active in the community and has a strong group of loyal supporters.

    I am not trying to knock down Mr. Anderson I am just stating some simple facts.
    Unless something changes, Foshee is stepping down after this term. In addition, he is FAR from popular. He can be defeated. No one has even tried.

  12. #12
    Jay Guest

    Default Re: Mr. Anderson

    Well if that is the case that he is stepping down.

    I would think there are other well known business leaders eyeing his city council seat.

    I would like to see Steve Buchanan or Rachel Odom run for the seat. Both of them are pillars in the community and have done quite a bit to promote South OKC.

  13. #13
    Rev. Bob Guest

    Default Re: Mr. Anderson

    I agree Oklacity75, especially regarding Odom. mranderson, I think you need to change your custom title, "Future Ward Five City Councilman", because people simply aren't going to elect a man that behaves the way you do.

  14. Default Re: Mr. Anderson

    Quote Originally Posted by Rev. Bob
    I agree Oklacity75, especially regarding Odom. mranderson, I think you need to change your custom title, "Future Ward Five City Councilman", because people simply aren't going to elect a man that behaves the way you do.
    The information that triggered this quote was released without my knowledge and authorization, and is actually an invasion of my private life which I feel only I have the authority to reveal to people of my choosing and when I so choose. I would appreciate it if the comments similar to the one in the quote be kept private.

    I would appreciate it if you would refrain from further comment on the subject of my home life and how it would effect your decision on an election. It would surprise you to know how many politicians have the same lifestyle. I am happy and that is all that counts.

    Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

  15. #15
    Linda Guest

    Default Re: Mr. Anderson

    Quote Originally Posted by mranderson
    The information that triggered this quote was released without my knowledge and authorization, and is actually an invasion of my private life which I feel only I have the authority to reveal to people of my choosing and when I so choose.
    You released the information to me when you emailed me. Whenever an email ends up in my inbox, it's fair game to pass on, unless someone tells me otherwise.

    Quote Originally Posted by mranderson
    I would appreciate it if the comments similar to the one in the quote be kept private.
    Sorry, too late for that. You're stating this after the fact.

    Quote Originally Posted by mranderson
    I would appreciate it if you would refrain from further comment on the subject of my home life and how it would effect your decision on an election.
    If you want to be a politician in the future, you need to get used to your personal life getting exposed. If you can't handle it and you have too many skeletons in your closet, maybe you shouldn't run for public office.

    Quote Originally Posted by mranderson
    It would surprise you to know how many politicians have the same lifestyle. I am happy and that is all that counts.
    Funny how you say this, yet you bash Bill Clinton everytime you get the chance for his behavior. I think that's being hypocritical.

    Quote Originally Posted by mranderson
    Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
    No problem. Don't even bother trying to run for a public office. You did this to yourself.

    Anyways, the truth hurts doesn't it?

  16. #16
    Rev. Bob Guest

    Default Re: Mr. Anderson

    Ah, don't worry about it Miss sweet Linda. Check out the other thread where I discuss shacking up. It's so common it today's society, but the chance of it lasting is slim.

  17. Default Re: Mr. Anderson

    None of my business but since I have been reading I thought I would give my opinion as well..... Linda I am sorry you feel used. I wish you well at your beauty pagent this weekend. You are a beautiful lady and you shouldn't let anyone make you feel any different. If I were you I would try to focus on the positive aspects of what happened. Atleast he did tell you before he met you. What if he decided to meet you in person first before he made his decision with the other lady? I think that would have been more hurtful. It is still wrong what he did... but it just obviously wasn't meant to be. Just remember there is someone better out there for you and that someone wasn't Mr. Anderson, ovbiously.
    When it rains it pours... but when the blessings come they overflow!

  18. #18

    Default Re: Mr. Anderson

    I 2nd the motion by Linda...

    "If you want to be a politician in the future, you need to get used to your personal life getting exposed. If you can't handle it and you have too many skeletons in your closet, maybe you shouldn't run for public office."

    Motion passed.

  19. #19
    Shaggy Guest

    Default Re: Mr. Anderson

    Quote Originally Posted by mranderson
    The information that triggered this quote was released without my knowledge and authorization, and is actually an invasion of my private life which I feel only I have the authority to reveal to people of my choosing and when I so choose. I would appreciate it if the comments similar to the one in the quote be kept private.

    I would appreciate it if you would refrain from further comment on the subject of my home life and how it would effect your decision on an election. It would surprise you to know how many politicians have the same lifestyle. I am happy and that is all that counts.

    Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
    All in favor say "I".......IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII..Mranderson, you've got to be kidding, right? So, how many council members do you know that are shacked up with a woman? I don't know of any. How many councilmen want to legalize prostitution? None.

    If you want to run for city council against Foshee, then you don't have a prayer. He will win hands down, and it won't cost him a thing. In case you didn't know, lots of cityans frown on your living arrangements. If you have a lot of skeletons in your closet, you may want to think twice about running for public office. Another thing. If you ever get elected to a public office, you private life is no longer private.

  20. Default Re: Mr. Anderson

    I cannot BELIEVE this thread. It crosses the border from what are inherently "private" to exporting them to be "public" personal matters, and, IMO, there is no place for such a thread on OkcTalk. I've never even ventured into the "Singles Lounge" before, but, my "voyer" interests are no less than anyone else's, perhaps even more than most, and this thread just sort of pops out in the most recent messages area, doesn't it? So, here I am in the singles area.

    But, this thread is an OUTRAGE. It does NOT belong here, or in any other public forum. What do we have, right here in River City (OkcTalk) ...

    WE HAVE LINDA, a totally pissed off person who perceives, rightly or wrongly, to have been grieviously wronged by and in her PRIVATE and PERSONAL communications with MrAnderson.

    Sorry, Linda ... as a divorce lawyer, I'm not so stupid as not to inherently understand that there are not at least 2 (if not more) sides to EVERY story ... which is beside the real point ...

    The real point, as to Linda's initial post ... is WHY is she going PUBLIC on a PERSONAL matter? Linda, I don't have a clue as to who you are, but it seems to me as though you are looking for VENGANCE!!! Right here, in OkcTalk, where MRANDERSON has a historical presence, where you can perhaps hurt him the most. Is that what OkcTalk is for? Really?

    AND THEN WE HAVE MRANDERSON, who very often presents himself in ways that I'm not personally comfortable, and strongly disagree, with ... religious right type of conservatism (with which I am very subtantially in disagreement) and who sometimes presents himself as having greater knowledge that the rest of us who are less well informed. MrAnderson and I have crossed viewpoints along this general theme before ... and I'm sure that we will again ... though I've done my best to avoid such conflicts/controversies for what seems like quite awhile now ... but I do recall the great tit-for-tat between Midtowner (now banned) and MrAnderson ... I was almost always on the side of Midtowner.

    So, I'm not generally inclined to say that I agree with MrAnderson on many things, generally, though there are certainly exceptions to that. But, unless we just enjoyed argument for argument's sake, we'd probably not be comfortable sharing a hotel room at an out-of-town Hornets game, for example.

    BUT, THAT SAID, I heap as much blame as I can possibly do by an internet post upon you, Linda, for taking your PERSONAL grievance PUBLIC in a way that is clearly intended as malicious and, at the same time, is designed to engender sympathy for your personal point of view, whether it is right or not. At least, that's my opinion. This comment, and this message, is not intended to say that you were not "wronged" ... I do not know ALL of the facts and I DO NOT WANT TO KNOW all of the facts. I heap blame on you, Linda, for your use of a PUBLIC forum to assuage your private grievance and other purposes. It is not appropriate, and it is wrong, IMO, for you to have done that.

    The rest of the posters who have chimed in here (like me) probably have never met either one of you ... and how pretentious it is, particularly in that context, for ANY0NE, me, Rev Bob, anyone, to form an opinion based upon such flimsy (web messages) sources about how "good" anyone (you) or how bad anyone (MrAnderson) is. Frankly, based on the fact that you seem to be focusing how harmful you can be on MrAnderson, if I was to form such an opinion based on what I've read in this thread, I'd be inclined to conclude that YOU, as the initiator, were the most culpable.

    This thread goes beyond the pale. My personal recommendation, were my opinion that important, is that this thread, in its entirety, should be deleted by the moderators. It is the ultimate of rude, crude, and socially unacceptable, the ultimate I've ever seen in bad manners and an attempt to be malicious. I just cannot believe this thread exists.
    Last edited by Doug Loudenback; 11-04-2005 at 09:13 PM.

  21. #21
    Shaggy Guest

    Default Re: Mr. Anderson

    Quote Originally Posted by Doug Loudenback
    I cannot BELIEVE this thread. It crosses the border from what are inherently "private" to exporting them to be "public" personal matters, and, IMO, there is no place for such a thread on OkcTalk. I've never even ventured into the "Singles Lounge" before, but, my "voyer" interests are no less than anyone else's, perhaps even more than most, and this thread just sort of pops out in the most recent messages area, doesn't it? So, here I am in the singles area.

    But, this thread is an OUTRAGE. It does NOT belong here, or in any other public forum. What do we have, right here in River City (OkcTalk) ...

    WE HAVE LINDA, a totally pissed off person who perceives, rightly or wrongly, to have been grieviously wronged by and in her PRIVATE and PERSONAL communications with MrAnderson.

    Sorry, Linda ... as a divorce lawyer, I'm not so stupid as not to inherently understand that there are not at least 2 (if not more) sides to EVERY story ... which is beside the real point ...

    The real point, as to Linda's initial post ... is WHY is she going PUBLIC on a PERSONAL matter? Linda, I don't have a clue as to who you are, but it seems to me as though you are looking for VENGANCE!!! Right here, in OkcTalk, where MRANDERSON has a historical presence, where you can perhaps hurt him the most. Is that what OkcTalk is for? Really?

    AND THEN WE HAVE MRANDERSON, who very often presents himself in ways that I'm not personally comfortable, and strongly disagree, with ... religious right type of conservatism (with which I am very subtantially in disagreement) and who sometimes presents himself as having greater knowledge that the rest of us who are less well informed. MrAnderson and I have crossed viewpoints along this general theme before ... and I'm sure that we will again ... though I've done my best to avoid such conflicts/controversies for what seems like quite awhile now ... but I do recall the great tit-for-tat between Midtowner (now banned) and MrAnderson ... I was almost always on the side of Midtowner.

    So, I'm not generally inclined to say that I agree with MrAnderson on many things, generally, though there are certainly exceptions to that. But, unless we just enjoyed argument for argument's sake, we'd probably not be comfortable sharing a hotel room at an out-of-town Hornets game, for example.

    BUT, THAT SAID, I heap as much blame as I can possibly do by an internet post upon you, Linda, for taking your personal grievance PUBLIC in a way that is clearly intended as malicious. At least, that's my opinion. This comment, and this message, is not intended to say that you were not "wronged" ... I do not not ALL of the facts and I DO NOT WANT TO KNOW all of the facts. I heap blame on you, Linda, for your use of a PUBLIC forum to assuage your private grievance and other purposes. It is not appropriate, and it is wrong, IMO, for you to have done that.

    The rest of the posters who have chimed in here (like me) probably have never met either one of you ... and how pretentious it is, particularly in that context, for ANY0NE, me, Rev Bob, anyone, to form an opinion based upon such flimsy (web messages) sources about how "good" anyone (you) or how bad anyone (MrAnderson) is. Frankly, based on the fact that you seem to be focusing how harmful you can be on MrAnderson, if I was to form such an opinion based on what I've read in this thread, I'd be inclined to conclude that YOU, as the initiator, were the most culpable.

    This thread goes beyond the pale. My personal recommendation, were my opinion that important, is that this thread, in its entirety, should be deleted by the moderators. It is the ultimate of rude, crude, and socially unacceptable, the ultimate I've ever seen in bad manners and an attempt to be malicious. I just cannot believe this thread exists.
    Well, you are enttled to your opinion, however, one of the moderators has already said that nothing in this thread violates the TOS. All it does is reveal the true character of mranderson, and I applaud Linda for bringing this to light. She didn't call him names, nor was she "rude" to him. She was simply stating her dissatisfaction by the way he treated her.

    I see nothing wrong with that, and I agree with the moderators that the thread needs to stay alive. According to the TOS, you can give your opinions as long as you don't break any rules. One other thing. She evidently went public so that nobody else would make the same mistake she made by trying to get to know mranderson better.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Mr. Anderson

    I agree 100% with Doug. This thread is borderline vindictive and I cannot see how it does not cross a line of personal attacks.

    Like Doug, I rarely agree with mranderson. However, a private communication was unfairly, unreasonably and unethically shared publicly. All who have participated in that should be ashamed.

    And, Shaggy, where did the moderators say that the thread needs to stay alive? I do not see it anywhere in this thread.

    I, for one, think the moderators — Todd, Keith, Patrick, Karried — need to stop this thread. It's borderline abusive and grossly unfair to mranderson. Shame on you all.

  23. Default Re: Mr. Anderson

    Quote Originally Posted by Shaggy
    Well, you are enttled to your opinion, however, one of the moderators has already said that nothing in this thread violates the TOS. All it does is reveal the true character of mranderson, and I applaud Linda for bringing this to light. She didn't call him names, nor was she "rude" to him. She was simply stating her dissatisfaction by the way he treated her.

    I see nothing wrong with that, and I agree with the moderators that the thread needs to stay alive. According to the TOS, you can give your opinions as long as you don't break any rules. One other thing. She evidently went public so that nobody else would make the same mistake she made by trying to get to know mranderson better.
    I'm not saying that this thread breaks any forum rules ... I'm just saying that it breaks my personal rules as to what is appropriate between 2 people in a private matter to when it branches out into a public arena, and that is why I said that that the entire thread has no place in OkcTalk.

    Shaggy, I don't know you. You don't know me. But, isn't there something in your personal life that you'd not care to have discussed publicly at OkcTalk? That's surely the truth for me, since I've got many shortcomings, were the question reversed! I've got LOTS of shortcomings.

    BUT, were either your or my private life's shortcomings to be seized upon by someone, would you/I think it to be "fair play" for such topics to be splashed around, willy nilly, by NONE who are personally involved with the facts, without judge or jury, in some internet forum, including but not limited ot OkcTalk?

    If that's what you think is OK, well, we disagree. This is a dispicable thread, and only represents the worst in people, and none of the best, and, regardless, for no reason or agenda than some person (Linda) who is (rightly or wrongly) wanting to get revenge. That won't cut it for me.

    But, like you said to me, you are entitled to your opinion. We all are. But, is OkcTalk the place for such things in this context?

    I'd surely hope not. If not, OkcTalk has an enormous potential to self-destruct ... "lemmie think ... I don't like how this or that person speaks or thinks or acts... lemmie see what trash I can can find out about that person so I can fire a volley or three" ... and on it goes, without end, and without anything good being accomplished. None of the above without you, me, or anyone, ever having met the persons involved in the trash.

    Is that OK with you?

  24. #24
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Mr. Anderson

    Here's something to consider......If we leave the thread, we're accused of allowing a personal attack to go on. If we delete it, we're accused on censorship.

    Here's the way we've viewed this thread so far.

    1. As Doug said, this doesn't break the forum rules, so that's why we haven't moderated the thread.

    2. I agree that this is mranderson's personal life, and it probably isn't fair to him to have it posted here. But this is really a matter that needs to be dealt with by Linda and mranderson. One thing I think we need to take from this, is we need to be careful what we email people, especially people we don't know very well. If I have a certain ethical issue in my closet that I'm not comfortable with, then I shouldn't share it with other people. If I do, I risk the chance of it being exposed. Anything I put down in writing has the risk of being made public, regardless of what setting it's exchanged in.

    3. I do agree that this thread is basically no longer serving a purpose, and any further discussion here isn't fair to mranderson. Linda has already presented her facts. I will therefore close this thread.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Mr. Anderson

    Quote Originally Posted by Shaggy
    I see nothing wrong with that, and I agree with the moderators that the thread needs to stay alive. According to the TOS, you can give your opinions as long as you don't break any rules. One other thing. She evidently went public so that nobody else would make the same mistake she made by trying to get to know mranderson better.
    ....same mistake she made by trying to get to know mranderson better....Same goes for her at this point.

    Granted, I know neither of the two, but I think it has gone far enough...far enough that as a male I'd think twice before initiating a communication with Linda too...for fear of being dragged through a similar mud puddle for any different and unforeseeable reasons. I wouldn't risk the humiliation of having ANY dirty laundry aired after seeing this.

    We all have skeletons in our closets. I would never open my close to Linda now. Ruthlessly vengeful.

    It kinda like watching a couple of married friends fight at your own house....doesn't matter who's right or wrong.

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