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Thread: The Jokelahoman Back To Attacking Ed Shadid

  1. #1

    Default The Jokelahoman Back To Attacking Ed Shadid

    Even though we all know the Joke is beholden to (and probably helped fund) the Committee For Momentum, and is completely slanted in its coverage of the convention center, it's still a drag to read this kind of crap. Of course, it will probably only enhance Ed Shadid's standing with Ward 2 residents, who don't exactly take their marching orders from the Gaylord-Everest-Bennett junta.


  2. Default Re: The Jokelahoman Back To Attacking Ed Shadid

    Wow. That is an attack piece if I ever saw one. I was even almost kind of hesitant/skeptical when I first clicked on the thread. That is pathetic. Comparisons to Ralph Nader?

    How about comparisons to the John Birch Society Newsletter? They even invented a new word, "Naderite." I'm starting to feel more and more like Mike Gundy does about the Oklahoman...

  3. #3

    Default Re: The Jokelahoman Back To Attacking Ed Shadid

    I could be wrong, but it seems to me that the Oklahoman has taken on a different tone since the recent change at the top.

  4. Default Re: The Jokelahoman Back To Attacking Ed Shadid

    It can't be toward real journalism..

  5. Default Re: The Jokelahoman Back To Attacking Ed Shadid

    We can put them out of business by not buying their papers, not clicking on their site and especially not clicking on their blog sites. I avoid them all and the bloggers like the plague.

  6. #6

    Default Re: The Jokelahoman Back To Attacking Ed Shadid

    Excellant article and I couldn't agree more with the content. It pays to study, listen and research a candidate before you cast your vote.

  7. #7

    Default Re: The Jokelahoman Back To Attacking Ed Shadid

    That editorial was a little disappointing (and I actually like the Oklahoman). Instead of attacking a City Councile Member they should have just investigated his questions and provided the answers. If there were good reason for making the decisions what would be the harm in sharing those reasons with the public?

  8. #8

    Default Re: The Jokelahoman Back To Attacking Ed Shadid

    What's that old saying. . .?
    "You know that you are right over the target when you start catching flak" . . .?

  9. #9

    Default Re: The Jokelahoman Back To Attacking Ed Shadid

    Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
    What's that old saying. . .?
    "You know that you are right over the target when you start catching flak" . . .?
    I think the questions Dr Shadid raised must have hit too close to home for someone. I find it kind of ironic that people like rcjunkie say people should investigate their candidates more when refering to an editorial that condems questioning public operations. If rcjunkie really felt the way he said he does he should welcome the questions and expect real answers. In fact, he should have asked the question himself as part of his own due diligence in the voting process.

  10. #10

    Default Re: The Jokelahoman Back To Attacking Ed Shadid

    raising questions re:
    prevailing power structure
    jeopardizes ass*

    ~The Art of S'more
    (Author Unknown, From etchings on ruins of Ancient Convention Center
    Central North American Continent c. 2112)

    (*alt. translations: "donkey" "mule" "elephant" "tea bags"[?])

  11. #11

    Default Re: The Jokelahoman Back To Attacking Ed Shadid

    "The ad contains about 2,500 words. By comparison, the Gettysburg Address is around 250 words and the Declaration of Independence is roughly 1,300."

    What is this tripe? What would they have him say? "The Convention Center is bad?" Absurd.

  12. #12

    Default Re: The Jokelahoman Back To Attacking Ed Shadid

    BDK: Bingo.
    (Plus, thanks for letting me know--via the avatar--that there is at least one other person in the entire universe who once watched--and appreciatied--the short-lived cartoon series "Home Movies".)

  13. #13

    Default Re: The Jokelahoman Back To Attacking Ed Shadid

    That hateful screed cannot die quick enough. Hopefully my son will see it dead and buried. Better yet bunt to a crisp.

  14. #14

    Default Re: The Jokelahoman Back To Attacking Ed Shadid

    I feel the Love/Anger . . . Yet to which "hateful screed" are you referring?
    (I hope that maybe it's "The Jokelahoman") . . . ?

  15. #15

    Default Re: The Jokelahoman Back To Attacking Ed Shadid

    Wow, that was ridiculous! I wish they would put the actual author of the article instead of just editorial.

    I started reading the Tulsa World for Oklahoma news. They are much better and of course the Journal Record is the best for business news.

  16. #16

    Default Re: The Jokelahoman Back To Attacking Ed Shadid

    Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
    I feel the Love/Anger . . . Yet to which "hateful screed" are you referring?
    (I hope that maybe it's "The Jokelahoman") . . . ?
    It is.

  17. Default Re: The Jokelahoman Back To Attacking Ed Shadid

    This feels like the 1940s, that the Gaylord-Chamber newspaper machine can just smell blood and write such an amazingly myopic attack piece on a councilman who's been saying the wrong stuff. They should really get their facts straight, and it is totally obvious that this is in response to all of the press Shadid has been getting in the Gazette. Does the Dark Tower not realize we can put two and two together?

  18. #18

    Default Re: The Jokelahoman Back To Attacking Ed Shadid

    Although the timeline doesn't exactly line up, isn't this related to the reason why Will Rogers used to get such huge laughs from audiences--back in the day--when he used to lead off his stage act with . . . "All I know I read in the newspapers" . . . .?

    (Not to mention that "local comic"--Argus Somethingorother--who "They" cut loose like a slacker helicopter pilot?)

  19. Default Re: The Jokelahoman Back To Attacking Ed Shadid

    Ed Shadid's comments at the July 19 council meeting are shown below:

    This includes his remarks about the convention center as well as those which pertain to Larry Nichols and the Committee for Oklahoma City Momentum. He is obviously a student and a thinker. He might do well to keep his hand from his chin more often ...

  20. #20

    Default Re: The Jokelahoman Back To Attacking Ed Shadid

    Quote Originally Posted by Just the facts View Post
    I think the questions Dr Shadid raised must have hit too close to home for someone. I find it kind of ironic that people like rcjunkie say people should investigate their candidates more when refering to an editorial that condems questioning public operations. If rcjunkie really felt the way he said he does he should welcome the questions and expect real answers. In fact, he should have asked the question himself as part of his own due diligence in the voting process.
    Not ironic at all. Mr. Shadid has done nothing but throw accusations without any evidence to support his claims. Reminds me of Brian Walters and we know where this type of BS got him.
    As for me asking questions, I did, by email and received a responses 3 weeks AFTER the election. Even though I no longer live in OKC proper, I still get and stay involved with the happenings at City Hall.

  21. Default Re: The Jokelahoman Back To Attacking Ed Shadid

    I was using "Naderite" a decade ago, and I certainly didn't make it up.

  22. Default Re: The Jokelahoman Back To Attacking Ed Shadid

    I guess it is kinda a cool word, unless it's being used against you, that is.

    Maybe the Oklahoman is "just jealous" (cliche I know) that Dr. Shadid's brother works for a real newspaper?? Lol.

  23. #23

    Default Re: The Jokelahoman Back To Attacking Ed Shadid

    I could be wrong, but it seems to me that the Oklahoman has taken on a different tone since the recent change at the top.
    It seems very familiar to me. I remember when Brian Walters voted against something the CofC wanted and Kelley did an editorial on newsok.com saying Walters was obviously another corrupt south side pol, and it was just a matter of time before he got indicted. For what? Nothing. Ed just pulled that out of his a**. Indicted for disagreeing with the chamber, I guess.

    They said the same thing about George Nigh when he was elected governor over the Gaylord candidate, Ron Shotts.

    Here's a revealing quote: "And to raise his lance against business interests over the convention center's construction timetable."

    The Oklahoman uses the term "business interests" as a code for "your holy overlords, us."

    This was the newspaper that ran an editorial accusing Gov. Bill Murray of wearing dirty long johns. So it's, you know, a long and proud tradition.

  24. Default Re: The Jokelahoman Back To Attacking Ed Shadid

    Alfalfa did wear dirty long johns, though...

    It's hard for me to liken Shadid v. Chamber to Walters v. Chamber. Walters was a backwards, embarrassing assclown, who was mostly done in because his own district couldn't stand him. He didn't realize how annoying his righteous garbage was to others, and no, he wasn't the second coming of Jesus just because he was Super-christian conservative councilman-man. Shadid is the opposite of Walters in every way.

  25. #25

    Default Re: The Jokelahoman Back To Attacking Ed Shadid

    I notice that not one comment at the end of the article supported their position. Most were very critical, as well they should have been.

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