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Thread: Shannon threatens arson and murder again.

  1. #1

    Default Shannon threatens arson and murder again.

    I know some of you will be sick of this, BUT...Markkk Shannon again is on air threatening politicians with Gun violence. Again, how is it possible for someone to threaten another person with murder?? What if someone called in to his show, and told Shannon We need to come down there and burn your building!?? Would not that be an arson threat?? Markkk Shannon also stated WE NEED TO burn Nebraska corn fields!! ARSON THREAT!!! What if someone from Nebraska spewed.."We need to go down and burn the oilfields!! ARSON!!! and all this after threatening our Mayor with arson during the maps3 vote. I again am contacting our DA, Nebraska DA, the Secret Service, the media, and an attorney. Some one has to stop this mad man, before he kills. and ktok radio will be held responsible. Please contact officials and maybe we can have a class action lawsuit against Mark Shannon, and ktok radio.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Shannon threatens arson and murder again.

    You guys take him way too seriously.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Shannon threatens arson and murder again.

    Murder and arson should be taken seriously!!!

  4. #4

    Default Re: Shannon threatens arson and murder again.

    Thats really not the point. He's not going to be the one to do it, unless his illness truly has gone to his head. Its the radical kooks who would be the ones to do it at the urging of people like him.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Shannon threatens arson and murder again.

    A caller just stated 'WE need to do something to those Democrats so they cannot physically vote'!!!!

  6. #6

    Default Re: Shannon threatens arson and murder again.

    There's violence on both sides. What about those SEIU workers who beat the sh*t out of a conservative at a Tea Party?

  7. #7

    Default Re: Shannon threatens arson and murder again.

    Quote Originally Posted by OkcMetal View Post
    Murder and arson should be taken seriously!!!
    The kind of talk he is spouting is no different than radical Islamic Imams preaching death and destruction in the mosque or over the internet. As the 5 kids recently arrested in Pakistan seems to prove out, as the kook in Texas that mowed down his fellow army servicemen, as all the people who gather in Iraq and Afghanistan and Packistan to fight the "American Devils," a lot of things can happen just by someone saying something on the radio. He really should be stopped and pulled way back by the station.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Shannon threatens arson and murder again.

    seiu did not go on air, calling for widespread death!!

  9. Default Re: Shannon threatens arson and murder again.

    Why is anyone listening to him? It seems like he's one of the most successful shock jocks I've seen in a while..

  10. #10

    Default Re: Shannon threatens arson and murder again.

    He's not calling for widespread death.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Shannon threatens arson and murder again.

    If success means your on a bobsled to hell, well, than yes

  12. #12

    Default Re: Shannon threatens arson and murder again.

    What if he did talk his listeners to actually doing something?? Guns would have to be pointed at our own national guard. That never turns out good

  13. Default Re: Shannon threatens arson and murder again.

    What I meant by that he's just a very successful shock jock is that the radio station will never get rid of him because he brings them too much controversy, which is good for ratings. The controversy happens because he is deliberately saying the things he's spewing just to get decent people riled up and you all are taking the bait and still tuning in.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Shannon threatens arson and murder again.

    I tune in to listen, not to try to find something here to post about. Met the man at the OKC Tea Party, good guy.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Shannon threatens arson and murder again.

    So tell me?? Would you kill for Mark Shannon? Would you kill our own boys and girls in the National Guard?

  16. #16

    Default Re: Shannon threatens arson and murder again.

    No sir, I'm doing more than just posting here

  17. #17

    Default Re: Shannon threatens arson and murder again.

    Quote Originally Posted by OkcMetal View Post
    So tell me?? Would you kill for Mark Shannon? Would you kill our own boys and girls in the National Guard?
    Yes, I would. I would kill for Mark Shannon. Anyone he told me to. (Just say the word, Mark, and it shall be done.)

    For I am a Soldier of Shannon.

    (And yes, that's what we call ourselves. It was "Shannon's Soldiers" at first but it was decided that was a little too close to "McHale's Navy," so "Soldier(s) of Shannon" it is.)

  18. Default Re: Shannon threatens arson and murder again.

    LOL @ this thread

  19. #19

    Default Re: Shannon threatens arson and murder again.

    When you got a pansy, non macho sounding name like Shannon, I guess you better talk tough and threatening.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Shannon threatens arson and murder again.

    I thought I heard a shock jock ..
    I DID! I DID!
    I Did heard a shock jock.

    Cartoons without commercials ... ahhh, the good life

  21. #21

    Default Re: Shannon threatens arson and murder again.

    Quote Originally Posted by OkcMetal View Post
    So tell me?? Would you kill for Mark Shannon? Would you kill our own boys and girls in the National Guard?
    Why would you say such a thing?

  22. Default Re: Shannon threatens arson and murder again.

    Quote Originally Posted by SkyWestOKC View Post
    Why would you say such a thing?
    I guess he thinks there aren't any kooks out there who would kill abortion doctors or preachers if they get angry enough at someone. That fellow who took a statue to the Italian PM certainly was as sane as they come.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Shannon threatens arson and murder again.

    At one time I felt the same way as Okcmetal, however, after listening to his show for a few days and reading his web page, as long as anyone on the receiving end of one of his threat's isn't allergic to HOT AIR, I think their safe.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Shannon threatens arson and murder again.

    I figure the best response is to never turn the dial to his show. Lousy ratings are the only thing the radio stations understand.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Shannon threatens arson and murder again.

    Quote Originally Posted by SkyWestOKC View Post
    There's violence on both sides. What about those SEIU workers who beat the sh*t out of a conservative at a Tea Party?
    This is urban legend, promoted by right wingers, just like the two undercover conservatives who dressed up like pimps and hos to implicate ACORN.

    Conservatives used to be led by thinkers, like William F. Buckley. Now they they are led by ranting morons.

    MarKKK Shannon is just the latest.

    I may be liberal, but I think to run a country we need people of all perspectives. Right now, we have no rational conservative voice. The ones we hear are just snide or psychotic "entertainers" like Rush, Beck, and Shannon, or we have out and out bigots and freaks.

    We have people like Rick Perry advocating secession from the Union. Nobody even believes the sincerity of this blowdried moron -- including his conservative base.

    We need to have rational, thoughtful conservatives contributing to the public discourse. We do not have this right now.

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