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Thread: In memory of

  1. Default In memory of

    As you may know by now, one of the greatest comedians of my lifetime died yesterday.

    Born Jacob Cohen, he started adulthood selling siding, but longed for the limelight of the stage, and was eager to give the greatest gift a person can give a total stranger... The gift of laughter.

    He graced the screen with his portrayals in "Caddyshack," "Easy Money," "Back to School," "Ladybugs," and more.

    He started many comedians on their careers, among them, Roseanne (Barr).

    He was an all around cool guy.

    My heart is quite saddened today because he was one of the few who litrally made me fall on the floor in laughter.

    Thank you Rodney... You have my respect.

    Rodney Dangerfield 1921-2004

  2. #2
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: In memory of

    I agree, mranderson, we lost a great comedian. He always made me laugh. The way he talked...the way he rolled his eyes.....he was good. Some of the new comedians could've taken lessons from him.

    He will be missed

  3. #3
    MasterWolf Guest

    Default Re: In memory of

    Rodney was a funny comedian and he made me laugh. He will be greatly missed.

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