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Thread: Computer Programming

  1. #1
    MasterWolf Guest

    Talking Computer Programming

    I was just wondering if anybody does any computer programming?

  2. #2
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Computer Programming

    I took a class on Pascal in undergrad. Does that count? LOL!

  3. #3
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: Computer Programming

    Hey, MasterWolf2004, you might PM ole Joe Schmoe. I know he is very knowledgable when it comes to computers. You might see if he can help you out.

  4. #4
    Joe Schmoe Guest

    Thumbs up Re: Computer Programming

    Thanks Keith.

    I don't do any programming per se, but I do use a number of scripting languages.

    HTML, DHTML, XML, Flash, SuperTalk, Applescript, FileMaker Pro, Javascript, and a couple of others that I haven't used in awhile.

    What are you looking for?

    Some of the scriping enviroments can do very powerful things. The Simpletalk - like environments are pretty good. Processor speeds are good enough today that the performance lag of an interpreted language are negligable.

    After more than 20 years I'm actually trying to get away from computers. It gets to be a treadmill that I want off of. I still happily service Macintosh systems, but I don't do Windows. (Not a predjudice, I've just worked on Macs since '84.)

    But if I can help you or point you in the right direction, let me know. If you need c or Java, I know people who do those.

    I would think that our revered ForumMaster Todd would be quite proficiant in PHP, if not a few other UNIXy languages.


  5. #5
    MasterWolf Guest

    Default Re: Computer Programming

    Wasn't really looking for any help in particular, just making conversation on the tech board. LOL. I myself program in Visual C++. I do know some HTML as well.

  6. #6
    Joe Schmoe Guest

    Thumbs up Re: Computer Programming

    If you can do c++ then HTML is like brushing your teeth. What kinds of project do you do? I love the cause & effect nature of programming & debugging. I guess that makes me a geek, I think debugging can be fun!

    I've never used Visual Studio but I hear great things about it.

    Is c++ very different than c#? Aren't they both Microsoft versions if c?

    So does Visual Studio compile down to machine code? I only do various scripting languages, so all of my work is interpreted code. The closer to English for me, the better.l

  7. #7
    MasterWolf Guest

    Default Re: Computer Programming

    Well, the only projects I'm usually into is Game Programming. Im just an intermediate type programmer. I havent made any real applications as of yet.
    As far as the differences between C++ and C#, I really dont know. I havent really looked into C# that much. Sorry. I work with Visual C++ 6.0 most of the time. I do dabble with Dark Basic and Visual Basic a little but not much. I'm hoping to make some completed games in the near future, but cant say when.

  8. #8
    Joe Schmoe Guest

    Thumbs up Re: Computer Programming

    Oh, great! What kind of game are you dabbling with? Online RPG? Shoot' em up? Arcade style?

    Do you need any art or graphics for your game?

    Maybe you have something we can trade...

  9. #9
    MasterWolf Guest

    Default Re: Computer Programming

    I have been dabbling with mostly rpgs and arcade style games at the moment. I usually do it because its fun. I havent really start on any particular project at the moment. Right now, just trying to figure what I want to make. I'm leaning towards an Rpg's because I love those types of games. Dont know if I want to a online rpg right now, that will be too massive of a project and will probrably take awhile. I'm just going to do some simple games for a bit and put it on my website (which is not up right now). I dont have any completed projects right now. As far as trading, was there something you are looking in particular, like code or something? I like to help as much as I possibly can as far as programming, I enjoy it alot.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Computer Programming

    I took a beginner's programming class in 1975 and we used key punch machines so you guys have got it easy!! Thought I'd give ya'll a good laugh today.

  11. #11
    Joe Schmoe Guest

    Talking Re: Computer Programming

    Oh yeah, I remember punch cards...


    Thank the gods of computing that we now have graphical interfaces & mice.

    I have a friend who developed the first computerized testing facility for jet engines at Tinker in the 60s. They didn't even have a keyboard for working with the computer!

    They hooked up a teletype machine for making punch cards.

    My mom used to make christmas wreaths with the cards. Man, I wish I had one of those now, it would be a wonderful novelty piece today.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Computer Programming

    Believe it or not, I still have a whole box of those punch cards and have been planning for 30 years to make another one of those wreaths. The one I made took forever to make but was really cool. You've inspired me to complete another one, what a great Christmas present for someone this year. Thx!!

  13. Default Re: Computer Programming

    I can do C++, HTML, FLASH, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Access
    I took C++ programming course in OU.

    a little bit jave script, XML, DHTML, these are open sources, so I can just ...

    Recently, I am doing PHP, MYSQL, Server technology and CGI. Can anyboy help me with these stuff? I am trying to build Log-in homepage.
    Let me know.

  14. #14
    sword Guest

    Cool Re: Computer Programming

    I do some programming....but haven't written anything major in a several months....I am familliar with C/C++, Pascal, Visual Basic 6.0, Perl, Java, Java Script, Cobol, HTML, PHP, CGI, and SQL.


  15. #15
    sword Guest

    Default Re: Computer Programming

    HailMary, I would be glad to offer any advice I can....my best source for information is in a couple of books in the O'Reilly Series. You can usually pick them up for cheap, used on Amazon or Half. I can't post URL's yet so just use your imagination of how those two end...lol. They are the ones with a different animal on the cover for each text.
    Last edited by Todd; 01-26-2005 at 01:23 PM.

  16. Default Re: Computer Programming

    Thank yoyu for ur advise..

    What are titles of books?

  17. #17
    sword Guest

    Default Re: Computer Programming

    CGI Programming on the World Wide Web by Shishir Gundavaram
    PHP Cookbook by David Sklar, Adam Trachtenberg
    MySQL Cookbook by Paul DuBois

    They are easy to read and the cookbooks have some great sample code that gives you a great base for your projects.

    Last edited by sword; 01-06-2005 at 02:45 PM. Reason: typo

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