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Thread: What would you like to see in Bricktown?

  1. Default What would you like to see in Bricktown?

    Please posts thoughts and ideas about businesses, restraunts and other things that you would like to see happen in Bricktown. Heck, fill free to post any thoughts about all of the different districts on downton OKC.

  2. #2
    Patrick Guest


    Personally, I think a small mall would really help, like the Rivercenter mall in San Antonio. The Harkins Theater and Bass Pro help, but we need more retail.
    I'm glad to hear about Toby Keith building a restauant/entertainment complex in Bricktown next to the theater. That will be sweet. Also, glad to see the buiolding that will house Marble Slab and Sonic restaurant is going up.

  3. Default Bricktown needs...

    a Land Run museum to educate visitors compelled by the drama of the monument

    games and diversions, like a Dave and Busters

    true fans of music, to patronize the growing number of live music venues; we're developing a club product, but not the devoted patronage that makes Austin's Sixth Street what it is

    housing, housing, housing

    lighter registration fees for musicians and vendors

    specialty retailers

    more redbrick and glass buildings -- what Bricktown combo!

    vinecovered-alleys with lattice-enclosed alfreso dining underneath automatic mists (for the summer) and heating posts (for the winter)

    just to start off with a few ....

  4. Default

    I would really like to see more and better music venues. That would be great!

  5. #5
    Patrick Guest


    I agree with the music venues. I was really happy to hear that Toby Keith would be building a venue next to the theater. Now we just need to get Reba, Garth Brooks, and other Oklahoma singers to do the same thing. Personally, I wouldn't be opposed to the Oklahoma Opry moving to the canal. Maybe we could make the canal south of I-40 a country and western theater area. Afterall, the landrun monument is there.

    I like Floater's idea of a land run museum next to the monument. That would sure add to the monument. The city could fund that with MAPS III.

    Personally, I still think we need some sort of Oklahoma store in Bricktown, that just sells items relating to our state.

    I always thought Sega Gameworks was a good idea, although they're not doing well financially right now. The bowling alley was a cool idea as well. Maybe not on the canal though. Turn the largest of the old Stewart buildings into Bricktown Lanes.

    A miniature golf course somewhere down there would fit in well. Maybe on the park portion of the south canal.

  6. Default

    I think the State of Oklahoma markets some Oklahoma goods. Maybe an entrepreneur like TS could contract with the state to market those items and others. Such a store would do well to also provide a ticket counter (half or full price) for different museums and events throughout the city.

  7. Talking

    I am trying to think of a mega-attraction. However, until I think of it, I will give my other ideas.

    Gharadelli Square in San Francisco has millions of white Christmas lights all over the place. The tiny ones. I think Bricktown should as well. During holidays they could be changed. Like red, white and blue for the fourth of July.

    Plus street performers such as mimes, and those guys who play guitar for the coins in their guitar cases.

    Another is constant festivals. We could EASILY have one per month lasting a month eact.

  8. #8
    Patrick Guest


    I definitely agree with the need for more festivals in theBricktown area. I know there are already a few, but we need more, to attract more people.

    Here's what I propose:

    January: Opening Night, Martin Luther King Parade and Festival Weekend

    Feb: Valentine's Day Love Concerts at the Sonic Amphitheater

    March: St. Patrick's Day Fest

    April: OKC Easter Egg Hunt- Bricktown, Easter Bunny is present all day for the kids, Have a Sunday morning service at te amphitheater, have a Passion play on the canal

    May: Cinco de Mayo Festival- include both Mexican restaurants

    June: Bricktown Blues and Jazz Festival

    July: 4th of July Events- this needs to be greatly expanded.

    August: Bricktown Reggae Fest
    Have a Farmer's Market going all summer- the city can lease booth space.

    Sept: Bricktown Fall Arts and Crafts Festival (an outdoor event similar to Affair of the Heart) with Banjo music festival

    Oct: October Fest with Bricktown Haunted Warehouse and Bricktown Trick or Treat at different stations along the canal....sponsored by businesses in Bricktown

    Nov. Community wide Thanksgiving Dinner- Charge per person and have local bands

    Dec. Bricktown Lights and Water Taxi Parade- Braums Ice Rink,etc.

  9. Default

    Is there an Irish Pub in Bricktown? Over the last six months, I have enjoyed Irish Pubs in 10 different European cities. I also got to watch the Final Four at an Irish Pub in Florence. Basically, I have never been to an Irish Pub that I did not like. We need at least one in Bricktown.

    I like the talk of festivals. Along with a farmer's market, there needs to be a time when the local wine producers of Oklahoma can set up booths and show off their product. This will help people realize that there is wine production going on in the state.

    MrAnderson... when are you going to unleash the mega-attraction? Does anyone ever think that they will ever develop an area with nice clothing retail stores like J Crew and Banana Republic... maybe Ralph Lauren? Would that work in Bricktown or would it be better in one of the other downtown districts? They have that Banana in Utica Square in Tulsa... it would be cool to see one and other shops on the canal someday. Maybe it would work down in the entertainment district. I am sure that once the hotel is built, it will attract more retail like that.

  10. Default

    National restaurants I would like to see...

    The Cheesecake Factory
    P.F. Changs
    Hard Rock Cafe

    It would also be cool to have a Barnes & Noble somewhere downtown. I am sure that a town square might attract Barnes & Noble.

  11. Default Oh yeah

    Those are great ideas, Patrick. I like that April idea of the Easter Egg hunt and Passion Play. Churches do a great job of their own productions; why don't 2-3 pool resources to pull off a spectacular production in Bricktown? Just a thought...

    A second on that July the Fourth expansion. As I've said before, we ought to have events and contests that emphasize citizenship and Americana -- a Jeopardy! of American trivia, or recitation of famous speeches. Yeah, that last idea may not go over well in the age of the remote control, but what the heck?

    TS, the closest thing to an Irish pub in Bricktown is a brewpub -- Tapwerks. I heard they have a mean Shepherd's Pie. One of my ideas for Penn Square's outparcel spaces is Fado Irish Pub, a national chain. It may work in Bricktown.

    A bookstore is indeed one of Bricktown's voids. Bookstores are crucial for a lifestyle center to succeed; patrons need a reason to stick around. I doubt B & N would locate there, but a lesser known chain like Books-A-Million may give it a shot. Borders lacks a third location in the metro, but they would sooner locate in Edmond. In the meantime, the Norick library, with its cafe and warm colors, will try to fill the downtown void.

  12. Smile

    I said as soon as I thought of it, I would mention a mega attraction.

    On the landscaping thread I mentioned an expanded canal weaving in and out of buildings with some parts going to upper floors, having animatronics showcase the history and future of Oklahoma City. THIS my friends, is that mega attraction.

    Just imagine us as the only city with this type of museum. It could also have a disembarkation point in a basement for those who do not wish to pay the additional cost of the museum. Plus an Oklahoma City souvineer (SP) shop at the end of it. Ala major theme park rides.

    Maybe even ending at the new culture center.

  13. #13
    Patrick Guest


    Unfortunately, I don't think we'll ever see those upscale retailers in downtown. The market down there just won't support it. Penn Square, 50 Penn Place, and Spring Creek in Edmond pretty much have those retailers, mostly because they're surrounded by affluent neighborhoods.
    Penn Square is too close to downtown.

    In regards to the Cheesecake Factory, many of them are located close to malls. I talked with the mall manager at Penn Square last week and there's a great chande we'll get one there. They're talking with them now. But, they're talking with tons of other restaurants right now too, so not sure what we'll get on the Penn Square outparcels. I'd give Cheesecake Factory a 50/50 Shot.

    Problem with Bricktown is it's just not an upscale development, at least for now.
    It's more of a family destination. It kind of reminds me of comparing Penn Square ot Quail Springs. Quail Springs attracts more middle class family people. Penn Square attract more affluent wealthy Nichols Hills people.....and a lot of young professionals.

    In regards to Hard Rock Cafe, I've contacted them several times. Tey had two replies: 1. The OKC market wouldn't support it 2. They're not currently expanding in the U.S. In a way, I'm kind of glad we're not getting a Hard Rock....I used to really push getting us a Hard Rock, but Norm Bekoff, operator of Water Taxi, kind of talked me out of it, saying it's just the same ole same ole. Unique local restaurants attract tourists more. Chain and theme restaurants are a dime a dozen.

    From everyone I've talked to in San Antonio, the Riverwalk used to be much nicer when Hard Rock and Planet Hollywood wasn't there.

    In regars to PF Changs, they looked at the Bricktown area, and turned it down saying it wasn't upscale enough. In my opinion, that was a huge blow to Bricktown. They looked at Penn Square, but at the time, Penn Square was negotiated with another company for the one outparcel they had at the time.

    PF Chang's made a decision and they're locating at the NE corner of Memorial and Penn Ave. at Memorial Square Shopping Center next to Super Target. In my opinion, that's a mistake for such an upscale restaurant to locate there, but that's my opinion. It will probably do fine there, but that area just doesn't contain any other upscale establishments.

    In regards to J. Crew, Banana Republic and other upscale retailers...they're all at Penn Square. Penn Square has basically taken on most of the stores that are at Utica Square in Tulsa. They have to Nichols Hills area to support it. I think one day we might be able to see stores like that in Bricktown, but right now there just isn't enough down there year round to keep such stores afloat. In fact, the owner of the Laughing Fish Gift Shop had to open stores at Crossroads and Quail Springs to keep his business on the canal afloat. I think Penn Square might be too close to downtown, and might be preventing such a development from occurring as well. I don't think OKC can support two upscale malls. Having individual freestanding upscale stores in separate buildings on the canal might be an option later. But the stores would have to be different from those at Penn Square.

    Personally, I think we need to focus on getting more housing downtown first, because as the old saying goes, "retail follows rooftops." If we can get upscale housing downtown, we might have a greater chance of getting upscale retail. Truth is, most people shop in their surrounding community, so we need more people living downtown. More young professionals like the Penn Square crowd.

    I agree with your Irish pub suggestion. I think that would be a great addition to Bricktown.

    I like the idea of a bookstore in downtown/Bricktown, but I don't think Barnes and Noble would be a good fit. We need to move away from big box retailers in Bricktown and focus on more one of a kind shops. I think something more like Full Circle Bookstore at 50 Penn Place would be a better fit for Bricktown.

    If Barnes and Noble were to locate downtown, maybe a better option for them would be to, instead of building a big box store, locate in 3 or 4 floors of one of the warehouses in Bricktown. Not sure if Barnes and Noble would do that though. I still like the Full Circle idea, or something similar better. I just think local attractions are more unique. That's one reason I'm really glad that Nona's Bakery and Painted Door Shop are moving to Bricktown. I think that will be a great fit for the area.

    I'm not sure the hotel on the canal will attract more retail. We already have hotels in downtown and they're not really doing the job. Again, we need more permanent residents living downtown.

    floater, I really like your ideas for expanding the July 4th celebration. And I like your idea of reciting famous speeches. The stage is already down there....they ought to have an entire 4th of July program down there, complete with speeches, choirs, patriotic music and all. My problem now is that all they have is local bands playing their songs, and it's not really patriotic. Local bands are fine, but it needs to be mixed in with patriotic programs. Maybe have reinactments of the Revolutionary War, or something like that. Give a little history about our independence.
    I also like the Jeopardy of American trivia idea. That would work well on the stage as well.

    See, the stage is already there for the 4th. They just need to do more with it.

    They need to make it a carnival atmosphere as well.....like a mini fair or something. Maybe have an arts and crafts fair. And a farmer's market. How about the Bricktown art show/gallery where painters can display there work...like a mini arts festival. All of that on the 4th would make Bricktown more of a July 4th destination.

    Right now all they have are local bands and a few fair-like vendors, and that's all. There's really nothing to keep you down there all day.

    In regards to the Easter idea...I agree. A few churches could get together and put on a big Passion Play and service at th eBricktown Ball park. Victory Christian Center did a big performance (they had 6 performances and filled all of them) at the State Fair arena. Why not move that to the Bricktown Ball park????
    Easter time usually has nice weather, and if weather got bad, it could be moved into either the CocaCola Events Center in Bricktown, or into the Ford Center.

    I agree with Mr. Anderson that we need something more in downtown/Bricktown that tells our history. I like the animatronics idea.

    I also think our canal needs more extensions, but I think that's already in the master plan. Personally though, I'd like to see an extension come up Oklahoma Ave and by some of the other buildings in Bricktown, like Bricktown Brewer and Spaghetti Warehouse......it could run under Sheridan and to Main Street.....then maybe run along Main Street.....that would encourage developers to develop several of the run down buildings on Main Street. That's not in the works.

    I like the idea in the Master Plan though that shows the canal going between the Ford Center and Cox Center, and around to link up with the pons at the Myriad Gardens. That would be pretty cool having water taxis go under the Crystal Bridge.

  14. Default

    A part of me now thinks that a Cheesecake Factory wouldn't really bring anything new to the area, but then again, I don't think many are even familiar with the brand. I would like to see a more ethnic fine restaurant on the outparcel...too bad P.F. Changs couldn't wait. I agree with Patrick that the location next to Target is a poor choice.

    I also would want to see any B & N or other chain bookstore adapt to an existing warehouse in Bricktown. But I still think it's a good idea; a B & N would lend some legitimacy to Bricktown and even pull in residents. But I agree that it should be dominated by local establishments. I also look forward to Nonna's, which will add some retail and lends more class to the district. It's a local success story.

    I saw Sam Waterson re-enact an address Lincoln gave at Cooper Union as a presidential candidate on C-SPAN, arguing that slavery policy should be federal. It was long-winded (about an hour), but ended with the line, "LET US HAVE FAITH THAT RIGHT MAKES MIGHT, AND IN THAT FAITH, LET US, TO THE END, DARE TO DO OUR DUTY AS WE UNDERSTAND IT." Awesome stuff. We've had Civil War re-enactments in the past, but they were about battle. The stuff I'm talking about, like this, is rhetoric that shaped America's ideals.
    Continue the Renaissance

  15. #15
    Patrick Guest


    Yeah, Cheesecake Factory isn't really anything unique, but it would be something new to the market, at least. I have a feeling it would probably be an easier catch for Penn Square since most Cheesecake Factories are at malls, and Simon has several in their portfolio. But, I'm with you...I'd like to see something really different in the area. I sent the list of restaurants everyone suggested to Bob Landdec. He was impressed with what we came up with and said the leasing department would get to work.

    I think PF Changs was going after Memorial Road because it's in between Edmond and the Penn Square Mall area. But, it seems like most of the people up and down Memorial Road are just typical middle class family folks. I know that's what Quail Springs attracts mostly, and it seems like the restaurants on Memorial Road cater to that bunch. The other thing PF Changs might had considered was the recent expansions in that area. Several restaurants have been added to Memorial Road, as well as all of the strip centers (Wal Mart area and Quail Springs Market Place- where Lowes, Old Navy, etc. is). But, there's just nothing else upscale in that area. Also, Memorial and Penn is a pretty busy intersection, so they might have taken that into consideration.

    It seems to me like the PF Changs in Tulsa is set in the perfect location.
    It fits with Utica Square well. Utica Square is upscale, with pretty much the same stores as Penn Square/50 Penn Place area, plus Saks 5th Ave.

    On the other hand, Memorial Road and Penn has a Wal-Mart, Sams, Super Target, and tons of fast food restaurants. In fact, the anchor of the strip center that PF Changs is going into is Target. Come on!!!!! That doesn't fit at all.

    When I heard PF Changs was coming I figured they'd choose a more upscale location like Edmond, Waterford, Western Avenue in Nichols Hills, or the Penn Square parcel. I think PF Changs would fit so much better in those locations.

    Oh well, that's water under the bridge. I'm sure PF Changs will still do fine, but I think the atmosphere would've been better in a more upscale environment.
    Personally, I think I would've even rather they have picked the NW 23rd and Classen area, over the area they chose.

    Yeah, I wouldn't have a problem with a Barnes and Noble either, as long as they didn't build a big box-type store like their others. I think a 3 level store in one of the warehouse buildings, with fancy stairwells in between, would be nice!

    I'm with you on the re-enactments. I think that would flow good with the patriotic celebraton in Bricktown.

  16. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by TStheThird
    Is there an Irish Pub in Bricktown? Over the last six months, I have enjoyed Irish Pubs in 10 different European cities. I also got to watch the Final Four at an Irish Pub in Florence. Basically, I have never been to an Irish Pub that I did not like. We need at least one in Bricktown.

    I like the talk of festivals. Along with a farmer's market, there needs to be a time when the local wine producers of Oklahoma can set up booths and show off their product. This will help people realize that there is wine production going on in the state.

    MrAnderson... when are you going to unleash the mega-attraction? Does anyone ever think that they will ever develop an area with nice clothing retail stores like J Crew and Banana Republic... maybe Ralph Lauren? Would that work in Bricktown or would it be better in one of the other downtown districts? They have that Banana in Utica Square in Tulsa... it would be cool to see one and other shops on the canal someday. Maybe it would work down in the entertainment district. I am sure that once the hotel is built, it will attract more retail like that.
    When in Bricktown, visit Tapwerks. It's not an Irish Pub, but Tapwerks offers 110 beer on tap... and not low-point beer either!

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