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Thread: Star Wars Reunion

  1. #1

    Default Star Wars Reunion

    It looks like we haven't seen the last of Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, or Hans Solo.

    Lucas says 'Star Wars' trio returning for new film - Yahoo! News

    They will be in supporting roles but it should still be fun to see them together again.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Star Wars Reunion

    This should be fun. Seeing the Millennium falcon with a Handicapped tag will be a wake up call.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Star Wars Reunion

    When does production start? Master Skywalker better get a personal trainer. lol

  4. #4

    Default Re: Star Wars Reunion

    Quote Originally Posted by cleanskull View Post
    This should be fun. Seeing the Millennium falcon with a Handicapped tag will be a wake up call.

    I woulda just liked your post, but alas, that hasn't been fixed yet.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Star Wars Reunion

    Luke with a light cane, Chewbacca balding with a pot belly. I see a lot of potential with this movie. I wish George would sign on Mel Brooks as asst. director.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Star Wars Reunion

    Quote Originally Posted by cleanskull View Post
    Luke with a light cane, Chewbacca balding with a pot belly. I see a lot of potential with this movie. I wish George would sign on Mel Brooks as asst. director.
    That wouldn't be a bad idea. There was a lot of humor in the original Star Wars movies.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Star Wars Reunion

    I think we may have found the originals far funnier than they were intended to be.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Star Wars Reunion

    "We had already signed Mark and Carrie and Harrison — or were pretty much in the final stages of negotiation," Lucas said.

    He added: "Maybe I'm not supposed to say that. I think they want to announce that with some big whoop-de-do."
    What a sad and bitter man Lucas has become. This is such a punk move of him to do. lol. Dude needs to take his $4 billion and disappear. The whole world understands how pathetic of a creator he has become, but apparently he hasn't quite come to grips with it.

    Just wait until JJ slaps that magic on this Star Wars stuff and then it'll be even more glaring what a lame attempt episodes 1-3 were. At this point I'm just scared that since he still owns THX that he might completely screw that up, as well.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Star Wars Reunion

    Quote Originally Posted by cleanskull View Post
    This should be fun. Seeing the Millennium falcon with a Handicapped tag will be a wake up call.
    Flying past the screen with sputtering white smoke and squeaking would be hysterical.

  10. Default Re: Star Wars Reunion

    While I think it would be hysterical to see the geriatric team go to work, I have a feeling JJ is going to have a more elegant role in mind for them.

    Geek time...

    I do like the fact they are coming back though. Its going to help with the continuity of the story line. It is going to be interesting to see if we are introduced to Mara Jade (Luke's wife) and their kid Ben. Also Jacen, Anakin, and Jaina Solo from the other too. I would think you almost have to put in Jacen for the Darth Caedus story.

    Most rumors put things around 40 years after Yavin 4 battle, so that would get us right towards the end of a lot of story lines. Vader's 2nd apprentice Lady Lumiya dies around this time, but not before turning Jacen to Caedus. Vergere, another apprentice of Sidious, is killed before this and by Jacen Solo...so likely won't see much there. Darth Krayt arrives after Caedus falls. Once we get to Darth Krayt we are back into a period where Darth Bane's rule of two is gone and he has roughly 6 apprentices - Stryfe, Maladi, Ruyn, Nihl, Wyyrlok III, and Talon.

    So there is a lot of room for them to play here.

    The two break off features following Han Solo and Boba Fett don't come across too exciting. I guess the Boba Fett one has the better chance of doing well where the Han Solo feature is going to struggle with no Harrison Ford. However, JJ did it well with the Spock reboot so I guess it could work.

    I really wish they would go back and do a movie during the time of the Second Great Schism where the Sith and Jedi order splits. Giving us the ability to see, on the big screen, Karnass Muur, Ajunta Pall, Tulak Hord, Marka Ragnos, Naga Sadow, Ludo Kressh, Freedon Nadd, etc. Of course all leading up to my favorite - Revan. Which of course would lead us into seeing the true Sith purebloods and Sith Empire show up on the big screen for the first time.

    Okay that is enough geeking out for now.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Star Wars Reunion

    What I wonder is how much JJ and crew will "tinker" with the established SW saga. His team cleverly created this very Trekkian alternate timeline to reboot Star Trek so he had plausible deniability to ignore or leverage as he deems fit what might be considered "canon" from the previous Trek movies/TV series. While his Star Wars work obviously won't be a reboot, just how faithful he remains to the first six movies will be very, very interesting.

    I was never as big a SW fan as I was Trek, so I don't know that universe nearly as well. Just get ready for lens flares out the wazoo

  12. #12

    Default Re: Star Wars Reunion

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerDave View Post
    What I wonder is how much JJ and crew will "tinker" with the established SW saga. His team cleverly created this very Trekkian alternate timeline to reboot Star Trek so he had plausible deniability to ignore or leverage as he deems fit what might be considered "canon" from the previous Trek movies/TV series. While his Star Wars work obviously won't be a reboot, just how faithful he remains to the first six movies will be very, very interesting.

    I was never as big a SW fan as I was Trek, so I don't know that universe nearly as well. Just get ready for lens flares out the wazoo
    I think he will be faithful to the movies. I wouldn't be surprised if he pretends books never existed or he just grabs a few ideas off them and comes up with his own story. Much to the disappointment of starwars geeks. lol

  13. #13

    Default Re: Star Wars Reunion

    Someone on Fark suggested this title: Episode VII - A New Hip

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