OETA must have some really rich old contributors. I mean seriously “The Lawrence Welk Show”? Anytime I accidentally flip across the show, I can’t help but think “all these people are dead” Heck, the people dancing were in their 60’s back then and the show is 30 years old! That would make them 90 today. (if they’re still alive)

Another show that blows my mind is “OETA Movie Club”. These movies are so old and outdated they’re almost funny. I can understand showing a few classics, but some of these are bottom shelf stuff.

I can only imagine the age demo for these shows. I didn’t know there was a demand for audiences approaching 100 years old.

I’m sure there’s some people not that old enjoying these shows, but it is a minute fraction of the general population. I have noticed when they try to raise money they play concerts from Stevie Nicks, David Bowie and the Eagles. If those are the people giving money to your station, shouldn’t you skew your programming towards them? People watching Lawrence Welk, etc. are in nursing homes for Christ’s sake! They must be donating their social security checks to OETA.