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Thread: Wax museum needed

  1. #1
    Jack Guest

    Default Wax museum needed

    Every major city has their one of a kind wax museum. Oklahoma City doesn't seem to have one. I recently visited a wax museum in Laclede's Landing in St. Louis, MO, a district similar to Bricktown. It was a nice attraction. Your thoughts?

  2. Default Re: Wax museum needed

    It would be a one shot wonder...people would come and see it once and thats it.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Wax museum needed

    I have no interest to see a wax museum in OKC. This would be near the bottom of the list for me.

  4. #4
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Wax museum needed

    I agree it would be unique, but like others, I wonder how many times people would go see it.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Wax museum needed

    I agree Jack, I was wondering why we don't have one yet. Although one might not personally enjoy it, it would be a good tourist attraction for the city

  6. Default Re: Wax museum needed

    Besides, the wax would melt in the summer heat or from the fires. :-P

  7. Default Re: Wax museum needed

    we could have a hall of Oklahoman's as well as other areas. Great idea. Someone needs to call Madam Trueseau.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Wax museum needed

    wax museum = suck

    But it would be a great fit for lower bricktown. There's a empty lot right next to Toby's.

  9. #9
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Wax museum needed

    I think I've actually been to the one Jack mentioned in St. Louis. Jack, is it next to Planet Hollywood? Anyhow, it's in one of the old warehouses and takes up 2 or 3 floors.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Wax museum needed

    A wax museum or Ripley's would provide 'something' for those visiting to do, as well as pull in people off the highway. It would be another attraction in helping make Bricktown and OKC a destination.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Wax museum needed

    Actually, what I think would be in that same vein but actually a bit more successful would be a Ripley's Believe It or Not museum. Normally, these sites have a few fixed exhibits, but then rotate in other exhibits on a scheduled basis to keep the place fresh and interesting.

    My wife and I went to one in Branson a few years back. We didn't really expect much, but it was actually very cool and extremely interesting.


  12. Default Re: Wax museum needed

    I wouldn't mind having a Ripley's Believe it or Not. Those are pretty cool. And on a non-sarcastic note, Lower Bricktown would be a good place for it.

  13. #13
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Wax museum needed

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerDave
    Actually, what I think would be in that same vein but actually a bit more successful would be a Ripley's Believe It or Not museum. Normally, these sites have a few fixed exhibits, but then rotate in other exhibits on a scheduled basis to keep the place fresh and interesting.

    My wife and I went to one in Branson a few years back. We didn't really expect much, but it was actually very cool and extremely interesting.

    Again, I think we need to do something unique instead of simply copying off other cities. How would this be any different than the one in Dallas or Branson?

  14. #14

    Default Re: Wax museum needed

    Having a wax museum doesn't equate to being a "major city". It just happens that these larger cities have enough of a tourist population to support these type of places.

    Personally, I think they are a waste of time and money after visiting the one in DFW (Irving, TX).

  15. #15

    Default Re: Wax museum needed

    Either way, it's keeping tourist dollars here instead of Dallas or Branson

  16. #16
    MadMonk Guest

    Thumbs down Re: Wax museum needed

    I've been to the Hollywood Wax Museum in Branson recently. Trust me, its definitely not something you would travel any serious distance to see.

    I can only envision going to a was museum more than once if it had exhibits that changed frequently and were of better quality than what I saw in Branson.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Wax museum needed

    but MadMonk would you agree, it's one more attraction to keep tourist dollars here than elsewhere? Even from Oklahomans, if they had one in state, it would keep our own dollars from being spent at the same attraction elsewhere

  18. #18
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: Wax museum needed

    Yes, I suppose it would be an ancillary attraction. I'm not so sure Oklahoman's are itching to travel to and spend money on a wax museum though so I don't think the tourist dollars are going elsewhere for this.

    I'm not against the idea though. If someone is willing to put up the money and give it a go, more power to them. I just don't see it as that big of a "need" here.

  19. #19
    Jack Guest

    Default Re: Wax museum needed

    If we get a wax museum it needs to have a western and Indian theme.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Wax museum needed

    If we get a wax museum it needs to have a western and Indian theme.
    No disrespect, but why? Part of the "culture perception" we have in Oklahoma is that we're literally cowboyz'n'injuns fightin' on horseback 'tween tumbleweeds. I'd like to see us cultivate something other than the standard western themes for our state.


  21. #21

    Default Re: Wax museum needed

    Quote Originally Posted by metro
    Either way, it's keeping tourist dollars here instead of Dallas or Branson
    While tourists might spend money on a wax museum, it's more than likely not the reason they would go to a certain town. I have never heard anyone say, "Hey, let's go to Dallas! They've got a wax museum."

    More than likely, it is people that can't find anything else to do and say, "Oh, there's a wax museum. I've never been to one. Let's try it out."

    I would agree with the people I know that have been to wax museums... "Once is more than enough!"

    Also, I would be willing to bet that repeat customers at wax museums are few and far between.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Wax museum needed

    Quote Originally Posted by keving
    While tourists might spend money on a wax museum, it's more than likely not the reason they would go to a certain town. I have never heard anyone say, "Hey, let's go to Dallas! They've got a wax museum."

    More than likely, it is people that can't find anything else to do and say, "Oh, there's a wax museum. I've never been to one. Let's try it out."

    I would agree with the people I know that have been to wax museums... "Once is more than enough!"

    Also, I would be willing to bet that repeat customers at wax museums are few and far between.

    You make a good point and I agree. Probably 99% of the population does not go out of town just for a wax museum. However, thousands of Oklahoma citizens, including several on here who have admitted going once have obviously spent there tax dollars on one out of state. Had there been one here (although not highly desired), many of our citizens would have spent their tax money here in state thus the "one time" they go would be here instead of filling Dallas' or elsewheres tax coffers. Not to mention tourists visiting here would go to see ours. That's my theory, about keeping even one time visitors to see one in our own state instead of elsewhere. Make sense?

  23. #23

    Default Re: Wax museum needed

    Metro: Yes, it makes sense to encourage people to spend money in OKC instead of Dallas or St Louis. However, I don't think this is what will attract them here.

    I also don't agree with Jack's original post...

    Quote Originally Posted by Jack
    Every major city has their one of a kind wax museum. Oklahoma City doesn't seem to have one.
    Does every major city really have one?

  24. #24

    Default Re: Wax museum needed

    Oklahoma City also needs an adult entertainment district.

    Every big city has one.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Wax museum needed

    Oklahoma City also needs an adult entertainment district.
    Please, Midtowner, tell me you're being sarcastic and I just didn't notice it.. (I can blame it on my headache)


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