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Thread: Bad habits

  1. Default Bad habits

    What habits do people display that make you so angry you could blow your stack?

    My list:

    Whistling, humming, inturupting, failure to listen, inconsiderate behavor, stupidity, being rude. This is a partial list.

    Now yours, please.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Bad habits

    My list - Selfishness, Dishonesty, Liars, Freeloaders, and people who act fake.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Bad habits

    People that throw their trash out the car window, people that interupt while I am talking to someone else, people at work who sit around while others work, lets see here, liars, cheaters, scammers, dont know if those are considered bad habits, but bothers me none the less. I could probably think of a million more.

  4. #4
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: Bad habits

    Gee, where do I begin? People that drive 85 on the highway instead of 60...and get by with it, people that interrupt me while I am talking, before I can even finish my sentence, people that lie to me or back stab, people that don't reply to e-mails when I ask for a reply, people that will not accept the truth, people that cuss (because of their unintelligent, limited vocabulary), people that brag about getting drunk, ...........so many more, so little time.

  5. Default Re: Bad habits

    Quote Originally Posted by Keith
    People that drive 85 on the highway instead of 60...and get by with it,
    oops... sorry Keith.. I know this is off the subject, but my in my way of thinking (as odd as it may be), I've come up with a somewhat less stinky excuse for driving fast! I drive 20 above the speed limit now. We only slow down as we get older...so, therefore, when I am 80 y/o, I will have slowed down to going the speed limit, instead of going 20 UNDER the limit. Therefore, I am at less risk to society when I'm cruisin' around in my later decades! OK.. sorry... back to pet peeves!

    Mine would have to be chronic lungers who still smoke and then show up in my ER wanting me to fix their problems with breathing... and they still have a carton of smokes in their front pocket/purse! Geez people, I can fix alot of things, but I can't fix crazy! And, you qualify in that category if you think the damage you did to your lungs your whole life by lighting up is going to get fixed in the ER just by getting a breathing treatment... I don't think so... It's called Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease... because your lungs are CHRONICALLY obstructed! Disclaimer: if you do come into my ER, I promise I won't preach at you like I did here... I'll just simply state that you should not smoke, but I also know that it is very addicting. Then I will procede with trying to make your breathing bearable for the few short years you have left, or until you decide to light up again, whichever comes first! arrrghhhh!

  6. #6
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Bad habits

    Quote Originally Posted by Keith
    people that don't reply to e-mails when I ask for a reply
    Oh! I like that one. I just hate when I send emails out and people never reply. Makes me sick.

    Anyhow, my brief list: people that drink and party a lot and act like they're cool when they're not, people who act fake (definitely), Christians that don't act like it, people that have no pride in themselves or their surroundings, people who are flat out lazy.

  7. Default Re: Bad habits

    hey patrick.. I replied! (if you didn't get it, though, let me know.)

  8. #8

    Default Re: Bad habits

    Wow....I have two to add, one: people who sit behind me on an aircraft and constantly bounce their nervous knee/leg up and down just enough that I can feel it and never get close to dozing of, two: morbidly obese people who buy only one airplane ticket. Try sitting next to one and leaning to one side 20 degrees for the four hours duration of a flight. They pay for one seat and get one and a third, I pay for one seat and get only two thirds. I travel a lot and experience both of these regularly.

    Also, legalistic people, dirty people, skanks, people who withhold bad news until the issue festers so much it can't be improved,....and like mranderson said, people who whistle...especially no identifiable tune.

  9. Talking Re: Bad habits

    Quote Originally Posted by mranderson
    What habits do people display that make you so angry you could blow your stack?

    My list:

    Whistling, humming, inturupting, failure to listen, inconsiderate behavor, stupidity, being rude. This is a partial list.

    Now yours, please.
    Mine are people who buy expensive cars (or any "new" car) and then decide to smoke while driving...talk about depreciation. Others are interrupting, pretending to listen, not taking the time to remember the little things about their partner/friends.

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