Re: Worst local commercial?
What about that old commercial that went something like this:
"But I have a BRILLIANT personality!"
That thing was running while I was in college and it looked straight out of 1985. Remember that?
What about "Are ya Christian? Are ya Single? If you're Christian AND Single..." then they would play the Oklahoma Discount Furniture and then run the Christian Singles thing agin...and then OK Discount Furniture again.
Can't stand disjointed arm man. What a looker, though. Man. He pulls me in with his buggy eyes.
But, since the advent of the DVR, I haven't been subjected to many local commercials. Except the 7-11 Icy Drink commercial with the kids in the band. One of my students was in that commercial. I give him props but wow, WOW, that girl...I couldn't stand that commercial.
Still corrupting young minds