Wow, this is a report I know you'll be interested in:
Downtown Oklahoma City—already a revitalization success story with capital
investments of nearly $1.5 billion since 1998—is now poised for sustained
increases in downtown housing, according to a study conducted by CDS
Market Research | Spillette Consulting of Houston.
The study, commissioned by a coalition of city organizations, indicates that the
growth in downtown housing could range between 2,250 and 4,250 units in
the next five years. During the next 10 years, the total combined growth of
rental and for-sale housing in downtown could climb to between 4,000 and
7,750 units.
“Achieving this type of residential growth could have an amazing impact for
downtown Oklahoma City,” said Dave Lopez, president of Downtown OKC, Inc.,
the coordinating sponsor of the study. “Evidence that there is such a strong
desire by so many to live downtown is very positive. But this growth is not
guaranteed and getting there will require more of the public-private
partnership that revitalized downtown in recent years.”
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