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Thread: Downtown OKC, Inc. expands their presence

  1. #1
    Patrick Guest

    Default Downtown OKC, Inc. expands their presence

    From yesterday's downtownguy blog:

    "On the Streets

    Downtown OKC Inc. is expanding their street presence. Over the past couple of weeks they have been teaming up with arts groups to have performers out on sidewalks, entertaining visitors and workers. (the guitar player at First National outside the Buzz yesterday was great!) Now you can read in Journal Record about new ambassadors hitting the streets.

    So, what would you downtown dreamers do if you had the money?
    If I were a developer, my dream project would not be in Bricktown, it would not be in Deep Deuce or the area being called The Triangle. It would not involve a skyscraper. It would be Film Exchange Row. (Midtown would come a close second)

    - The Downtown Guy

    So, let's expand on this here somewhat. Answer downtownguy's question.

  2. #2
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Downtown OKC, Inc. expands their presence

    Here are a couple of comments from readers of downtownguy's blog:

    The Old Downtown Guy said...
    I concur for the most part. There is already plenty of interest in projects east of the tracks. Film Row and MidTown offer more real estate value and have more appeal to me but for different reasons. IMHO.

    FILM ROW. An interesting strip of buildings with the two story Film Exchange Building having the most architectural appeal. Nice brick work, big windows, the upper floor with its north facing light scoop. Several other buildings along Sheridan also have nice facades and there are existing tenants that provide some stability as things move forward. A few years back, I checked out the large building across the street north from the Film Exchange and it has potential for either a single business user or a combination of business and residential. I am not sure if it is still on the market, but it was in good shape and will look better when the windows are opened up. Just down the street at the corner of Sheridan and Walker, The OKCURA owns a nice piece of vacant land that could work well as a mid-rise mixed use development. Great location. There are also more vacant spaces along Film Row that could be attractive for mixed use. A median on Sheridan to soften up the wide street and provide a gateway site at Sheridan and Walker would go a long way toward making the area more pedestrian friendly. This would be my choice for a commercial or mixed use project.

    MIDTOWN. The route of today’s morning walk to the Post Office included a swing up to Plaza Court and then across the street to have a look see on the progress at the new location for Café Do Brazil. They will need to hump it up to be open in a month or so, but it is worth waiting for. In the meantime, I can always catch a taste of the Caribbean at 12th and Hudson. Jerk chicken and an assortment of curry dishes in the former Busy Bee Diner have proven to be a welcome addition to my diet. I hope Café Do Brazil will keep late hours in the bar for an after 10 option following a show, concert etc. for cocktails and snacks.

    Real estate opportunities abound in MidTown. Single building lots, existing houses to rehab and larger parcels for multi-family development. Still undervalued price wise and quietly being revitalized lot by lot and house by house. Good skyline views and an easy walk to downtown, Saint Anthony and the Federal Campus. My choice for a small residential project.

    Thursday, June 30, 2005 8:00:30 AM

    NewPlains said...
    If I had unlimited money and the clout to get things done, I would do a couple of things. I've already posted about how I would like to see a central arts campus in Auto Alley. I would also invest in a world class meteorology museum and science center downtown. I think that what OKC needs is to think less about keeping up with what other cities have and more about developing our own unique attractions. Meteorology is one thing that central oklahoma is known for world wide, and being known as a center of a complex and advanced science like that really helps to combat the dust bowl hick imagery that we see all too often. With the Omniplex in a bit of a decline, I think there is a need in our community for a good well run general interest science museum, and what better focus for that museum than a science that was pioneered right here and affects us every day? I would invest heavily in real community development- not handouts, but real on the ground efforts to create jobs, help small business owners, clean up neighborhoods and pull the city together. I would help the organizers of the deadCENTER film festival expand it into a major regional film and music festival, with local and national bands performing at venues around the city. I would put a fountain in that traffic circle at 10th and Walker. I would put a statue of Ralph Ellison in front of the state capitol, or at least downtown somewhere. I would invest in Capitol Hill, because I'm going to need to make some of this money back eventually, and you don't find cheap art deco buildings close to downtown in every city. Grandiose plans, I know, but I think that all of them are possible. I'm just probably not the right person to lead the charge, at least not yet. And my biggest investment? A real daily newspaper, to put the Oklahoman solidly and permanently out of business.

    Friday, July 01, 2005 12:40:32 AM"

  3. Default Re: Downtown OKC, Inc. expands their presence

    hey those are some good ideas. i do like the idea of the meteorology center, but i think it would be better suited in norman. just to go with the whole meteorology thing they got going down there.
    if i had the financial backing i would love to put more high rises in the area; whether for commercial or res. c'mon cities similar to our size have more skyskrapers than we do. example: tulsa.

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