Well, the only reason I have a tag photo blocker is when I go to Dallas, I have received two tickets for running red lights. I know for a fact I didn't run them and I have four dash cams in my car that record everything along with a blackbox and I spent three hours looking through footage and I stopped at every light and sent it in to the Dallas court. It is a pain in the ass and have had to do it two times!!!!! I have also had friends and family that live there tell me they have received red light photo tickets for no reason.
I know though, it works because I have passed speed cameras in St. Louis going well over the limit and they attempted to take a photo of my tag and it didn't work. I don't plan on breaking the law, but I don't want my tag out there for any camera to pick up either. Not sure which one the myth busters use, but I have
BLINDER-X-TREME Anti photo license plate cover Blinder.net plate right here.