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Thread: 10th Planet

  1. Default 10th Planet

    Scientists have discovered a tenth Planet larger than Pluto. A magaizine out of Paris, France is having a contest to name the Planet.

    It can not be the name of a military leader or politician unless they have been dead for 100 years or more. What would you name it?

    My choice. Nostradomus.

  2. Default Re: 10th Planet

    I opened up a thread at my Web site to gather suggestions, and so far, the one I like best is "Bob."

  3. Default Re: 10th Planet

    Larger than Pluto?

    I vote for Goofy - isn't he a dog too?
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  4. #4
    pdjr Guest

    Default Re: 10th Planet

    America the Distant?
    That planet the Scientologists never told us about?

    Science continues to amaze me.

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