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Thread: Reasons not to be single...

  1. #1

    Default Reasons not to be single...

    This thread needed to exist.

    Okay.. can anyone think of any?

  2. #2
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Reasons not to be single...

    Companionship. Being alone isn't very fun. In fact, being alone, i.e., having no support system, can lead to all sorts of emotional problems, depression and anxiety being the most common. It's nice having a steady person that you can call to talk to to share life's experiences (both good and bad) with.

  3. #3
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: Reasons not to be single...

    You don't have to be married, but it is essential that you have somebody that you can share your thoughts and secrets with.

  4. #4
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Reasons not to be single...

    I suppose sex is better if you're not a loner.

  5. Default Re: Reasons not to be single...

    Because being alone just absolutely sucks....

  6. #6
    SoundMind Guest

    Default Re: Reasons not to be single...

    Having someone in your life really turns on the love chemicals in your brain. It's absolutely fantastic.

  7. #7
    Jay Guest

    Default Re: Reasons not to be single...

    I plan on staying single for the rest of my life. No drama, no in-laws, no kids, I'm free to do what I want, when I want, and with whoever I want.

  8. #8
    Rev. Bob Guest

    Default Re: Reasons not to be single...

    Paul says that if a man can stay single and resist sexual immorality, it's better, Otherwise, it's better for a man to get married. The Bible also says that it's not good for a man to be alone. Thus, finding a spouse is probably a decen idea from a Biblical perspective. At the same time, not everyone has the personality necessary for marriage.

  9. #9
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Reasons not to be single...

    Rev. Bob, just curious, do you ever counsel certain couples against getting married?

  10. #10
    ctgaines2004 Guest

    Default Re: Reasons not to be single...

    Why are people like me always rejected?

    How is someone suppose to find a spouse when they are always rejected?

    Are you saying some people deserve to be single because they are ugly or lack social skills to meet that someone special?

  11. #11

    Default Re: Reasons not to be single...

    Quote Originally Posted by ctgaines2004
    Why are people like me always rejected?

    How is someone suppose to find a spouse when they are always rejected?

    Are you saying some people deserve to be single because they are ugly or lack social skills to meet that someone special?
    What kind of person are you? Why do you feel that you are constantly rejected?

  12. #12
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Reasons not to be single...

    Quote Originally Posted by ctgaines2004
    Why are people like me always rejected?

    How is someone suppose to find a spouse when they are always rejected?

    Are you saying some people deserve to be single because they are ugly or lack social skills to meet that someone special?
    I really can't answer the first questions, other than for saying that sometimes it just takes time to find the right person, a person that will truly love you for the person you are, and not expect you to be something you're not.

    In reference to the last statement......no, I'm saying some people are just so indepedently-minded and/or selfish, that they're better off remaining single. For a relationship to work, both parties have to give a huge sacrifice, worknig together. This is often difficult to do if one is so bent on sticking firmly to their own beliefs and lifestyle.

  13. Default Re: Reasons not to be single...

    The biggest reason not to be single...


  14. #14
    Rev. Bob Guest

    Default Re: Reasons not to be single...

    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick
    Rev. Bob, just curious, do you ever counsel certain couples against getting married?
    Of course I do. There are some couples that shouldn't be together. I can usually tell which marriages will last and which won't. It's obvious after just a few sessions of premarital counseling.

    Most of the time, what I see most is unrealistic expectations. Everyone expects their significant other to change, when they themselves are unwilling to change.

    Stubbornness is a common cause of marriages/relationships failing.

  15. #15
    Jay Guest

    Default Re: Reasons not to be single...

    Quote Originally Posted by oklacity75
    I plan on staying single for the rest of my life. No drama, no in-laws, no kids, I'm free to do what I want, when I want, and with whoever I want.

    Actually......I have to admit I do look forward to finding that special someone and getting married. I just left that post to see what would come about. Very interesting replies to say the least.

    I am just happy being single at the moment. I just see things this way, I will continue my search for that special someone if its in God's plan for me I know I will find her.

  16. Default Re: Reasons not to be single...

    It's perfectly possible to be happy and not married. If you're independent-minded and have lots of friends, you can have a fulfilling life. You can also be attached and be happy...and not be married.

    I want to have a wife and kids. Personally, I wouldn't have a fulfilled life without them. But I'm not going to get married just for the sake of getting married. The heartbreak and residual effects of divorce are too damaging, at least to me, to force togetherness. I have no doubt that marriage is beautiful, but it is an evolving, and sometimes difficult, partnership and I'm planning on doing it only once. So my philosophy is that only until you find someone who you're absolutely willing to go through heaven and hell with, should you marry.

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