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Thread: Lindsey Street

  1. #1

    Default Lindsey Street

    "Lindsey Street is closed to through traffic between Elm and Jenkins avenues.
    This OU campus section of Lindsey Street is expected to be closed through the end of July."
    Portions of Lindsey Street closed beginning today New and Developing The Norman Transcript

    July?? Thats a long damn time, any ideas what they are doing?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Lindsey Street

    It would be great if we had a newspaper that would tell us that kind of important information.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Lindsey Street

    The Transcript is not a newspaper. It is a mouth-piece, and most of the time it is turned off. All sorts of things are happening and we know nothing. It was a wonderful newspaper years ago. Now the OKC paper has better Norman information.

    Sports blogs? Check. Odes to bicycles? Got them, too. Puppies and kittens? You bet. Happy happy joy joy.

    I really hate saying this - I loved the Transcript for years. I will never buy another copy.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Lindsey Street

    Yeah, its true for the most part. I think the most value they ever had was hosting a local news forum on their web page, learned more about what was goin on than from the published stories. but I don't know what's really up these days since they disable the forum. Maybe thats why I asked people here!

    See, I had read some stuff about the upcoming widening of Lindsey from Jenkins to the train tracks, figuring that would be disrupting traffic flows for some time, but this Lindsey will be closed down for what, 2+ months, story is a surprise!

  5. #5

    Default Re: Lindsey Street

    The forum was the place to go for the real news, yes. I'm sure it is gone for that reason. There is no communication anymore. Norman needs an alternative newspaper. And a pie shop, where you can eat pie and drink coffee and read a paper with actual Norman news. Mmmm, pie!

    I guess they will tell us what we need to know when we need to know it (in their opinion,) after they ask permission from The Overlord.

    I still can't believe they caved and got rid of the forum.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Lindsey Street

    It's closed to THROUGH traffic
    between Elm on the west and Jenkins on the east

    They've been working the Lindsey/Jenkins intersection for a spell, with Jenkins closed to through traffic between Brooks and Jenkins.

    Perhaps more of the Lindsey widening project? This area is the width of the main part of campus.

    Perhaps due to ancillary work relating to the new power plant at the sw corner of Jenkins/Lindsey. If they need to jack with Lindsey at all west of Jenkins, yeah, no through traffic to Elm would be possible.

  7. Default Re: Lindsey Street

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr T View Post
    The forum was the place to go for the real news, yes. I'm sure it is gone for that reason. There is no communication anymore. Norman needs an alternative newspaper. And a pie shop, where you can eat pie and drink coffee and read a paper with actual Norman news. Mmmm, pie!

    I guess they will tell us what we need to know when we need to know it (in their opinion,) after they ask permission from The Overlord.

    I still can't believe they caved and got rid of the forum.
    Isn't there an independent Boyd Street news magazine?

  8. #8

    Default Re: Lindsey Street

    I haven't seen that paper, but I could have missed it - is it big enough to cover Norman politics? The Transcript doesn't seem to be able to cover more than 25% of Norman news.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Lindsey Street

    Boyd Street is or was geared toward the college crowd. It has a crew they send out to take "party pics" or photos of drunk people at campus corner bars and downtown bars. That's prolly the only reason people look at it. the see and be seen crew. They also have a feature called "College Cribs", which shows college kids with pictures of their fancy houses. Oh, and they have another section telling you which bars offer drink specials on whatever night.

    I did read in the Norman section of the OKC paper that OU is installing a steam tunnel under Lindsey street, which is the supposed reason for the lengthy closing of Lindsey street. God Bless OU!

  10. #10

    Default Re: Lindsey Street

    Yep, "the Norman section of the OKC paper." Why can't we learn these things from our own paper? The OKC paper was the only source of information during the Sutton Wilderness/housing addition controversy.

    I see some folk are pushing for Andy Reiger to be publisher now. He grew up here, he knows all of the people, etc etc. He has already proven himself to be unwilling to take on all the people he went to kindergarten with and has lunch with every day.

    I think we need someone from outside, someone who doesn't have a 40-year friendship or family relationship with everyone of "importance" in Norman. We also need someone who is not afraid of David Boren.

  11. Default Re: Lindsey Street

    It would be interesting if the OU Daily covered more city news..or actual news..

  12. #12

    Question Re: Lindsey Street

    I wonder if striking a gas line near the intersection with Jenkins will throw the project behind schedule...

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