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Thread: Hornets returning to New Orleans

  1. #1
    NOLAHornet Guest

    Default Hornets returning to New Orleans

    Looks like we're getting the Hornets back. The state of Lousiana is going to build the practice facility. It's about time we got our team back. Thanks for keeping them, but it's time that you stop coveting them and return them.
    Last edited by Keith; 06-01-2006 at 08:44 PM.

  2. #2
    NOLAHornet Guest

    Default Re: Hornets returning to New Orleans

    For up to date information, check out this website.


    The best Hornets website on the web. The NEW ORLEANS Hornets site!

  3. Default Re: Hornets returning to New Orleans

    Since we are all about sharing websites...another great site for up to date information...


    The day has arrived (well will arrive in a little over an hour central time).


  4. Default Re: Hornets returning to New Orleans

    LOL venture79.......

    NolaHornet .. everyone misses you at HornetsCentral .... we might have to give you a police escort back .. this isn't a trash board so play nice okay? okay.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  5. #5
    NOLAHornet Guest

    Default Re: Hornets returning to New Orleans

    I'm playing nice. Just being honest. OKCians need to know the truth.

  6. Default Re: Hornets returning to New Orleans

    Well, we'll just have to wait and see what happens. No one has a crystal ball. We are just enjoying them for now and will support them while we have them. There are just so many what ifs, from hurricanes, to the practice facility, to Shinn, to investors, to the delayed rebuilding efforts.

    I hear the Saints are doing well... maybe for now, you should focus on them, support them and enjoy the team you have in your city - it doesn't help for all of us to get worked up over all of the this.

    We have zero control over where they end up - what' s the point of all of us hating each other?
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  7. #7

    Default Re: Hornets returning to New Orleans


    Are you some kind of a moron? Suggesting that a bunch of people on a message board return your basketball team? Did that hurricane deal you a sever blow to the head? Unless you're a part of the Hornets organization, then you have absolutely no clue as to what will happen with the franchise.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Hornets returning to New Orleans

    What would happen if OKC were to be struck by some monumental disaster that would render the city uninhabitable for an extended period of time? And what if we had a major league sports team that needed a temporary place to play?

    And how would we feel if our team went to another city, one that had never seen the likes of a sports team like ours? What if the people in that city began to make it very clear that they wanted to keep our team permanently? Does anyone think there wouldn't be any hurt feelings in OKC?

    Well, it seems to me that we're becoming "that other city."

    I think we've lost some of our sensitivity towards what happened in New Orleans. A city, comparable in size to ours, was almost totally destroyed. Its future is uncertain, its people are now living in various places all over the country. I think we can safely say New Orleans civic pride is probably at an all time low. And here we are in OKC salivating like hungry dogs over their basketball team. Are we really so determined to shake off our Oklahoma inferiority complex that we need to act like fools and basically tell the people of New Orleans to screw off and that their team is now ours? Seems to me that's what we are doing. I see it on this forum, in Berry Tramel's columns and on local TV.

    I'm no sports fan, so I think I can look at this a little more objectively. Really, I couldn't care less if we have a sports team or not. But the Hornets is New Orleans team. And whether or not they supported the team doesn't really matter.

    I for one hope they go back to a rebuilt and reinvigorated New Orleans. It's their home, they belong there. OKC has proven that it can host a pro team and I totally believe that in time, the NBA will give us one.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Hornets returning to New Orleans

    You know Byron Scott is selling his digs in NOLA, right?

    He's not the only one buying in OKC.

    That's all I'm saying.

  10. Default Re: Hornets returning to New Orleans

    I have always respected from the beginning that New Orleans deserves their team back. I am not changing my position. But the real truth is, we don't know what is going to happen with New Orleans or Oklahoma City in 2007, or 2008 and beyond. I don't believe then should be our top priority. The team will return in 2007. That's the deal. Oklahoma City should now concentrate its strength on obtaining its own basketball team.

    As of now, let me emphasize that Louisiana now ranks below Mississippi in per capita income, moving Mississippi out of last place in 50 states for the first time since the Bureau of Economic Analysis began tracking per capita income by state, county and zip code seventy years ago. In 2004, Louisiana ranked 42. The state lost $11 billion in personal income. How fast Louisiana is able to recover depends on the willingness of New Orleans to change itself entirely. Supporting two professional teams will be a struggle, but a deal is a deal.
    Continue the Renaissance!!!

  11. Default Re: Hornets returning to New Orleans

    Irregardless of what happened in NOLA, OKC deserves a team. Be it the Hornets who are already here and getting established or some other team. This we all can agree to.

    Now, as for the OKC stealing the team - those who claim this do not know anything about business. Cities around the nation (and world) court businesses all of the time - to try to get them to relocate to their city. OKC does this, as does Chicago, and New York, and LA, Seattle, and Im sure NOLA will start. Once a business relocates, it is done because it made sense to do so.

    It could make sense financially, or politically, or some CEO wants to be close to his hometown.. .. Once a business moves, it was for a number of legitimate reasons - not because the city stole it. No city will RUN a business, and OKC is not stealing the HORNETS.

    Time will tell whether it makes sense to remain in OKC or return to NOLA. Right now, there is POLITICAL pressure for the team to move; but there is FINANCIAL and SOCIAL reasons for the team to remain in OKC. It will be up to the NBA, Shinn, and Stern et al - to determine what is the BEST for the team and the league.

    I would motion, that in this case - the Political pressure to move is not enough to justify the Financial possiblities of remaining in OKC. The city may very well sell 12,500 season tix in 2006-7 and is even raising concern that 14K or more is possible. That would mean every game should sell out, as only 5K or less would be sold on the street. This is very very probable and makes a great reason for the team to remain in OKC.

    Another reason is Social. Nobody can deny that NOLA has great history and was once a very powerful centre of business and commerce. But some things have changed, not necessarily Katrina (although she had a BIG hand in it), because the city has been slipping since the 1970's (depending upon who you ask). So why should a team be necessary for a city that has identity around the world yet is slipping below the margins of profitability??? NOLA never supported the team (until now, supposedly they care all of sudden) because perhaps there just are not enough people/businesses to do so anymore.

    On the other hand, OKC has also delt with tragedy on the billion dollar scale (as well) yet the city is on a great rise. It has been rising since the 1940's (more or less) and is currently under a rapid boom not seen since the 1970's. The city is currently seeking big league recognition and is at the same level as many other "medium metro" markets - like NOLA. So why shouldn't OKC have a team? We're just talking one team at this point - that OKC can and has supported very well; the HORNETS.

    People talk about NOLA didnt support the Hornets because they sucked - well, they sucked (last place) when they moved to OKC - yet the city supported them and now they aint last anymore!!! Memphis did the same for the Grizz, did Mem steal the team from Vancouver? SLC supports the NEW ORLEANS JAZZ, yet why arent NOLA trying to get them back? That was their NBA TEAM, not the Charlotte Hornets.

    Seems to me, that the Financial incentives the team would receive as well as the overwhelming Social support OKC has provided greatly shadows the Political reason to return the team to NOLA. At least, that's the way I see it.

    There may be those who disagree, and I say - only time will tell.
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  12. #12
    NOLAHornet Guest

    Default Re: Hornets returning to New Orleans

    I have been following this issue as well as other NBA issues for several months now. I can tell you the following:

    1. The Hornets will go back to New Orleans full-time starting the 2007-2008 basketball season. The only way this changes is if there is another catastrophic disaster in that city. Shinn will find minority ownership there and the NBA will honor the lease.

    2. The Sonics want to stay in the Seattle area, and it is more likely than not that they will, probably in the metro area, not downtown.

    3. The Blazers almost certainly will stay in Portland. Both the team and the arena will be sold together. While it is theoretically possible that someone from somewhere else could buy the team and move them, it is not practically going to happen. The market is too strong there.

    4. The Magic will stay in Orlando as they are very close to having the arena issue resolved there.

    5. The Kings are not likely to leave Northern California, even though there have been issues for several years now regarding the arena. The deal will get done.

    Where does this leave your city? I honestly don't know. I know that the NBA would like to reward you for what you have done with the Hornets, but I think you guys are going to the back-burner. At least this is what I am hearing.

    I am sorry, I cannot identify myself, so you'll just have to take this for what it is worth. I am sure many will be skeptical, but time will prove my information correct. Sorry and good luck in the future.

  13. #13
    NOLAHornet Guest

    Default Re: Hornets returning to New Orleans

    I have no particular interest in what people from New Orleans say. I am just reporting the facts. So, let me address your issues.

    First, the city of Portland also has a lease with the Blazers. It's a minimal value lease, but it is a long-term lease nonetheless. It is theoretically possible to buy the team and move them, but the buyer of the team will also have to buy the arena. Then what? If the team moves, the owner has an empty arena. I guess if you are that owner, you go for an NHL team in Portland and put your NBA team wherever you want it. Strange arrangement. Plus you have to buy out that minimal value lease with Portland, which I believe amounts to 34 million dollars. It's not practical. Don't hold your breath.

    Second, the problem with the Sonics is not the State, it is the City of Seattle. The State will grant the hotel/motel tax extension to Seattle, if they want it. If not, the City of Renton will take it and will build the arena. They want the Sonics and they want to lure an NHL team to metro Seattle. Renton's actions may cause Seattle to act. Don't expect to get the Sonics.

    Both Portland and Seattle are much larger markets than OKC. It's a bit unreasonable to expect to get either team. Of course, it is not impossible.

    I understand why you want the Hornets. They are there now, so you think they are your best bet. They aren't. They are as good as gone, and an executive is losing power quickly within the organization.

    You guys can sit back and hope for the Hornets all day long, but it isn't going to happen. Enjoy the upcoming season, but work on a new plan involving another team. That's the best approach because trying to keep the Hornets is an un-winable battle for OKC. Then again, if a catastrophic hurricane hits New Orleans, maybe you could keep them. Surely you guys don't wish for that, do you?

  14. #14
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Hornets returning to New Orleans

    You wouldn't by any chance be Harvey Hornet, would you? If so, pass the Kool-Aid.

  15. Default Re: Hornets returning to New Orleans

    Just like a broken record.. around and around we go..

    No one knows the future.. we have always been and will be fine with or without the Hornets... we've proven ourselves as a viable and excellent market for the NBA and we have come out of this with stellar reports.. now it's up to you to do the same.. Good luck with that
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  16. Default Re: Hornets returning to New Orleans

    I haven't had much to say about this, but thought you might find this interesting....I have been back and forth to Houston several times lately. Driving and flying. Yesterday I flew from Houston Hobby to Will Rogers. A man from Kansas City said he had been to a Hornets game in Nola and to one in Oklahoma City during a convention a few months back. He made the simple observation that he never felt safe in New Orleans. He said it was nice to see a game in OKC and not feel like they need the national Guard to protect your family. That's just sad. New Orleans was a great city that (forget the tragic hurricane a minute) had deteriorated into a third-world city where crime and corruption ran rampant. Very sad.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Hornets returning to New Orleans

    NOLA, if you're so simultaneoulsy convinced and obsessed with the notion that the Hornets are going back to that thriving mold-ridden metropolis, why are you wasting time on a small, Oklahoma City-based bulletin board with your rantings?

    You believe they're going back? Great. Go buy yourself a new box of crayons (splurge for the 64-color box) and color yourself a nice, big poster welcoming them home. As for the rest of your opinions, who cares? If you prove to be right, we'll all send you a card...


  18. Default Re: Hornets returning to New Orleans

    Quote Originally Posted by NOLAHornet
    I have no particular interest in what people from New Orleans say. I am just reporting the facts. So, let me address your issues.

    Second, the problem with the Sonics is not the State, it is the City of Seattle. The State will grant the hotel/motel tax extension to Seattle, if they want it. If not, the City of Renton will take it and will build the arena. They want the Sonics and they want to lure an NHL team to metro Seattle. Renton's actions may cause Seattle to act. Don't expect to get the Sonics.

    Both Portland and Seattle are much larger markets than OKC. It's a bit unreasonable to expect to get either team. Of course, it is not impossible.

    Im not so sure about that. You are correct in that the Sonics issue is with the City of Seattle, BUT the state of washington will not come in and bail the team out. In fact, it was noted and published that most of the residents of washington (myself included) could care less if the Sonics were to move out of the state. We care more about the Mariners (our long time passtime in Seattle) as well as the recently famous Seattle SeaHawks of the NFL.

    As for the NHL, we'd rather go up to Vancouver BC for that; as does Portlanders. And speaking of Vancouver, I'd heard they are putting something together for the Sonics so if OKC does not jump in Im positive we'll be calling them the Vancouver Supersonics or some other Vancouver based moniker soon.

    And Portland's market (and city) is not that much larger than OKC. In fact, both cities are pretty similar in many ways. Portland is hot for MLB so I suspect that will be their next venture once the NBA gets worked out there (look for a move - to Vancouver or OKC depending upon what happens with the Hornets and Sonics).

    Honestly, I think the Hornets will remain in the city OR have a split city schedule for the life of their arena lease in NO. After that, count on a permanent move to little ole OKC.

    There's just way too much support and profit in OKC for anyone to ignore it and return to unprofitable NO permanently.
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  19. Default Re: Hornets returning to New Orleans

    Quote Originally Posted by NOLAHornet
    First, the city of Portland also has a lease with the Blazers. It's a minimal value lease, but it is a long-term lease nonetheless. It is theoretically possible to buy the team and move them, but the buyer of the team will also have to buy the arena. Then what? If the team moves, the owner has an empty arena. I guess if you are that owner, you go for an NHL team in Portland and put your NBA team wherever you want it. Strange arrangement. Plus you have to buy out that minimal value lease with Portland, which I believe amounts to 34 million dollars. It's not practical. Don't hold your breath.

    Second, the problem with the Sonics is not the State, it is the City of Seattle. The State will grant the hotel/motel tax extension to Seattle, if they want it. If not, the City of Renton will take it and will build the arena. They want the Sonics and they want to lure an NHL team to metro Seattle. Renton's actions may cause Seattle to act. Don't expect to get the Sonics.

    Both Portland and Seattle are much larger markets than OKC. It's a bit unreasonable to expect to get either team. Of course, it is not impossible.
    Quote Originally Posted by NOLAHornet
    but work on a new plan involving another team.
    Why suggest that we work on a plan involving a new team when you tell us we have a snowball's chance in hell of landing a relocation team?

    We'll see what happens in 2007. Until then, let's just enjoy next season.
    Continue the Renaissance!!!

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