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Thread: KOKC Morning show

  1. Default KOKC Morning show

    A friend of mine, Ken Johnson, has replaced Steve Summers as the host of KOKC's morning show, which runs from 6 to 8. I will use this thread to ask for feedback about the topics Ken features. (exception is if we have other threads such as Bricktown)

    First two. Do you feel everyone riding a motorcycle should wear a helmet? Why? Also. How rigid should restrictions be placed on cellular phone use in vehicles? (this includes motorcycles and bicycles)

    A side note about one of Ken's callers. He said he would go out of business if he did not use his cellular while he was driving. Frankly, I could care less. That is what an office and parking lots are for. I would rather get to where I am going alive and driving at what I feel is a reasonable speed. Not the speed of walking because a businessperson is too cheap to lease an office and hire a secretary.

  2. #2
    mrote Guest

    Default Re: KOKC Morning show

    I've been riding motorcycles, both off-road and street, for about 21 years and I always wear a helmet. Partly because I moved here from MO where there is a helmet law. Personally, I think you are an idiot if you ride without one as I have seen first hand what can happen in even a low speed accident. Heads aren't made for bouncing off concrete. But I'm not sure where I stand on it being a law. I'd like to think that people would feel the need to wear one no matter what the law says but from what I see that's apparently not the case.

    On cell usage, I cannot stand when people are talking on their cell while driving. Everybody says, oh I can drive just fine, but everytime I get behind a car doing 10 mph under the limit and weaving back and forth, it's not a drunk but some man/woman on their cell phone completely oblivious to what's going on around them

  3. #3

    Default Re: KOKC Morning show

    Hear! Hear! How many times have I excaped being hit by a hairs bredth because someone has a cell phone. I endorse a state law insisting on hands free phones only to be used in vehicles.

  4. #4
    ladyfalcon Guest

    Default Re: KOKC Morning show

    My son always wanted a motorcycle and I held my ground until he grew up. His argument was "I am a careful driver, Mom!" My answer always was "It's not you, it's the other guy I worry about." Well, Jeffie grew up, got his cycle, got married, had a son and was expecting his second one when he was broadsided on a busy street in Florida. Because he was not wearing a helmet he nearly died. Now he lives alone in his sister's house. Jeffie called me on Mother's Day this year and sang "Happy Birthday" to me. I cried.


  5. Default Re: KOKC Morning show

    Connie, I'm so sorry about your son.

    I think helmets should be mandatory - it was a law in California. Even so, (we used to have a Harley and went riding frequently) we heard of and saw too many people getting in accidents and dying or being horribly injured. On a motorcycle you are nearly invisible. We decided as our kids were so young, it didn't make sense to take any chances. We want another one but will wait until our kids are grown.

    People say it infringes upon their rights, what about the driver of a car that didn't see you and has to live feeling like a murderer the rest of their lives because you didn't want to wear a helmet? Look down while you are riding, imagine your head bouncing along the pavement when get broadsided or you drop your bike and then go out and buy a helmet - if you don't do that, at least go out and buy a life insurance policy - your family will need it.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  6. Default Re: KOKC Morning show

    This morning Ken had an interesting topic. I would like YOUR ideas too.

    What do you think should be on the Oklahoma Lottery scratch off tickets? (both serious and rediculous)

    Some people said Gene Stipe, an orange construction cone, Barry Switzer, Oklahoma "hotties" (this term is quite disrespectful of the women they had in mind. One was Kim Henry. Good looking, yes. However, calling our first lady a "hottie" is a sign of disrespect), and more.

  7. Default Re: KOKC Morning show

    This morning, the topic was New Orleans.

    The discussion centered on reports that New Orleans may be declared a total loss. Not just some select areas, the whole city. Thus being required to do billions of dollars in rebuilding or relocating the city all together.

    Some nut called and said God caused this to happen to punish the city. Humm. Weird.

    What do you think of all this?

  8. #8

    Default Re: KOKC Morning show

    As long as the same holds true to other natural disasters, like the May 3rd (1999) tornado that hit Moore, which caused significant damage to several churches there.

    Unlike some other Christians, I do not believe that God passed judgement with the aid of Hurricane Katrina any more than I believe He caused the tsunami last December or the devastating tornado in Moore in 1999. These are natural events.

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