Apologies if I missed this already posted somewhere...
Apologies if I missed this already posted somewhere...
pretty cool! Not so keen on the design, but I love little infill projects like this, especially residential. Should have amazing views of the Parking Garage District!
Please do not copy and paste my stories on OKC Talk. You may provide a link instead. Thank you.
Not gonna click that link then.
Pete, why don't you go ahead and rewrite the story and change a few words & then don't give any credit to Newsok and then pass it off as your own.
Oops, I forgot you had integrity.
I'll post all the renderings soon.
Hope it comes together as I know they have been trying to get financing.
Jesus this beef between OKCTalk and NewsOK gets old and annoying to read. Everyone needs to chill.
I'm not THAT curious to know.
Like most Im not a big fan of TIF money, especially for only 6 units. But it will raise the ad valorem taxes by nearly $30k for this property. The biggest thing I like about this is it looks like a cast in place concrete structure. Will be well built and suited to last a long time.
Here are renderings and some more info.
6 units available in the summer of 2018
2 bed 2 bath (1200-1400 square feet)
open living concept
rooftop access for all tenants (communal and semi private spaces)
Really excited about this project! Clint is an incredible architect. Okc is lucky to have him.
From the city council meeting notes this week:
The Council voted Tuesday to approve about $43 million in tax increment finance (TIF) district fund allocations -- $40 million for the First National Center redevelopment project, $2.6 million for Oklahoma City Boulevard land acquisition and $165,000 for a housing project at 631 W California Ave. The First National Center project funds come from TIF No. 10, and the funds for the other two projects come from TIF No. 2.
I gots no problem subsidizing for-sale housing units as long as they are sold at an affordable price. It seems absolutely ridiculous to subsidize such a small project.
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