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Thread: Oklahoma City Ranked No. 53 in the Nation for...

  1. #1

    Default Oklahoma City Ranked No. 53 in the Nation for...

  2. #2

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Ranked No. 53 in the Nation for...

    Wow. I am surprised that Omaha and Des Moines are listed higher than OKC. Does the city need to start picking up the slack and pace?

  3. #3

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Ranked No. 53 in the Nation for...

    ^^^LOL! Wichita more fun than Tulsa?

  4. #4

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Ranked No. 53 in the Nation for...

    We rank higher than Tulsa and Austin! Gotta find some silver lining.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Ranked No. 53 in the Nation for...

    This is probably pretty accurate, minus us being ahead of Austin. As far as we have come, we are still lacking quite a bit in the fun and cool categories. I know some of you will argue that this is wrong, and you may have some valid points, but this is no doubt the perception of OKC.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Ranked No. 53 in the Nation for...

    ok, the ones I notice, yes, Austin behind okc is kind of a joke, depending on what you do for fun I guess. But, Nashville, is only one step ahead of us?!?! Nashville, is a wicked fun town.... Nashvile Tennessee is les fun than Des Moines or Scranton ?!?!?! What the Hell is that?

  7. #7

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Ranked No. 53 in the Nation for...

    This is probably pretty accurate
    LOL...this list is anything but "accurate." Really, it's so bad that I first thought it was a joke. OKC in front of cities like Austin, San Antonio, and Kansas City throws absolutely any shred of credibility out the window. Especially heinous is the shopping rank--greater OKC (#49) is perhaps the most retail-deficient metropolitan area with >1 million in the country, while Austin (#78) has the shopping/retail selection of metropolitan areas twice its size. (OKC also beat Houston which was #58 for shopping.)

    Guess I need to make it to #8 Portland, ME sometime soon and see what I've been missing.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Ranked No. 53 in the Nation for...

    Or Poughkeepsie, NY in at #21

  9. #9

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Ranked No. 53 in the Nation for...

    Yeah, I've never even heard of that city/town, metro....the list is pretty messed up.

    We are the 8th best state for gambling though! Some more silver lining!

  10. Default Re: Oklahoma City Ranked No. 53 in the Nation for...

    I have to agree with everyone else...what a joke. The shopping is what did it for me. Oklahoma City over Houston? There's probably more shopping in the Houston Galleria District alone than all of OKC. Sometimes I think these lists are made up by people with too much time on their hands, a map on the wall and fifty or so darts.

  11. Default Re: Oklahoma City Ranked No. 53 in the Nation for...

    This is the worst list I have ever seen.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Ranked No. 53 in the Nation for...

    I love these lists, OKC is near Dallas on shopping, and Dallas is ranked higher than OKC on gambling, where the closest casino to Dallas is in OK. So did the Portland Maine CoC pay for this?

  13. #13

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Ranked No. 53 in the Nation for...

    Quote Originally Posted by metro View Post
    Or Poughkeepsie, NY in at #21
    The name alone probably got it there...LOL

  14. Default Re: Oklahoma City Ranked No. 53 in the Nation for...

    Quote Originally Posted by Larry OKC View Post
    The name alone probably got it there...LOL
    Poughkeepsie, NY: The town is small, I don't get that rating at all. I'll say this about it...it's a very quaint and picture-postcard-pretty New York town on the Hudson river . I've been there a few times doing the Hudson River Valley drive. It's seen some tough days but it's made a comeback of sorts. Some things stay the same, like Mahoney's Pub. It's right on Main Street and if you can picture in your mind a working-class Irish pub on a quaint main street in a beautiful little town on the Hudson river...you're picturing Mahoney's. Neat little place, but that rating? It's got to be a joke.

  15. Default Re: Oklahoma City Ranked No. 53 in the Nation for...

    For certain, Portland ME really is an awesome little city. Never been, but always wanted to check it out. Mostly just to try the seafood.

    It's very urban. Good part of the country. Look at all of those FISH at the surface of the water!

  16. Default Re: Oklahoma City Ranked No. 53 in the Nation for...

    Another list that means less than the paper it's printed on.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Ranked No. 53 in the Nation for...

    Quote Originally Posted by SkyWestOKC View Post
    Yeah, I've never even heard of that city/town, metro....the list is pretty messed up.

    We are the 8th best state for gambling though! Some more silver lining!
    It's actually a fairly known well sized micropolitan area, about 700,000 people, and it has been up and coming as of late. Heck, OKC's own (now bought out) Dobson Communications used to have a decent sized operation in Poughkeepsie. It's a quaint town about an hour north of NYC on the way up to Albany.

    Quote Originally Posted by MikeOKC View Post
    Poughkeepsie, NY: The town is small, I don't get that rating at all. I'll say this about it...it's a very quaint and picture-postcard-pretty New York town on the Hudson river . I've been there a few times doing the Hudson River Valley drive. It's seen some tough days but it's made a comeback of sorts. Some things stay the same, like Mahoney's Pub. It's right on Main Street and if you can picture in your mind a working-class Irish pub on a quaint main street in a beautiful little town on the Hudson river...you're picturing Mahoney's. Neat little place, but that rating? It's got to be a joke.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Ranked No. 53 in the Nation for...

    Best Markets For Young Adults - Interactive Features - Portfolio.com

    From the same website we are,

    #6 best market for young adults
    #3 lowest unemployment for 18-34 yr olds.
    but we are dead last in households under 45 that make more than $100,000.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Ranked No. 53 in the Nation for...

    Unless you get one of the 3 new jobs in the City's "Office of Sustainability"...LOL

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