Conventions are booming in downtown Oklahoma City

Published: April 15, 2009
At the Greater Oklahoma City Chamber, good news is that convention bookings are up, even in a down economy. But it’s even better news seeing the city top the charts in booking activity and having those bragging rights published by USA Today.

City leaders were celebrating Tuesday’s story in USA Today that Oklahoma City has seen the highest increase — about 80 percent — in the number of planners’ requests for convention and meeting proposals here.

"That’s your best dream,” said Roy Williams, president of the Greater Oklahoma City Chamber. "It sends a message to the audience you’re trying to get attention from.”

Recent visitors react
USA Today led with rave reviews from the American Choral Directors Association of their national convention last month. Executive director Tim Sharp said the city was a great host and about 40 percent less expensive than their 2008 host, Miami, Fla.
The future continues to look good, with upcoming events including a national Harley-Davidson rally expected to draw thousands to Bricktown.

"Our future bookings are up through the third quarter, and we’re about 25,000 room nights ahead of where we were the same time last year,” said Mike Carrier, director of the Convention and Visitors Bureau

Link to USA TODAY article: Cities greet meeting planners with open arms -