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Thread: Being built off SW 89th and May

  1. Default Being built off SW 89th and May

    Anybody have any idea on what's being built off SW 89th and May. It's right next to what used to be the Sterling living center? Construction has been coming right along and I noticed they just added a temporary fence yesterday. Any information would be most appreciated.


  2. #2

    Default Re: Being built off SW 89th and May

    Quote Originally Posted by linze View Post
    Anybody have any idea on what's being built off SW 89th and May. It's right next to what used to be the Sterling living center? Construction has been coming right along and I noticed they just added a temporary fence yesterday. Any information would be most appreciated.

    Yes, it will be an eye doctor's office [he currently is located elsewhere on the southside]. We're hoping that once they put that in, it will encourage other professionals to put in offices along there.

  3. Default Re: Being built off SW 89th and May

    This wouldn't be Dr. Weir? If so, then that's great. Cause his location over there by Southwest Medical center is so small and outdated.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Being built off SW 89th and May

    Quote Originally Posted by linze View Post
    This wouldn't be Dr. Weir? If so, then that's great. Cause his location over there by Southwest Medical center is so small and outdated.
    That's what we've been told. We hope our information is correct.

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