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Thread: Richest Nation ??

  1. Default Richest Nation ??

    Can you all believe what is happening in our nation today? Is it just me or is this surreal? Thousands of refugees heading to Houston for who knows how long? People sleeping on overpasses in 110 degree heat index with small children, no water, no food? An entire city submerged? More broken levies?

    Looting, stranded people in attics, floating bodies ? Whoa!

    Would you ever believe this could happen in the US?

    Where is all the help?
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  2. Default Re: Richest Nation ??

    The question is not "Where is it?" but "How do you get it there?" New Orleans is mostly isolated; most of the roads are in poor to essentially nonexistent condition. And some dirtballs have decided it would be really cool to shoot at helicopters, which doesn't help matters.

    Be grateful that winter is coming.

  3. Default Re: Richest Nation ??

    And I'll repeat what I said on a different post:

    It's amazing that they were able to locate, evacuate, and provide communications for Fats Domino. Somehow, they could get him out, while thousands still wait for relief, food, water... Hmmm...the lengths we'll go to when someone is famous...and certainly not poor.

    Ugh. I'm cranky about this. Please remember, he CHOSE to stay there...these other people had no means to leave.

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