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Thread: Ronnie Kaye fired?

  1. #1

    Default Ronnie Kaye fired?

    I'm seeing some FB posts indicating longtime OKC DJ Ronnie Kaye was fired by KOMA for some comment he made on-air Monday, but cannot confirm. Anyone have any information?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Ronnie Kaye fired?

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerDave View Post
    I'm seeing some FB posts indicating longtime OKC DJ Ronnie Kaye was fired by KOMA for some comment he made on-air Monday, but cannot confirm. Anyone have any information?
    According to his FB its true. He apparently said something offensive about Indigenous People Day. The tribes do a lot advertising so it surprised me he even said anything. DJs usually know you don't bad mouth your advertisers in any light. Then again he is aging so he might have had a slip or he's just tired and found a convenient way out of his contract. Also, if he said anything that was taken as offensive to Native Americans they would have had no choice then to let him go as they already set a precedent when they fired Cara Rice and Sam Mayes for their off-air conversation in the studio.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Ronnie Kaye fired?

    Wow...I know he is getting older but to OKC radio he is one of a kind...a true entertainer. I did not hear the comment so I won't say much more but I do wish a different punishment would have been handed out...one that would allow him to remain on the air.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Ronnie Kaye fired?

    For nostalgia's sake, I tried listening to him a few times on KOMA but he slurs his words pretty badly.

    Best wishes to him. He's certainly had a long and eventful career.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Ronnie Kaye fired?

    I can't remember a time when he wasn't on the radio. The entire situation sucks, but I'm sure he was close to retiring anyway. He has to be in his 70's right?

  6. #6

    Default Re: Ronnie Kaye fired?

    He is like 84ish- been in the air in Oklahoma since 61.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Ronnie Kaye fired?

    This was posted on his FB page:

    "To all the listeners who have supported me on radio through the years I regret to tell you that my career has been terminated over a comment I made on October 9 Columbus Day which is also Indigenous Day. I had no intentions of offending the Native American heritage. Some of my best friends are Native American. I would have preferred to do this on air but I wasn't given the opportunity to do so. Thank you listeners. Mr Rock and Roll".

    This post is about what he said:

    "My friend Ronnie Kaye was fired from KOMA. If you were listening, here’s what he said.
    “It’s Columbus Day and Indigineous People Day.
    I don’t know what ‘Indigineous’ means and I don’t care.”
    In this “politically correct world” sometimes words can offend. That’s too bad. God bless you Ronnie!---Larry Stein

  8. #8

    Default Re: Ronnie Kaye fired?

    And thats all it takes to warrant firing a local radio legend from his job. They couldn't just reprimand him. Sad.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Ronnie Kaye fired?

    I wouldn't assume that a post about what he said is the same thing as he actually said.

  10. Default Re: Ronnie Kaye fired?

    Or assume a post about what he said ISN'T what he actually said. Either way, unless he said something truly inexcusable, firing someone with his pedigree should be a last resort. They could have let him leave with dignity. I guess no people, especially octogenerians, ever commit gaffe's or say incorrect things.

  11. #11
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    Default Re: Ronnie Kaye fired?

    Quote Originally Posted by mugofbeer View Post
    Or assume a post about what he said ISN'T what he actually said. Either way, unless he said something truly inexcusable, firing someone with his pedigree should be a last resort. They could have let him leave with dignity. I guess no people, especially octogenerians, ever commit gaffe's or say incorrect things.
    Since we no idea what he actually said we have no idea if it was justified or not.

    Just because someone is old, young, or in between, age isn’t a free pass for doing things that have consequences and repercussions.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Ronnie Kaye fired?

    One is not immune, even if they are deemed by terms like “legend” or “pedigree”. Let’s assume that his comment is exactly what was written above, my seem innocent to some, but to others makes them feel marginalized. In a state where Indingeous people were forced to live many years ago, he should have known better (60 years on Ok radio)

  13. #13

    Default Re: Ronnie Kaye fired?

    Sounds like they have been looking for a reason to move on from him and he gave them one that they could justify, even if it wasn’t that big of deal.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Ronnie Kaye fired?

    Looks like none of us posting here listened to him anymore. And I'm guessing we were his (and the stations) target market. So, if he doesn't bring strong numbers, and station owner Tyler Media has a zero tolerance policy for on air staff, I don't see how Tyler couldn't remove him as they did.

    I have spoken to Ronnie Kaye a few times at his personal appearances over the last 20 years. He has always been nice, polite and a straight shooter. But, the world is different now, and the people I think deserve a second chance are usually someone I like. If I don't like them, then it's "off with their head!"

  15. Default Re: Ronnie Kaye fired?

    Quote Originally Posted by Shortsyeararound View Post
    One is not immune, even if they are deemed by terms like “legend” or “pedigree”. Let’s assume that his comment is exactly what was written above, my seem innocent to some, but to others makes them feel marginalized. In a state where Indingeous people were forced to live many years ago, he should have known better (60 years on Ok radio)
    While l understand your point, and assuming he said what was indicated above, the punishment for an old man and radio legend far exceeds the crime - ie. a life sentence for an ounce of pot possession. I've felt marginalized more than a few times in my long life but l would have very rarely wished more than a reprimand for anyone. Unless he blurted out some ovrtly racial insult or some other unknown HR matter, they should have at a minimum, given him the ability to resign with dignity. This sounds like a great case of presentism.

    As far as his shows are concerned, l listened to him some when l was in town for nostalia's sake and while he did ok, at his age, his radio days were numbered anyhow.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Ronnie Kaye fired?

    Quote Originally Posted by mugofbeer View Post
    While l understand your point, and assuming he said what was indicated above, the punishment for an old man and radio legend far exceeds the crime - ie. a life sentence for an ounce of pot possession. I've felt marginalized more than a few times in my long life but l would have very rarely wished more than a reprimand for anyone. Unless he blurted out some ovrtly racial insult or some other unknown HR matter, they should have at a minimum, given him the ability to resign with dignity. This sounds like a great case of presentism.

    As far as his shows are concerned, l listened to him some when l was in town for nostalia's sake and while he did ok, at his age, his radio days were numbered anyhow.
    Are you defending his assumed/alleged racial insensitivity? Kind of sounds like you are. He should be given more airtime to allow for his "resignation" because of his "legend" status, I don't think so. The last thing he needed was to keep talking on air. I think at his age he is past the point of being given a slap on the wrist. You mention "presentism" like Native Americans (such as myself) have not long been opposed to Columbus day. That has been a topic since the 90's (removing Columbus day).

  17. Default Re: Ronnie Kaye fired?

    Even if you think what he said wasn't that bad, if he was enough of a dumbass to say that on the air, it shows he doesn't think about what he says into the mic. Which means he's enough of a dumbass to say something worse. If you're management, you have to imagine it's in your best interest to avoid that ticking time bomb and get him off the air at once.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Ronnie Kaye fired?

    Quote Originally Posted by billokc View Post
    This was posted on his FB page:

    "To all the listeners who have supported me on radio through the years I regret to tell you that my career has been terminated over a comment I made on October 9 Columbus Day which is also Indigenous Day. I had no intentions of offending the Native American heritage. Some of my best friends are Native American. I would have preferred to do this on air but I wasn't given the opportunity to do so. Thank you listeners. Mr Rock and Roll".

    This post is about what he said:

    "My friend Ronnie Kaye was fired from KOMA. If you were listening, here’s what he said.
    “It’s Columbus Day and Indigineous People Day.
    I don’t know what ‘Indigineous’ means and I don’t care.”
    In this “politically correct world” sometimes words can offend. That’s too bad. God bless you Ronnie!---Larry Stein
    I can hear a 10 year old child saying such a thing, but an 84ish year old? NO! I don't have to be concerned about boycotting KOMA, since I never listen to it even though its signal comes in good.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Ronnie Kaye fired?

    lets assume what was posted on facebook is exactly what he said and lets take it in context.... after 60 years on the radio in Oklahoma, and knowing that the tribes are some of your biggest advertisers. what did he think that not funny joke was going to do?

    sometimes you have to read the room, and he clearly didn't and he suffered the consequences. there is nothing more to it than that.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Ronnie Kaye fired?

    Agreed that it was a stupid, insensitive thing to say, especially live on air. I'll miss him, but I agree with the termination.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Ronnie Kaye fired?

    What indigenous people are isn't difficult to understand but it seems spending much of your life behind a mike isn't necessarily a well-rounded enlightening experience.

  22. Default Re: Ronnie Kaye fired?

    As a fairly educated, older white male, I am continually amazed at the number of people in my demographic, men and women alike, who are willing to die on the hill that is "Columbus Day." The only defense of that holiday and its name is "That's what it always was, so it should stay that way."

    Veterans Day used to be called Armistice Day and I sure don't see any fellow white people getting their panties in a wad over that change.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Ronnie Kaye fired?

    Columbus Day was made official in 1937 by FDR as a nod to Italian Americans and the Knights of Columbus.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Ronnie Kaye fired?

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    As a fairly educated, older white male, I am continually amazed at the number of people in my demographic, men and women alike, who are willing to die on the hill that is "Columbus Day." The only defense of that holiday and its name is "That's what it always was, so it should stay that way."

    Veterans Day used to be called Armistice Day and I sure don't see any fellow white people getting their panties in a wad over that change.
    It’s definitely not the most meritorious of hills (when viewed against the great pantheon of hills), but there are certainly hills in this world which proffer considerably less merit in comparison.

  25. Default Re: Ronnie Kaye fired?

    Quote Originally Posted by Shortsyeararound View Post
    Are you defending his assumed/alleged racial insensitivity? Kind of sounds like you are. He should be given more airtime to allow for his "resignation" because of his "legend" status, I don't think so. The last thing he needed was to keep talking on air. I think at his age he is past the point of being given a slap on the wrist. You mention "presentism" like Native Americans (such as myself) have not long been opposed to Columbus day. That has been a topic since the 90's (removing Columbus day).
    Of course not and stop presenting a strawman representation of what l said. If Kaye said something "insensitive," its a far cry from saying something "offensive" or derogatory or racist. What is offensive and "worthy of firing" today was not "worthy of firing" offensive not even 3 years ago and certainly not before.

    And really? You think if they gave a 60-year radio legend 5 minutes to make an on air apology and goodbye, that he would go off on some kind of white supremacist tirade? Your complete lack of understanding and empathy for elderly is really very pitiful.

    Maybe do some self-analysis and think of all the tiny little "offensive" things you've said and done in your own life that should, according to today's often-ridiculous standards of moral perfection, result in your butt being tossed out onto the street. What if this had happened to your own (grand) mother or father? I doubt you'd be preaching today's moral righteousness with quite as much absoluteness.

    I stand by it, unless he said something truly offensive and racist, a simple reprimand would have been sufficient.

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