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Thread: Thunder Alley - Security and Violence issues

  1. #1

    Default Thunder Alley - Security and Violence issues

    Has anything been mentioned about the crowd being attracted by the jumbotron on the side of the arena?

    When we left the game last night, it looked like every gangbabger in OKC was hanging out around the arena. None of them watching the game, but instead trying to intimidate people, and flashing gang signs.

    Ive never seen it like this. My wife felt threatened and that pissed me off.

    If that is the element showing the game outside is going to attract then the plug should be pulled.

    No tickets? Watch at home!

  2. #2

    Default Re: Thunder Alley - Has this been mentioned?

    You should have found a cop and told them immediately.

    If it is truly a situation where people felt unsafe, the City needs to get more cops down there and keep order.

    This sort of gathering is very important in helping to build a sense of community. Rather than staying away, there are easy solutions here. And I'm very sure the City would want to know about such things.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Thunder Alley - Has this been mentioned?

    I hope someone has contacted the appropriate authorities to resolve this immediately about future games! If OKC police were not present in large numbers last night - I'd like to know why they weren't .

  4. #4

    Default Re: Thunder Alley - Has this been mentioned?

    Quote Originally Posted by bucktalk View Post
    I hope someone has contacted the appropriate authorities to resolve this immediately about future games! If OKC police were not present in large numbers last night - I'd like to know why they weren't .
    They all had tickets and were inside watching the game.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Thunder Alley - Has this been mentioned?

    They prominently mentioned the gathering on the TNT broadcast... so hopefully if steps to legitimize the event haven't already been taken, they should be... and of course that involves proper security.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Thunder Alley - Has this been mentioned?

    Lol, there are cops all around and ta is not dangerous at all

  7. #7

    Default Re: Thunder Alley - Has this been mentioned?

    Quote Originally Posted by BigBadBen View Post
    Has anything been mentioned about the crowd being attracted by the jumbotron on the side of the arena?

    When we left the game last night, it looked like every gangbabger in OKC was hanging out around the arena. None of them watching the game, but instead trying to intimidate people, and flashing gang signs.

    Ive never seen it like this. My wife felt threatened and that pissed me off.

    If that is the element showing the game outside is going to attract then the plug should be pulled.

    No tickets? Watch at home!
    I was there last night through about the 7 minute mark of the third quarter and even though there were all kinds of ethnicities down there, there was nothing like that.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Thunder Alley - Has this been mentioned?

    I was there in TA last night. .I was there monday night as well. my first times visiting TA. I have been to many games but this was a great substitute.. we had a great time. it was not threatening at all. there was a huge police and security presence there as well.. they made announcements all night long of how to text about disturbances in your area. they also do a great job of keeping people out of walkways so that people move freely in walkways. I am no THUG and I think its great!

  9. #9

    Default Re: Thunder Alley - Has this been mentioned?

    I just saw this thread and was really shocked to hear this.

    I asked my coworker who was down there if he felt any sort of menacing presence with less than ideal people. He said no such thing about thugs walking around or flashing gang signs.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Thunder Alley - Has this been mentioned?

    It was probably nothing more than some kids that got pumped up and were acting hyper-active.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Thunder Alley - Has this been mentioned?

    Quote Originally Posted by adaniel View Post
    I just saw this thread and was really shocked to hear this.

    I asked my coworker who was down there if he felt any sort of menacing presence with less than ideal people. He said no such thing about thugs walking around or flashing gang signs.

    Yeah, it's like the guy who called into the Sports Animal saying that he thinks its wrong to chant Boomer Sooner at a Thunder game. No one else has experienced that. I think it was a one time thing and I doubt it was meant to be taken as a menacing threat.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Thunder Alley - Has this been mentioned?

    When you left the game the folks outside were not watching the game? Commercials perhaps, a timeout perhaps.

    Sounds like you left before it was over because well, duh, if it was over and you made your way outside there would of course be no game to watch. Not like they time delay it for the jumbo screen.

    So perhaps you missed a great ending and got all afeared for little to no reason. Wasn't there, don't know. Do know the shots I saw on telly looked a lot like the folks I saw inside via the telly. Fans having a tense worried night but happy to be there all the same.

    Sorry your spouse felt afraid. truly am. I hear that from time to time about OKC DT, even some spots in Norman. If it helps any, there are plenty of spots far far scarier than those which freak some folk out.

  13. Default Re: Thunder Alley - Has this been mentioned?

    Quote Originally Posted by BigBadBen View Post
    Has anything been mentioned about the crowd being attracted by the jumbotron on the side of the arena?

    When we left the game last night, it looked like every gangbabger in OKC was hanging out around the arena. None of them watching the game, but instead trying to intimidate people, and flashing gang signs.

    Ive never seen it like this. My wife felt threatened and that pissed me off.

    If that is the element showing the game outside is going to attract then the plug should be pulled.

    No tickets? Watch at home!
    How often does your wife feel threatened?

    I thought it was awesome that such a raucous environment could exist OUTSIDE the arena. I think it compliments exactly the kind of community passion that the Thunder have going for them. Granted, I was a little annoyed at the sea of picnic blankets and lawn chairs haphazardly laid down that you have to walk through in order to get inside the arena, but that is a minor inconvenience to ME in order for THEM to have a good experience.

    Sometimes we all need to stop being so selfish and tolerate other people's existence just occasionally. You can go back to blaming anything and everything that makes your wife feel threatened when we're not coming together as a city...

    I would also be curious for you to describe in detail what a gang sign being flashed looks like. Not that I doubt you individually, I just know I would probably not recognize it, and I kinda doubt if others would as well..I think teenagers at the mall flash more signs than "gangbangers" at the Thunder games. And that actually does make me feel threatened because I know there's a small chance I'll actually have to contend with those whiny punks out in the real world some day...

  14. #14

    Default Re: Thunder Alley - Has this been mentioned?

    When I left the game last night my biggest problem was all the trash the crowd outside had left on the ground. I saw lots of people, but they all seemed pretty happy to have won. There was nothing threatening that I noticed at all. I walk home after the games and I have never once felt unsafe anywhere along the route.

    Also, since the arena only holds a little over 18,000 people, not everyone can have a ticket. I think it's incredible that the Thunder provides entertainment for people who can't be inside watching the game. I'm thrilled when they show video of the crowd outside the Peake enjoying the game and the companionship of like-minded people.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Thunder Alley - Has this been mentioned?

  16. #16

    Default Re: Thunder Alley - Has this been mentioned?

    Quote Originally Posted by BigBadBen View Post
    Has anything been mentioned about the crowd being attracted by the jumbotron on the side of the arena?

    When we left the game last night, it looked like every gangbabger in OKC was hanging out around the arena. None of them watching the game, but instead trying to intimidate people, and flashing gang signs.

    Ive never seen it like this. My wife felt threatened and that pissed me off.

    If that is the element showing the game outside is going to attract then the plug should be pulled.

    No tickets? Watch at home!
    the more I think about it the more offensive I find it.
    No tickets watch at home.. but you said people weren't watching the game outside.. how do you know? did you leave before the game was over?
    if so why don't you stay at home and leave the tickets for true fans who would rather watch the entire game than worry that they might get caught it traffic.

    in our group we had 3 lovely women they had a great time and didn't feel threatened at all.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Thunder Alley - Has this been mentioned?

    Quote Originally Posted by diggyba View Post
    Love that video! The O-K-C chanting at the end gave me chills!

    I'm sorry but these impromptu crowds and spontaneous celebrations are just fantastic unanticipated benefits of having great places for people to gather and giving them a reason to do so.

    I have never, ever seen OKC come together as a community like this and it makes me very happy.

    Imagine if we make the finals! All of downtown/Bricktown will be one massive party.

    All this brings some new challenges but they are ones we should feel happy to face.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Thunder Alley - Has this been mentioned?

    The gang activity you witnessed last night was unfortunately a direct result of James Harden hanging out with Snoop Dogg.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Thunder Alley - Has this been mentioned?

    Hmm, A wee bit prejudice perhaps?

  20. #20

    Default Re: Thunder Alley - Has this been mentioned?

    How funny, I was just thinking of the notorious Snoop thread.

    Quote Originally Posted by diggyba View Post
    Is this what you're referring to?
    That is both hysterical and awesome. Hysterically awesome. Looks like it was great fun.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Thunder Alley - Has this been mentioned?

    Quote Originally Posted by diggyba View Post
    OMG all those scary minorities lol!

    Seriously, I agree with Pete 100% All I see is a diverse group of people from all walks of life from a large city (and who probably otherwise would not interact with each other) celebrating, high fiving, chanting, etc. Most cities would KILL to have this kind of excitement and unity. I was in NOLA the day after the Saints won the Super Bowl and it was honestly one of the most uplifting things I have ever been a part of. If the Thunder go all the way I can totally see that happening here.

    Now that I watch that video, I'm kinda pissed I decided to skip out on this!

  22. #22

    Default Re: Thunder Alley - Has this been mentioned?

    Here is a longer video, looks like people having fun celebrating an epic playoff victory

  23. #23

    Default Re: Thunder Alley - Has this been mentioned?

    Quote Originally Posted by ultimatesooner View Post

    Here is a longer video, looks like people having fun celebrating an epic playoff victory
    I have to laugh at the title of that video. Riot? Maybe they didn't mean that literaly.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Thunder Alley - Has this been mentioned?

    I posted this on the Devon thread and it shows the sizable crowd last night at Thunder Alley.

    Think about all the things just in this photo that were unthinkable only a few years ago:

    • Our own NBA team, and in the playoffs
    • The arena being improved to big-league standards
    • A crowd of citizens gathered in mass to watch/celebrate together
    • A completely abandoned I-40 awaiting demolition
    • A beautifully re-done Myriad Gardens
    • A public downtown basketball court
    • Completely re-done streets and streetscapes
    • And a gleaming 50-story Devon Tower

  25. #25

    Default Re: Thunder Alley - Has this been mentioned?

    Quote Originally Posted by jn1780 View Post
    I have to laugh at the title of that video. Riot? Maybe they didn't mean that literaly.

    yeah, its not really a riot until something gets set on fire or tear gas gets deployed

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