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Thread: The Paseo

  1. Default The Paseo

    New blog post started today, The Paseo at Doug Dawgz Blog: The Paseo . It will be considerably expanded, but, aside from much of the text, here are some of the pics I took yesterday at a great place in The Paseo called, JRB Art At The Elms, 2810 N. Walker (at the south end of The Paseo) -- #17 in the above map.

    The Elms was built in 1920 as the resident studio/gallery of Dr. and Mrs. Nan Sheets (1885-1976). Nan Sheets moved to Oklahoma City with her husband in 1912 and her history with the arts in Oklahoma and Oklahoma City is legendary -- to be covered in a separate "hero" blog post later. The Elms has been restored to its original purpose by Joy Reed Belt, owner and director of JRB Art at The Elms.

    Here are some of the pics from yesterday evening ... 1024 px wide images are available in the blog post.

    At The Elms Looking North Into The Paseo

    Outside The Elms

    Pastoral Dreamer by David Phelps (from Okc)

    Oklahoma Centenarians Exhibit by M.J. Alexander

    Sculpture by David Phelps (Okc)
    A woman apparently liking to be in serious trouble!

    Looking South From The Kitchen
    Paintings by Linda Warren, at left (Okc)

    Looking Around At The Elms

    Artist Tony Tiger (Seminole and Sac & Fox)

    Artist Gerald Cournoyer (Lakota)

    Artist Shane Brown (Cherokee)

    This blog post will be considerably expanded in the future.

  2. #2

    Default Re: The Paseo

    Nice pics, Doug!

  3. #3

    Default Re: The Paseo

    Good job Doug.
    Folks, if you've never been, take an afternoon and visit the Elms.

  4. Default Re: The Paseo

    Thanks, guys!

    I did some more "book" (actually, "newspaper") larnin' last night and I've modified my blog post to include what I learned.

    The Paseo area was originally known as "The Spanish Village" and that remained so into the 1950's. But, I also learned that the area once had a swimming pool! Built in 1933, it was called "Spanish Village Plunge," but it was revamped and expanded in 1955 and became the "Jamboree Surf Club," as you can see in the pic below.

    Oklahoman articles are not consistent about the pool's exact location, but it was apparently located as shown in the map, below.

  5. #5

    Default Re: The Paseo

    That place looks like it has awesome potential to become a serious arts and crafts destination. I hope someone is promoting this idea in the right circles. A robust arts and music community give a city its flair.

  6. #6

    Default Re: The Paseo

    The Paseo is already a right serious destination. Set aside the first friday eve of any upcoming month and get out and about amongst the various galleries.

  7. Default Re: The Paseo

    I took WAY too many pics of The Paseo today to develop my blog post (not the best day to take pics, being so clowdy, but they're not bad) today and after I've resized, selected, whatever, them, I'll post them here. I agree with you, Kevin ... I was much more impressed with the progress than I thought I would be. Aside from the large eyesore of the former "pool" building ... see below ... the district has every reason to be proud. Maybe it would be better to say, proud, "in spite of it." The pics I've not posted yet should show what you said nicely.

    But, the building housing the old pool is another story that I'm trying to get a handle on right now. It wasn't always enclosed as it is today, but, today, it's a problem for the area, I'd suppose.

    Larger (1024 px wide) images are available in my blog post.

    The "Pool" Building Looking East From The Paseo

    Looking Up Through A Window

    Looking West From Dewey

    But, don't go away ... lots of pretty pics will follow shortly!

  8. Default Re: The Paseo

    Here are some pics I took yesterday and I've just updated my blog post to show them ... businesses in the area and residential on west side only).

    Some Examples (larger images and more detail are available in the blog post)

    Proceeding North on Paseo, East Side

    Sauced Cafe & Blue Moon

    Art of Yoga & L. Jielle

    ACLU & Craig's Emporium

    Artscape & Sowzierre

    Others Approaching NW 30th

    At NW 30th Looking SE

    Studio 6 at NW 30th & Paseo

    South on Paseo From NW 30th

    On West Side of Paseo, Proceding South

    Galileo Restaurant

    Various Shops

    Another View of the Same

    Gallery One, Paseo Studio, and Houx Studio

    Paseo Grill & Kathy's

    Kathy's Looking Northeasterly From NW 29th

    Avalon on Paseo on NW 28th

    NW 29th & Lee: Old Trinity Gallery (originally an 1842 church in New Brunswick)

    Woodshopchop (east of Paseo, south of NW 29th)

    Places To Live (on west side of Paseo)

    Looking SW on NW 30th & Lee

    Looking South on NW 30th

    From Western looking east near NW 29th

    Same property looking west from Lee

    Looking west from Lee

  9. Default Re: The Paseo

    Quote Originally Posted by Doug Loudenback View Post
    Gallery One, Paseo Studio, and Houx Studio

    That is my favorite Paseo building. It is so cool.

  10. #10

    Default Re: The Paseo

    My husband and I were driving around there a few weeks ago to see the state of the real estate around the area. There was an article in the paper not long ago about the property prices rising there. There are some nice places as well as some real bad areas but I think this area will turn around because there is just so many interesting architectural gems. We stopped in to the Paseo Grill to eat a bite and man were we surprised. In a good way. I had not read anything about this restaurant so just assumed it was a bar and grill sort of place. We were so wrong. This is a very nice upscale restaurant with great food and drinks. It was quite busy and the staff was very accomodating especially considering we were not really dressed appropriately. I highly recommend.

  11. Default Re: The Paseo

    I have heard great things about Paseo Grill. I love to chill at Galileo's with friends. It's a really cool place.

  12. Default Re: The Paseo

    I think that it HAS turned the corner, CCOkc. Yeah, there's still lots of room for improvement, but the area has come a LONG way in the past several years, and it appears to have a dedicated cadre of property owners there who intend that the renaissance continue.

    JBrown, here's a link to the image you like that is larger ... http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a49...eo/paseo52.jpg

  13. Default Re: The Paseo

    Is that not a really cool building?

  14. Default Re: The Paseo

    Yeah, it sure is! I've never been inside, though ... truth is, until I went to the art show last Friday, I'd pretty much neglected The Paseo ... no more!

  15. Default Re: The Paseo

    I've been inside. It's got two or three seperate little galleries. Very nice.

  16. #16

    Default Re: The Paseo

    Doug your pictures are great.

    As great as your pictures are seeing the Paseo in real time is even better. Everyone should get out and pay the Paseo a visit, even if it is to just window shop, you will be pleasantly surprised.

  17. Default Re: The Paseo

    Quote Originally Posted by okclee View Post
    Doug your pictures are great.

    As great as your pictures are seeing the Paseo in real time is even better. Everyone should get out and pay the Paseo a visit, even if it is to just window shop, you will be pleasantly surprised.
    I absolutely agree! I'd pretty much ignored the area until last Friday ... my eyes are now open wide!

  18. #18

    Default Re: The Paseo

    Check out the Paseo Fest...they hold it every memorial weekend. Make plans, it's coming up soon!! It will be Sat., Sun., and Mon,. Lots of art, music, (2 stages), food, and fun.

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